


According to the New Testament,Christ was crucified on the eveof Passover and shortly afterward rose from the dead.In consequence,the Easter festival commemorated Christ's resurrection.In time,a serious difference over the date of the Easter festival aroseamong Christians.Those of Jewish origin celebrated the resurrectionimmediately following the Passover festival,which,according totheir Babylonian lunar calendar,fell on the evening of the 14thday in the first month of the year;by their reckoning,EasLer.from year to year,fell on different days of the week.

Christians of Gentile origin,however,wished to commemoratethe resurrection on the first day of the week,Sunday;by theirmethod,Easter occurred on the same day of the week,but fromyear to year it fell on different dates.

An important historical result of the difference in reckoningthe date of Easter was that the Christian churches in the East,which were closer to the birthplace of the new religion and inwhich old traditions were strong,observed Easter according to thedate of the Passover festival.The churches of the West,descendantsof Greco-Roman civilization,celebrated Easter on a Sunday.

Constantine the Great,Roman emperor,convoked the Council of Nicaeain 325.The council unanimously ruled that the Easter festivalshould be celebrated throughout the Christian world on the firstSunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox;and thatif the full moon should occur on a Sunday and thereby coincidewith the Passover festival,Easter should be commemorated on theSunday following.Coincidence of the feasts of Easter ane Passoverwas thus avoided.

The Council of Nicaea also decided that the calendar date ofEaster was to be calculated at Alexandria,then the principalastronomical center of the world.The accurate determinationof the date,however,proved an impossible task in view of thelimited knowledge of the 4th-century world.The principalastronomical problem involved was the discrepancy between thesolar year and the lunar year.The chief calendric problemwas a gradually increasing discrepancy between the trueastronomical year and the Julian calendar then in use.

Reform of the Julian calendar in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII.through adoption of the Gregorian calendar,eliminated muchof the difficulty in fixing the date of Easter and in arrangingthe ecclesiastical year.Since 1752,when the Gregorian calendarwas also adopted in Great Britain and Ireland,Easter has beencelebrated on the same day in the Western part of the ChristianWorld.The Eastern churches,however,which did not adopt theGregorian calendar,commemorate Easter on a Sunday either precedingor following the date observed in the West.Occasionally the datescoincide;the most recent times were in 1865 and 1963.

Because the Easter holiday affects a varied number of secularaffairs in many countries,it has long been urged as a matterof convenience that the movable dates of the festival be eithernarrowed in range or replaced by a fixed date in the mannerof Christmas.In 1923 the problem was referred to the Holy See,which has found no canonical objection to the proposed reform.In 1928 the British Parliament enacted a measure allowingthe Church of England to commemorate Easter on the first Sundayafter the second Saturday in April.Despite these steps towardreform,Easter continues to be a movable feasp.








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