Reading论文_薛思明 高丽红

Reading论文_薛思明 高丽红


点 评:黑龙江省农垦宝泉岭管理局宝泉岭农场中学英语教研组长




教材分析 阅读课以培养学生的阅读能力为主要的教学目标,为达到这一目标,需要学习和掌握阅读方法、阅读速度、阅读技巧和阅读理解的准确度和深度上得到提高我们应该通过阅读课的教学,使学生获得大量的新的信息,提高他们阅读理解的准确率。

学情分析 对于参加中考的学生来说,在阅读技巧、速度以及准确率上有待进一步提高。









1、Pre-reading、Lead-in(2minutes)Get the Ss to find what we will learn today.

(1)Look at the screen and read together: If a person knows how to read, then he gets the world.

(2)Guess the meaning of the sentence(板书课题Reading Comprehension)

Ss will have a quick look at the sentence on the screen and read it aloud, then guess the meaning, if they can’t give the correct answer, show them -----得阅读者得天下

【Why(objectives ):点评To arouse the Ss’ interest in learning more about the passage through predicting the topic】

2.、Show them the rules of the competition in this lesson(2minutes)

Introduce the rules: I will divide you into two groups , Team boys and Team girls. During this lesson ,every member of your team should try your best to answer my questions, every time you stand up and answer my question ,you will get 1 score for your team, at last ,the team that get more scores will be the winner. If your team lose to the other , all of you have to sing us a song.

Choose a student to record the scores.

【Why(objectives)点评:To make the students clear about the rules of the competition 】

3、Explain the methods and skills of Matching the Title of the Paragraphs (5minutes)

(l)Read the title of the paragraph and find the main idea

(2)Read all the answers and find out the key words

(3)Think it over and pick up the similar option

(4)Skim the passage and begin looking for the right answer

Ss read the methods and skills together in Chinese.

Give them a passage as an example Friends and Friendship

【Why(objectives)点评:To make the students clear about the methods and the skills of the passage 】

4、While –reading (5minutes)

Skimming: Get the Ss to skim to get the main idea of each passage and share the answers in class.

Ss will skim the passage and have a general idea of each paragraph and check the answers.

【Why(objectives)点评:To make the students clear about the main idea by skimming the passage 】

5、Practice While –reading (15 minutes)

Scanning: Get the Ss to read the passages and finish the tasks

(1)Ss will work in groups to finish the tasks orally or underline the answers

(2)Teacher’s help will be provided whenever necessary.

(3)Share the answers together

(4)Give the reasons according to the methods and skills

【Why(objectives)点评:To get the students to have a better understanding of the passage by finding some specific information using scanning strategy】

6:Post –reading Use the methods and skills to solve the problems(8minutes)

1.Let the Ss concentrate how to use the methods and skills

2.Share his own understanding of the methods and skills

3.Find out the mistakes by themselves and correct the mistakes by themselves.

【Why(objectives)点评:To make sure that the Ss have grasped the important methods and skills of reading comprehension】

7、Summary and homework(3minutes)

1.The Ss tell us what have you learned in this lesson.

2. Show us the results of our competition.

3.The Team that lost the other will sing us a song.

4.Let’s finish the rest two passages as your homework

【Why(objectives)点评:To consolidate the knowledge gained in class】

Blackboard design:Reading comprehension Methods and Skills




个活动环节,整节课中在合作、交流、竞争、愉快、 民主、 和谐的学习氛围中度过。


3.课堂中教师 运用多样性的评价性鼓励性语言,如well done, excellent, perfect, you are a good boy, clever girl等语言对学生参与的课堂任务进行了充分的肯定,激励了学生参与课堂教学的积极性,也让学生能够学会欣赏,提高了学生用英语表达能力的同时,又大大的提高了课堂效率。





论文作者:薛思明 高丽红



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Reading论文_薛思明 高丽红
