《小学综合英语》(以下简称IPE)Unit 16“Don't look down”一文描写的是the Busy Bees在海洋公园一日游时不断遇到困难,但通过努力,自己解决问题的事情。在指导学生复述课文时,笔者通过帮助学生们梳理the Busy Bees遇到的四个问题及其解决方法,帮助学生理清了文章思路。
(1)教师提问:What did the Busy Bees want to do last Saturday? Name four things and tell whether they could do them or not.
(2)学生归纳:The Busy Bees wanted to go to Ocean Park,see the first dolphin show,get to the dolphin show by cable car and get into the cable car,but they couldn't do them at first.
(3)教师指导学生寻找the Busy Bees遇到的问题。教师先举例示范,如:
Problem 1:The Busy Bees wanted to go to Ocean Park but Annie didn't have enough money for the ticket.
Problem2:They wanted to see the first dolphin show but they were too late.
Problem3:They wanted to go there by cable car but Annie was not brave enough.
Problem4:Jane and Annie got into the cable car but Annie was very sick and she puked.
(5)教师指导学生寻找the Busy Bees解决问题的方法。教师先举例示范,如:
How to solve Problem 1:John lent Annie eight dollars,then Annie had enough money.
How to solve Problem 2:They wanted to go by cable car to see the next show.
How to solve Problem 3:Jane said she would sit with her and hold her.
Jane said sorry to Annie and promised to give her some candies later.
Suddenly the cable car stopped and Annie felt much better.
The Busy Bees wanted to go to Ocean Park last Saturday but Annie didn't have enough money for the ticket.John lent Annie eight dollars,then Annie had enough money.They wanted to see the first dolphin show but they were too late.So they wanted to by cable car to see the next show but Annie was not brave enough.Jane said she would with her and hold her.Jane and Annie got into the cable car but Annie was very sick and she puked.Jane said sorry to Annie and promised to give her some candies later.
麦肯、比维尔和沃格特提出“某人打算做某事—但是—结果”的阅读技巧,学生从中学会通过抓关键信息来概括故事、历史事件或科学现象的大意。首先,学生分清“某人”,即故事的主人公;接着,明确主人公想做的事,并找出不能顺利进行的原因,即“但是”;最后,描述主人公怎样解决问题,即“结果”(Thankersley,2008)。Unit 16这篇课文恰好属于这种类型。“某人打算做某事—但是—结果”这样的三段论不仅能清晰地呈现事件的过程,也有利于培养学生从说短句到长句、从说单句到多句、最终到说语篇的语言表达能力。
IPE 5 Unit 18“A visit to the doctor”是Unit 16课文的后续,讲述了Annie妈妈知道Annie在缆车上呕吐后,担心她的身体,带她去看医生的故事,主要句型为must/mustn't do。如果按照事情发展的时间顺序复述课文的话,内容比较繁琐,不利于学生记忆。笔者仔细研究课文内容后,决定从“主人公”Annie 的特征入手,抓住重要信息Annie is not a strong little girl,以此为线索,串联了整个故事。
初步熟悉课文内容后,教师请学生用一个词形容Annie,并找出主题句Annie is not a strong little girl.
得出主题句后,教师请学生默读课文并给出支撑主题句的理由,如:She is afraid of heights.She has sore ears.She has a weak stomach.然后同学们进行说长句的练习,如:Annie isn't a strong little girl because she is afraid of heights,and she also has sore ears and a weak stomach.
①Annie is afraid of heights,so she mustn't go on cable cars or go up tall buildings.
②She has sore ears so she mustn't dive into water.
③She has a weak stomach so she mustn't eat fried food.
Annie not strong
be afraid of mustn't go on...go up...
have sore ears
mustn't dive into...
have a weak stomach mustn't eat...
Annie is not a strong little girl.She is afraid of heights so she mustn't go on cable cats or go up tall buildings.She has sore ears so she mustn't dive into water.She has a weak stomach so she mustn't eat fried food.
①There are a lot of things Annie mustn't do.Peter says she must leave the Busy Bee Club.
②There are a lot of things Annie mustn't do but Annie is very happy because she hates doing these things.
③There are a lot of things Annie mustn't do and Annie is very sad.
①There are a lot of things Annie mustn't do.Peter says she must leave the Busy Bee Club.Annie is very sad but John says Peter is only joking.She needn't worry.
②There are a lot of things Annie mustn't do.Peter says she must leave the Busy Bee Club.Annie talks with Peter for a few minutes.She promises to give Peter two bars of chocolates and then Peter agrees she can stay in the club.
③There are a lot of things Annie mustn't do.Peter says she must leave the Busy Bee Club.Annie is very sad and she tells her mother about it.Her mother talks with Peter and Annie can stay in the club.
④There are a lot of things Annie mustn't do.Peter says she must leave the Busy Bee Club but the other Busy Bees don't agree with him.So Annie can stay in the club.
IPE 4 Unit 1“Meet the children”以自我介绍的方式介绍了the Busy Bee Club四位成员的家庭住址和家庭成员。笔者在开展课文教学时设计了听录音填表的听力活动,把听力训练与之后的复述课文紧密地联系起来。表格能清晰罗列复述课文时所需的信息,为成功复述课文提供了帮助。
________ lives in Flat ________ on the ________ floor of Block ________ .He / She lives with ________ .He / She is ________ .
Which flat do you live in? I live in flat 3.
Which floor do you live on? I live on the 2nd floor.
Which block do you live in? I live in Block C.
Who do you live with? I live with my father and mother.
John Tan,Peter Wu,Patsy Liang and Annie Wang live on the Wan Fu Estate.John lives in Flat 5 on the fifth floor of Block B.He lives with his Mum and Dad,his baby sister,Irene .He's ten.Peter Wu lives in Flat 12 on the eighth floor of Block B.He lives with his Mum and his brother,Jack.He's eight.Patsy Liang lives in Flat 2 on the eleventh floor of Block B.She lives with her sister and husband.She's nine.Annie Wang lives in Flat 9 on the seventeenth floor of Block B.She lives with her Mum and Dad,and her brother,Alec.She's seven.
IPE 4 Unit 26“The school camp”讲述了the Busy Bees去商店购买野营所需物品的故事。他们在商店里,货比三家,最终满载而归。文章的重点句型是not as…as…文章的对话部分完全围绕挑选物品时的比较展开。如果教师在指导复述课文时缺乏引导,学生很容易受目标句型高频复现的影响,忽略对课文整体结构的把握。
The Busy Bees are going to the school camp next week.They went to a department store to buy things they needed.
(2)教师通过提问(What did they buy first/next/finally?)要求学生找出the Busy Bees先后买了哪几样物品,奠定故事框架,如:
First they looked at the torches and bought one of the big torches.Next they looked at the bags and bought four of the $40 bags.Finally they looked at the water bottles and bought four plastic water bottles.
(3)教师要求学生给出the Busy Bees挑选商品的理由,扩充句子,复习目标句型,丰富复述内容,如:
First they looked at the torches and bought one of the big torches because the long torch was as expensive as the big one,but it wasn't as bright as the big one.Next they looked at the bags and bought four of the $40 bags because the $40 bags were as big as the $50 ones.Finally they looked at the water bottles and bought four plastic water bottles because the metal bags were not as light as the plastic ones.
开头:The Busy Bees are going to the school camp next week.They went to a department store to buy things they needed.
结尾:Now they had everything and they were happy.
疯狂复述的实质是判断正误并进行纠错复述,即一学生故意说错故事内容,另一位学生必须及时发现错误并纠正错误。教师可以把全体学生分为两大组,两大组之间一一配对。一组学生负责接龙复述课文,可以是正确的内容,也可以是与课文内容不符的内容;另一组学生则负责接龙给出反馈。如第一组一名学生复述:John's father has a brother in Singapore.如果是与课文内容相符的,另一组相对应的学生说:Yes,you're right.Go on,please.如果与课文内容不符,则说:Stop,please.You made a mistake.John's father has a sister in Singapore.
对于叙事体的文章,故事复述是保证阅读理解的一个有效方法(Vaughn & Thompson,2008)。IPE的课文基本为叙事文,复述课文不仅能帮助学生梳理文章思路,巩固理解课文内容,还能提高学生的语篇表达能力和语言实际运用能力。在课文教学中,教师应重视课文的复述教学,根据文章的类型设计相应的复述思路,辅以有趣有效的竞技活动,以激发学生复述课文的兴趣,帮助学生掌握复述课文的方法,最终提高学生的语言能力。