



独立主格结构简称独立结构(Absolute Construction)属于一种特殊的复合结构,它由两部分组成,且两部分之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系;它是独立于句子之外的,有自己独立的逻辑主谓关系的语言成分。这种结构的前半部分由名词或代词充当,后半部分由名词、形容词、副词、不定式、介词短语或分词等充当。除此之外,独立主格结构还可以由介词with引导即“with+宾语+宾语补足语”。可见,独立主格结构是中学英语中一个重要的语法项目,同时又是一个难点,难的是对这种结构的掌握和运用。下面就独立主格结构的基本构成形式作以简要归纳:


①The area of desert growing every year,the land for crops is getting less and less.由于沙漠面积在逐年增长,可用于种庄稼的土地越来越少。

②Time permitting,we will develop these films this evenig.如果时间允许,我们将在今晚冲洗这些胶卷。


①All things considered,her paper is better than yours.综合考虑的话,她的论文要比你的好。

②The last flight taken off,the poor granny left for Tokyo by ship.因为最后一趟航班已走了,她只好坐船启程赴东京。


①She to help me copy the article,l feel very happy.她将帮我抄写这篇文章,我感到十分高兴。

②He has been working very hard,his first novel to be published soon.他一直非常努力,他的第一本小说不久将发表。


①The old man stood there,(with)a pipe between his teeth。老人嘴里衔着烟斗站在那儿。

②The teacher came into the classroom,book in hand.老师走进教室,手里拿着书。



①I heard that she got ill,my heart full of woryy.听到她生病的消息,我万分焦虑。

②The inn-keeper's wife,her feet bare,her hair untidy,her blouse dirty,came herself to meet her guests.旅店老板的妻子光着脚,穿着脏脏的罩衣,头发乱蓬蓬,亲自迎接她的客人。


①The shower over,we continued our journey.阵雨过后,我们继续前行。

②The war over,the people began to rebuild their country.战争结束后,人们开始重建家园。


①A heavy schoolbag on her shoulder,she cannot walk very fast.她因肩上挂着沉重的书包而不能走得太快。

②Mr Johnson being the headmaster,we will have a hard time.约翰逊先生当校长,我们的日子就不好过了。

8.There being+名词(代词)

①There being no bus,they had to walk home.没有公共汽车,他们只好步行回家。

②There being no more things to be discussed,the meeting came to an end.没有什么事情要讨论,会议结束了。


①I could hardly do,my homework with the baby troubling me all the time.这小孩一直在烦我,我几乎没法做作业。

②Without her mother to wake her up,she will sleep a long time.若没有她妈妈叫醒她,她会睡很长时间。

③He went into the canteen,with a bowl in his hand.他拿着碗走进了食堂。



The pupils were listening to an interesting story,their eyes(being)wide open.孩子们在听一个有趣的故事,眼睛睁得大大的。

The storm(being)over,.everything returned to calm.暴风雨过后,一切又恢复了平静。

The road(being)under construction,people are not allowed to take it.此路在建设中,行人禁止通行。


It being Sunday,the shops were especially crowded.正是星期天,商店里人特别多。

It being sunny,the children went to the park.天气晴朗,孩子们去公园玩了。

在“There being”结构中,being不能省略。例如:

There being no pen,I had to write the letter with a pencil.没有钢笔,我只能用铅笔写信。


Generally/Strictly/speaking,the subject .belongs to biology.一般/严格地来讲,这门课程属于生物学。

Judging from this fact,he must be an honest man.从这一事实判断,他是一个诚实的。

Gonsidering everything,John isn't so bad after all.总的来说,约翰毕竟不算太坏。

Seeing that you are ill,you may stay at home.既然你病了,你可以呆在家里。

Talking of Einstein,who can deny the fact that he has attributed a lot to the development of science?谈到爱因斯坦,谁能否认他为科学的发展作出了巨大的贡献?




Spring coming on,the trees turns green.春天到了,树变绿了。

The problem(having been)solved,they went back to their own post.问题解决后,他们回到了各自的工作岗位。


It being Sunday yesterday,we didn't go to school.昨天是星期天,我们没有上学。

The key(having been)lost,they couldn't enter the room.钥匙丢了,他们进不了房间。

He fell to the ground,blood tricking from his nose.他跌倒在地,鼻子流着血。



His homework done,he went to bed.=After his homework was done,he went to bed.功课做好后,他上床睡觉了。

She not feeling well,we worried about her.=As she was not feeling well,we worried about her.因为她身体不舒服,我们为她感到担忧。

Weather permitting,the sports meeting will be held the day after tomorrow.=If weather permits,the sports meeting will be help the day after tomorrow.如果天气许可,运动会将在后天举行。


The young woman came into the cinema,a baby in her arms.=The young woman came into the cinema,and a baby was in her arms.那位青年妇女抱着小孩子进了电影院。

The boy stood there silently,his eyes fixed upon the black people.=The boy stood there silently and his eyes were fixed upon the black people.那个男孩默默地站在那儿。眼睛盯着黑人们看。


Time permitting,we'll visit the park.如果时间许可,我们将参观那个公园。

Water heated to a high temperature,we can see steem rising from it.如果水加热到很高的温度,我们就会看到水蒸气从水中冒出来。


The children were making a snowman,their hands red with cold.孩子们在堆雪人,他们的手冻得通红。


Night falling,we hurried home.=with night falling,we hurried home.夜幕降临了,我们匆忙回家。

The signal given,the train left the railway station.=With the signal given,the train left the railway station.信号发出后,火车离开了车站。

The old scientist came to the meeting,his wife supporting him.=The old scientist came to the meeting,with his wife supporting him.那位科学家由他的夫人扶着走进了会场。

The spy sat on the ground,his hands tied behind his back.=The spy sat on the ground,with his hands tied behind his back.间谍坐在地上,他的手反绑着。





1).Opening the window,I saw nobody in.(分词短语)

=When I opened the window,I saw nobody in.

2).Mary opening the window,a cat ran out.(独立主格结构)

=When Mary opened the window,a cat ran out.


1).Given a book,he went home.(分词短语)

=When he was given a book,he went home.

2).The signal given,the bus started.(独立主格结构)

=When the signal was given,the bus started.


1.两者都有分词短语出现。第一组句子中都有opening the window,第二组句子中都有given。

2.每组句子中的分词短语或独立主格结构都作状语。分别可改写为一个状语从句。每一组分别可改写为When I opened the widnow和When Mary opened the window,第二组分别可改写为When he was given a book和When the signal was given,不同处是:

分词短语表示的必须是句子主语的一个动作,即它的逻辑主语一般必须与句子的主语一致。而独立主格结构有它自己的逻辑主语,这个逻辑主语是放在分词前面的名词或代词,而不是句子的主语。如第一组句子中第1)句opening这个动作就是主语I发出的。而第2)句的opening这个动作则是Mary发出的,而不是主语a cat发出的。第二组第1)句中的given a book的逻辑主语是he,第2)句中的given的逻辑主语是the signal,而不是句子的主语the bus.


1.A.When they had finished their work,they went home.

(Having finished their work,they went home.)

B.When they had finished their work,we only finished half ours.

(They having finished their work,we only finished half ours.)

2.A.If he studies hard,he will pass the exam.

(Studying hard,he will pass the exam.)

B.If he agrees with us,we'll agree with him.

(He agreeing with us,we'll agree with him.)

3.A.As he was repairing a bike,he didnt't notice us.

(Repairing a bike,he didn't notice us.)

B.As he was repairing a bike,we didn't talk to him.

(He repairing a bike,we didn't talk to him.)

4.A.As he was ill yesterday,he didn't go to school.

(Being ill yesterday,he didn't go to school.)

B.As he was ill yesterday,we went to see him.)

(He being ill yesterday,we went to see him.)


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