
High Above Sea Level

Tourists visit an aquarium in Xining, northwest China’s Qinghai Province, which opened for trial operation on July 18.At an altitude of more than 2,200 meters above the sea level, the aquarium is the world’s highest and first on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

R&D Strength

A total of 4.19 million people in China worked in research and development (R&D) in 2018, maintaining the world’s largest pool of R&D personnel for six consecutive years,the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) said on July 23.

China’s R&D spending was 1.97 trillion yuan ($286 billion) in 2018,138 times the amount in 1991, according to an NBS report.

It showed that the country’s R&D spending accounted for 2.18 percent of its GDP, reaching the world’s No.2 position after the United States.

The number of patent applications rose to 4.32 million in 2018, 86 times the number in 1991, said the report.

According to the 13th Five-Year Plan for National Science and Technology Talent Development(2016-20), China will increase its annual per-capita spending for R&D personnel to 500,000 yuan($72,688) by 2020, up from 370,000 yuan ($53,789) in 2014.


IP Center

A national center has been established to offer guidance to Chinese entities on resolving overseas intellectual property (IP) disputes, the industry watchdog said on July 24.

According to a recently unveiled action plan to implement the Healthy China initiative, the per-capita area dedicated to sports venues will reach 1.9 and 2.3 square meters by 2022 and 2030, respectively.

Nearly 570,000 villages throughout the country currently have access to such facilities, but the remaining 50,000 are not covered yet by the program, said Lang Wei, an official with the General Administration of Sport.

It will also focus on constructing information collection and distribution channels of overseas IP disputes at the national level, and establishing a guidance and coordination mechanism for handling overseas IP disputes for Chinese enterprises.

Once in full operation, the center will provide services through the Internet, a hotline and at its offices,senior NIPA official Zhang Zhicheng said.

In the first half of this year,foreign patent applications in China grew 8.6 percent and trademarks 15.4 percent, according to Zhao.

Easier Entry-Exit

Twelve measures were announced on July 17 to make immigration and entry-exit applications easier and more convenient for some foreigners.

Application Research of Ecosystem Theory in Offshore Wind Farm Project Management HUANG Songmiao(143)

The Ministry of Public Security(MPS) said the facilitation measures were part of the first batch of 60 special policies for promoting economic and social development and benefiting the public and enterprises.

其中,CC1101模块为数据包处理、载波监听、数据传输等提供了广泛的硬件支持[9],采用该芯片作为传感器节点的射频模块,可以保证节点的长期可靠工作。CC1101模块外接26 MHz的晶振作为外部时钟源,无线模块工作时,综合节点实时性和通信距离,设定其数据传输率为38.4 kbps,数据包格式为19个字节。此时,模块的室外传输距离170 m左右,穿一层墙(25 cm)情况下,传输距离为70 m。


It is also meant to further the use of Mandarin in the country’s impoverished areas and lift the language barriers impeding poverty alleviation, according to the circular.

Those who are invited by universities, scientific research institutes or renowned enterprises for technological cooperation will be able to get visas or residence permits valid for two to five years.

Jia Tongbin, Deputy Director of the NIA’s Foreigner Management Division, said the policy package is aimed at drawing overseas management and technology specialists who are in urgent need in China.

In recent years, China has issued 133,000 visas and residence permits to foreign entrepreneurs, investors,and technical and management specialists, said Chen Bin, an official with the National Immigration Administration (NIA), at the press conference.

China is considering setting up immigration affairs service centers or stations in areas with a large population of foreigners to make their work,study and living more convenient.

2.5 乳腺超声光散射成像+CA153+CEA对乳腺肿瘤的诊断结果与病理诊断结果对比 乳腺超声光散射成像+CA153+CEA对乳腺肿瘤诊断的敏感度、特异度、准确率、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为92.5%(37/40)、95.0%(38/40)、93.8%(75/80)、89.7%(35/39)、92.7%(38/41)。见表6。

Smoke-Free Plan

Over 80 percent of China’s population will be under smoke-free legal protection as of 2030, according to an action plan to implement the Healthy China initiative and promote people’s health.

Communist Party of China and government branches at all levels will become smoke-free, and smoking will be gradually banned throughout indoor public spaces,workplaces and public transport, it said.

Currently, there are over 300 million smokers in China, and over 1 million people die of smoke-related diseases annually.

Starting on August 1, the country will ease the permanent residence application for more high-level foreign talent, including foreigners with doctoral degrees and those who have made significant contributions to the country, according to an MPS press conference in Beijing.

As of the end of 2018, Beijing,Shanghai, Shenzhen in the southern province of Guangdong and Xi’an in the northwestern province of Shaanxi had banned smoking in indoor public spaces.

Mandarin Campaign

A campaign to promote standard Mandarin nationwide will be conducted from September 16 to 22,said the Ministry of Education in a circular on July 21.

Launched in 1998, the weeklong annual campaign aims to boost people’s awareness of the value of Chinese culture and enhance the role of language in passing it down.


Foreign spouses and children of qualified foreigners can apply simultaneously, according to the MPS.

In addition to traditional promotional means such as handing out flyers and putting up posters, more efforts will be made to promote Mandarin through online channels and social media this year.


Fitness Promotion

Sports facilities including a standard basketball court and two table tennis tables will be available in villages across China, in an effort to promote fitness for all.

In addition to guiding and serving Chinese enterprises in safeguarding their IP rights overseas, the center will also help them better understand and respect the IP systems and rules of overseas jurisdictions.

The launch of the center was part of efforts to enhance the mechanism to deal with overseas IP disputes, said Zhao Gang, deputy head of the National Intellectual Property Administration (NIPA), at a press conference.

The action plan also proposes 6,000-10,000 footsteps of walking or running as the recommended amount of daily exercise, and encourages the public to include more physical activities in their daily life.

(2) 首先检查 SDH电源是否故障,如果有即修复电源,修复后SDH若无告警则流程转入第(4)步。若SDH告警为次要告警,则流程转入第(3)步。若为主要告警,先对两端SDH在ODF处自环,若告警不消除,则需要对ODF和SDH排查和检修,ODF检修为更换尾纤或光接头,SDH检修则为找出故障板卡并更换。若无主要告警,环回方式改成如下,在其中一端 ODF处环回给对端,观察对端是否有主要告警,若有告警即可诊断为光链路或中继 SDH故障,需要参考专用保护通道故障定位处理方法解决故障,并消除中继SDH故障。

Soccer in Schools

Notable progress has been made in promoting soccer in schools through enhanced training, more school matches and upgraded facilities,an education official said at a press conference on July 23.

Currently, there are 24,126 primary and middle schools across the country serving as soccer specialist schools to spearhead youth soccer development, said Wang Dengfeng,a senior official with the Ministry of Education (MOE).

随着创建活动的进一步深入,西江这条经济长飘带,正在逐渐成为一条“安全、畅通、文明、绿色”的彩练,在新时代南粤改革开放的滚滚春潮中欢快地起舞 。

The schools are required to offer at least one soccer class per week and encourage their students to participate in training and competitions,Wang said.

China aims to have 50,000 schools specializing in youth soccer by the end of 2025, said Wang,adding that the MOE plans to build more school soccer fields, train more coaches and provide extra funding and policy support.


In the past four years, local education departments have trained about 40,000 soccer teachers and 8,000 of them have obtained coaching certificates.

By September of last year,schools across the country had about 120,000 soccer fields of all sizes. From 2015 to 2018, the country built and upgraded about 32,000 fields in schools and plans to add 29,000 more by 2020, according to Wang.

In addition, outstanding players will also have the chance to join inter school teams for regional competitions and national summer camps.


This year over 8,000 students,2,000 coaches and 200 experts from home and abroad are taking part in a two-month national summer camp which kicked off on July 14, Wang said.

The country has stepped up its efforts to promote soccer in schools since it set up a seven-department joint task force, including the education, sports and finance authorities and the Chinese Football Association, in 2015.

