
牟建春 钱帅 罗蟾卿 吕韬 吴国胜 李芳

(云南省红河州蒙自市红河州疾病预防控制中心 云南 红河 661100)

【摘要】 目的:回顾性分析红河州2004-2013年乙类传染病发病前五位病种疾病谱分布特征,为制定红河州传染病防治策略提供依据。方法:采用描述性流行病学方法对红河州2004-2013年中国疾病预防控制信息系统中报告的乙类传染病发病前五位病种疫情数据进行统计分析。结果:2004年-2013年,除2005年伤寒发病数位居乙类传染病第二位,乙类传染病发病位居第一、二位的一直是肺结核或病毒性肝炎,仅是排位顺序的不同;2004-2007年发病在3-5位之间波动的是伤寒、疟疾和痢疾;自2008年开始疟疾退出前五位病种,淋病2008年进入前五位病种第五位,2009年淋病退出前五位病种,艾滋病进入第五位;2010年艾滋病退出,梅毒进入第五位;2013年痢疾退出前五位病种,艾滋病和梅毒同时进入前五位病种。从传染病传播途径构成中可以看出,10年间血源及性传播疾病的发病逐年上升,在2013、2014年占乙类传染病传播途径构成的50%以上,成为传播途径构成的第一位;下降最明显的是自然及虫媒传染病,从2004年占乙类传染病传播途径构成中的13.83%,到2013年下降到0.39%;肠道传染病自2006年开始较也呈逐年下降趋势,从传播途径的第一位下降到第三位;呼吸道传染病在传播途径构成中维持在30~35%之间。结论:乙类传染病的前五位病种是主导全州传染病发病的主要病种,农民是乙类传染病发病的主要人群,学生、散居儿童、家务及待业人员、工人为乙类传染病高发的重点人群,血源及性传播疾病的发病逐年上升,是今后我州传染病防控的工作重点。

【关键词】 乙类传染病;病种;疾病谱

【中图分类号】R18 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2015)17-0049-03

【Abstract】Objective A retrospective analysis of disease spectrum distribution of the five B infectious diseases during 2004 to 2013 in Honghe Prefecture . Provide strategies for controlling infectious disease. Method The data reported in China Disease Prevention and Control In formation System were analyzed by Descriptive epidemiological methods. Results The top two ranks of morbidity were tuberculosis and viral hepatitis during category B infectious disease, and always changed in different years from 2004 to 2013, expect the morbidity of typhoid was the second highest in 2005. The third and fifth highest morbidity of category B infectious disease were typhoid, malaria, dysentery and the rank varies from 2004 to 2007. Malaria disaffiliated from the top five ranks of category B infectious disease since 2008, on the contrary, gonorrhea entered into the top five ranks in 2008. HIV/AIDS entered into the top five ranks instead of gonorrhea in 2009. The ranks of five top highest morbidity fluctuated with the rank of HIV/AIDS being replaced by syphilis in 2010. In 2013, HIV/AIDS and syphilis parallelly edged in the top five ranks and crowded out diarrhea. We analyzed the composition of transmission routes about category B infectious disease, and the results showed that the morbidities of blood-borne infectious diseases and sexually transmitted disease increased over the past decade. Moreover, the morbidities of blood-borne infectious diseases and sexually transmitted disease became the highest and achieved more than 50% of composition about transmission routes of category B infectious disease, the natural focal disease and insect-borne infectious diseases displayed a decreasing trend and changed from 13.83% in 2004 to 0.39% in 2013. The intestinal infectious disease also showed a decreasing trend since 2006, and the rank of morbidity declined from the first to third. The respiratory infectious disease kept the proportion about 30~35% during the composition of transmission routes. Conclusions The diseases that occupy the top five ranks of morbidity during category B infectious disease are the majority in our city. The major group of cases that had category B infectious disease is farmers and the key groups include students, scattered children, housework and unemployed people and workers. The morbidity of blood-borne infectious diseases and sexually transmitted disease is growing each year, and it will be the focus of the prevention and control of infectious disease in our city in the future.

【Key words】B infectious diseases; Diseases;Ariations



1.1 资料来源


1.2 诊断、报告


1.3 方法



2.1 乙类传染病前五位病种发病位次变化




疟疾、痢疾逐渐退出前五位病种,下降主要源于2006年开始,全州开展城乡环境卫生综合大整治,有效改变了城乡环境卫生面貌,减少了大量病原、虫媒滋生地,有效降低了乡村肠道和虫媒传染病的发病。尤其疟疾出现大幅度下降,2004年报告疟疾发病率25.36/10万,2007年报告发病率10.8/10万,较去年同期下降46.01%,2008年报告发病率3.67%,较去年同期下降65.82%,到2013年全州仅报告7例疟疾病例,发病率0.15/10万,疟疾病例报告下降到我州历史新低水平,下降原因主要为2003 -2008年通过全球基金疟疾项目实施,特别是随着《2006-2015年全国疟疾防治规划》[2]和《中国消除疟疾行动计划(2010-2020年)》[3]加大了对病人的治疗力度,大力根治疟疾病人,特别是推广使用灭蚊药物浸泡蚊帐,有效降低了媒介传播几率,消灭传播媒介,疟疾发病逐年减少,逐步达到2020年消除疟疾的目标。职业发病中农民、学生、散居儿童、家务及待业人员、工人为乙类传染病高发的重点人群。



[1] 杜克琳.云南省常见传染病防制简明手册.

[2] 章浩然,陈珍初,许力某教学三甲医院2002-2012年住院传染病人疾病谱分析.中华疾病控制杂志,2014,18(3):274-276.

[3] 中华人民共和国卫生部。关于印发《中国疟疾防治规划(2006-2015年)》的通知[EB/OL].(2006-02-22)[2012-12-31].http://www.mon.gov.cn/mohbgt/pwl0603/20084/27565.shtml

[4] 中华人民共和国卫生部。关于印发《中国消除疟疾行动规划(2010-2020年)》的通知[EB/OL].(2010-05-26)[2012-12-31].http://www.mps.gov.cn/n1282/n3493/n3778/n4288/243706.htmj.




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