

西安外国语大学商学院 陕西 西安 710128



Abstract:Business English, is regarded as the most important branch of ESP and it shares the typical characteristics of ESP, that is, needs analysis. Needs analysis is a method of obtaining a detailed description of language learners’ needs by taking learners’ specific purposes, learning levels, preferences, practical skills and others into consideration.

Key words:business English; correspondence; lexical features

1. Introduction

Business English Writing is used as a tool to exchange ideas, pass on information, maintain good business relationship and conclude business. It acts as, to some extent, a bridge between the writer and the reader. Besides,business English is regarded as the most important branch of ESP, an approach of learning based on learners’ needs. And BE writing should include needs analysis. The paper will analyze English majors’ needs in the learning process of BE writing, with a proposal to offer some useful findings as well as practical suggestions for further study and application .

2.Theoretical Framework

2.1 Business English Letters

According to Stewart, Zimmer and Clark, and by the nature of the information given, they conclude four different kinds of information in the light of its effect on the reader’s needs: good news, neutral news, bad news and persuasion. Accordingly, there are good-news letters, neutral-news letters, bad-news letters and persuasive-news letters, among which good-news letters and neutral-news letters together are called everyday letters.

2.2 Theory of Needs analysis

Hutchinson and Waters divide needs into target needs and learning needs. And target needs can be subdivided into necessities, lacks and wants. Learning needs include learning environment and conditions, learners’ knowledge, skills, strategies and motivation. Needs analysis refers to techniques and methods of studying needs by means of questionnaire, interviews, observation and etc. The procedures of needs analysis mainly consist of making up plans, collecting data and analyzing data.


3.1 Design Intention of the questionnaire

The author tried to understand students’ favored BE writing skills and learning styles, their specific targets, what kind of letters and which part they would like to learn most. By doing these, the author can find the strengths and weaknesses of BE learning and get the real ideas of learners.

3.2 Design of the questionnaire

Questionnaire is the main method used in the needs analysis of BE letters. Also, it is designed in accordance with needs analysis theory. The design of the questionnaire mainly focuses on the following aspects, their necessities, their lacks and their wants. According to it, the author can know more about the target needs and the learning needs of learners. In addition, the author strives to close to objectives she set before.

3.3 Results and discussion

From analysis, the author knows that their knowledge of BE is weak; the quality of their learning remains poor; the styles and contents of classroom learning remain inadequate; much of the knowledge taught in this course is not oriented towards practical use and sometimes lag behind social practice. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the combination of professional knowledge, language skills and communication skills. Moreover, learner’ learning style should be taken into great consideration. For example, for those job-seekers, professional knowledge and social practice should be connected so that they will have more advantages in job hunting process.

4. Conclusion

Through the needs analysis of BE writing, we can know more about the strength and weakness of learners’ language proficiency, what their insufficient aspects are, their current learning situations and what their wants are.In this way, the author can give some enlightenment for further study. Learners should have a good command of English and specialized knowledge. It is more feasible and advisable to train BE majors’ comprehensive skills, especially skills that is related to BE writing. Besides, learners should have an positive attitude towards learning. Generally speaking, learners' needs for BE writing appear to be multi-perspective.It goes without any saying that needs analysis is a continuing process, and more needs analysis should be carried out so that we can analysis more about necessities, lacks and wants in their learning of BE writing.


[1]陈冰冰.国外需求分析研究述评[J].外语教学与研究,2009,( 2) : 125-130.






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