(西华师范大学 文学院,四川 南充 637009)
[摘 要] 立足于敦煌写本文献、碑刻文献,并结合传世文献、字书等材料,研究“彳”“亻”“氵”“阝”、“亻”“氵”“忄”两组构件各自的异写关系表明,它们各自形成闭合循环圆。在封闭的循环圆上,任意两个构件都可以互相转化,而构件的形近以及异写方向的趋同是其互相转化的成因。利用这些规律,可以加深对字际关系的理解,重新审视部分通假字的实际关系,沟通字书中未沟通之异体字的字际关系,从而推动汉字研究的发展,进而推动辞书编纂与修订工作的进一步发展。
[关键词] 构件;异写关系;理据;价值
[2]邢澍.金石文字辨异[M]//刘世珩,辑.聚学轩丛书(第9 卷).扬州:江苏广陵古籍刻印社,1982.
On the Variant Relationship between Several Radicals of Chinese Character:“彳”“亻”“氵”“阝”and“忄”
LI Xue-fei
(School of Chinese Language and Literature,China West Normal University,Nanchong Sichuan 637009)
Abstract: Based on a series of literature, such as manuscripts and inscriptions found in Dunhuang, the handed-down documents,dictionaries and other materials, a study on the variant relations between the two groups of radicals of Chinese Character“彳”,“亻”,“氵”,“阝”and“亻”,“氵”,“忄”indicates that each of them forms a closed loop circle.On any of the two closed circular circles, any two components can be converted to each other, due to both the similar spelling of them and the similar convergence of variants.These rules are helpful for the the understanding of the inter-character relationship, the re-examination of the actual relationship between some of the interchangeable words and the discovery of the inter-character relationship of the untranslated variant in the dictionaries.That is to say, they are of significant for both the philology of Chinese and the lexicography of Chinese.
Key words: radicals of Chinese Character;variant relationship;motivation;value
[中图分类号] H124.3
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1673—8861(2019)03—0081—06
[收稿日期] 2019-06-01
[作者简介] 李薛妃(1983-),女,四川资阳人,西华师范大学副教授,文学博士,硕士生导师。主要研究方向:碑刻文献整理与语言文字。
[基金项目] 国家社科基金青年项目“巴蜀佛教碑文辑校汇考”(16CTQ015)。
标签:构件论文; 异写关系论文; 理据论文; 价值论文; 西华师范大学文学院论文;