
问:英语作文园艺介绍 带翻译
- 答:园艺雹乱一词字面上包括档雹“园”和“艺”,即和园子有关的工作,包括工具、工艺、技术、手艺等。园艺一词在中文中比较含糊,可以指业余性的活动,或者严格的园艺行业;相对而言,园艺学(horticulture)一词则有严格定义。园艺应包括园地栽培,果树、蔬菜和观赏植物的栽培、繁育技术和生产经营方法。大致可分为果树园艺、蔬菜园艺和源蠢档观赏园艺。
Gardening literally include the word "park" and "art", namely, and the garden, including tools, processes, technology, craft, etc. Gardening is a word in Chinese is vague, can refers to the activities of amateurism, or strict horticultural industry. Relatively, horticulture (horticulture) the word has a strict definition. Gardening should include garden cultivation, fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamental plant cultivation, breeding technology and the production and operation method. Can be roughly divided into fruit tree garden, vegetable garden and ornamental horticulture.
- 答:园林植物 landscape plant 适于园林中栽种的植物。
观赏植物, omamental plant 具有观赏价值,在园林中供游人欣赏的植物。
古树名木 historical tree and famous wood species 古树泛指树龄在百年以上的树木;名木泛指珍贵、稀有或具有历史、科学、文化价值以及有重要纪念意义的树木,也指历史和现代名人种植的树木,或具有历史事件、传说及神话故事的树木。
地被植物 ground cover plant 株丛密集、低矮,用于覆盖地面的植物。
攀缘植物 climbing plant,climber 以某种方式攀附于其他物体上生长,主干茎不能直立的植物。
温室植物 greenhouse plant 在当地温室或侍纤保护地条件下才能正常生长的植物。
花卉 flowering plant 具有观赏价值的草本植物、花灌木、开花乔木以及盆景类植物。
行道树 avenue tree, street tree 沿道路或公路旁种植的乔木。
草坪 lawn 草本芹谈好植物经人工种植或改造后形成的具有观赏效果,并能供人适度活动的坪状草地。
绿篱 hedge 成行密植,作造型修剪而形成的植物墙。
花篱 flower hedge 用开花植物栽植、修剪而成的一种绿篱。
花境 flower torder 多种花卉交错混合栽植,沿道路形成的嫌铅花带。
人工植物群落 man-made planting habitat 模仿自然植物群落栽植的、具有合理空间结构的植物群体。 - 答:缓纤闹园林植物 landscape plant 观赏植物,扰罩 omamental plant 古树名木 historical tree and famous wood species 地被植物 ground cover plant
攀缘植物 climbing plant,climber 温室植物 greenhouse plant 花卉 flowering plant
竖前行道树 avenue tree, street tree 草坪 lawn 花篱 flower hedge
花境 flower torder 人工植物群落 man-made planting habitat
- 答:The hormone fruiting seeds, plants and fruit growth hormone balance. Stone Fruit developmental abnormalities in the embryo could not fruiting. Hui fruit in the fruit seeds can not fruiting, but Cell slow growth. After pollination. With the development of seeds formed GA, GA synthetic growth hormone, thereby promoting fruiting. GA with the ovule is not pollinated seeds of the ovule, the fruits of growth and fruiting similar. GA 花 significantly inhibited the apple seed, resulting in the next year results. Pear phenomenon results in the next year and a lot of stone fruit trees is not mon, because the synthesis of gibberellin peak early in the year, spent inconsistent with the start of differentiation.