1.Practice daily.Your voice is your instrument.You can read English,memorize English,write English,but if you do not practice your instrument,you will not improve in speaking English.Begin with short conversations and many of them.The more you speak outside of class,the more quickly you will improve and master spoken English.This includes reading aloud,using new vocabulary,making conversation,asking questions,giving speeches,and listening to yourself on tape.May your tape recorder and your mirror become your good friends as you study English!
2.Be realistic.Fluency takes at least 4 years to achieve.It usually takes 3 years for the intensive student.If you push yourself too hard too soon,you will learn to hate studying and practicing.If you cannot enjoy using English,your learning will be stunted(注:stunteda.发展(或增长)不足的,(发育、生长等)受阻的,受妨碍的).Set high goals but have fun getting there.The serious student doesn't forget how to smile.English fluency is a process,not a sudden achievement.As long as you are progressing,you have nothing to regret!
3.Be brave.If you refuse to speak English unless you can speak perfectly,then you are going to fail.Part of being realistic is recognizing your need to practice the imperfect English you know.That is why you are studying.Be brave and try your best to learn from your mistakes.Smile,be brave,and speak loudly.Only then will you hear yourself,learn from practicing,and give your teacher a chance to help you.
4.Communicate.Communication is the accurate exchange of ideas.I can hear what you say hut still not know what you mean.This is not communication.By trying to communicate,you turn your English learning from an English-to-Chinese translation exercise into a usable skill.Communication is the ultimate goal in any language.If you must translate everything you hear before you understand it,then you will be too slow for any class beyond level 1.
5.Remind yourself of your need.Unless you need to communicate through a slower method (English) you won't.It's that simple.If someone else translates for you,they will learn but you will not.If you can force yourself to need English,you will learn.If you have a definite need,remind yourself of it when you are studying.Need is a wonderful motivator.
6.Use all vocabulary the day you learn it.Experiments show that people who use new vocabulary immediately in their conversations with other people remember those words.Most professionals recommend using your new vocabulary words at least 10 times that day.Using words in conversations helps you to remember them more vividly.
7.Listen.I know you hear your teacher's voice,but I am asking,"Do you listen?" As an adult,you hear only what you understand.Your mind is trained from years of listening for Chinese sounds to not hear the "non-important" sounds.Learning to mimic is a great tool.Record a word or sound you want to learn,mimic it on a tape and listen for differences.When you can listen,then you are ready to really speak with power.If you only listen for words you recognize,your vocabulary will not grow and you'll misunderstand the speaker.Mimic as often as possible-it really works!
8.Speak.No matter how good you think you are,if you do not speak,your communication has no hope of success.No matter how bad you are,if you do speak,you will be successful one day.You are 100 times better than the student who knows more but doesn't speak.Do whatever it takes to speak English With other people.You are studying spoken English.
9.Believe.you must believe that you will succeed.English is a difficult language.When you begin,there will be,times when it is hard,slow,or frustrating.In those times,belief in your imminent success will carry you through.
10.Teach others English.Yes,you should teach others.No matter how bad you are,no matter how little you know,no matter how little you have studied.There are always people who know less,speak worse,or haven't studied.One year from today,you are likely to remember nothing of what you heard,one half of what you saw,but all of what you taught.What you teach others,you are sure to learn for yourself.This technique really works!