


朱永新认为(2009)教师有三重境界,“一是把教师作为职业,把工作视为付出劳动交换薪酬的谋生手段。二是把教师作为事业,把工作作为实现个人价值的舞台,工作关系着他们的喜怒哀乐以及成就感。三是把教师作为志业,把工作视为生命意义之旨归,职业与生命融为一体。”[1]英语教师之于课程也有三重境界。一种死守核心课程:抱住课本,看住学生,守住分数,处处体现出对学生“前途”负责,但常犯把张飞当诸葛亮培养的低级错误,这样的教师占绝大多数。二是能够开出选修课程,教师根据自己的兴趣特长开出菜单,学生可“择其善者而从之。”因为师生情投意合,这样的课堂常有笑声。但学生被教师牵着走,没有自我。三是自主研究型课程,学生根据自己的生命规划和需求,呼朋唤友,慕名拜师。本文要重点讨论的是2007年以进才英语演讲社为基础的市级展示活动——“From Prepared Speech to Impromptu Speech”(从定题演讲到即兴演讲)。






笔者利用课堂五要素:贯穿线索(Through lines),启发性论题(Generative Topics),理解目标(understanding goals),理解活动(Performance of understanding)和持续性评价(ongoing assessment)设计教案。将启发性论题定为——From Prepared to Impromptu Speeches(从定题演讲到即兴演讲),使之具有强烈的吸引力和挑战性,且突出该课程的核心目标——通过英语学习提升人的合作与竞争的精神品质,也考虑了资源的可得性,笔者为学生提供即兴演讲技巧的指导材料。


(1) Students will understand the basic ideas required for a successful speech.

(2) Students will understand the elements that make up a good impromptu speech.

(3) Students will understand the skills that make a statement persuasive,credible and emotionally appealing.

(4) Students will appreciate team work.


初始活动:Watch a videoed speech by a CCTV Cup speaker and judge the speech,using their own standard.

半指导性活动A:Students' prepared speech (each team 3m'; other team asks at least one question.Team 1 judge.)

半指导性活动B:Situational speech:Students are to watch an excerpt of a CCTV program,prepare for 3m',and debate on a topic— "Experience and Education,which is more important",Team 2 judge.

终极理解活动:Students' impromptu speech,the teacher invites the guest teachers to give a topic for them to talk about.(three for them to choose) Students' preparation:3m'; students' speech:6m',Team 3 Judge.


该课开课时很顺,学生听了笔者的开场白之后,认真观看录像,马上就能用自己制定的评价标准:内容、语言和演讲技巧要素来评价CCTV杯演讲者的成败得失。指出演讲者speak perfect English but lack forcefulness,引来一阵赞叹。Prepared speech因是有备而来,满场争先恐后,激情澎湃,作评委的小组发言训练有素,及时肯定学生的优点,也提出改进空间。但进入第三阶段出了问题——预设的引发辩论的片段因为机械故障,放不出来。笔者急中生智,改为自己出题:Which is more important,education or experience?让两组学生略作准备进行辩论,结果以小张和小姚领衔的两支队伍势均力敌,唇枪舌剑,妙语迭出。如:Education is turning students into test machines so that when they meet problems in life,they find they can do nothing about it.Edison had little education but did more than any other better educated person of his time...Do you mean that we should go back to the days of the Cultural Revolution?...难分难解处,笔者一看时间,只得强行收兵,弄得学生心有不甘,课后还怨笔者扫兴。

这时笔者请听课教师出题,让学生进行即兴演讲。结果在场的著名特级教师陈锡麟老师出人意料地说“Your English teacher has a perfect command of English,but he can't handle the computer well,how do you account for that?”当然,他目睹了笔者倒腾了好一阵仍放不出第二场辩论的尴尬,作为教学大师,他就要看看学生的实际应用运用英语的能力。学生在短暂的小组讨论之后马上就有小杨等三个学生站起来以“No one is perfect.”为主题进行了一场教师保卫战,“A perfect teacher is a teacher who creates situations and conditions for students to develop perfectly.”其观点之新颖,口语之流畅,逻辑之严密,让在场的近二百位听课教师大为感动,掌声四起。



1.所取示范材料是大学英语专业学生王向伊同学的“Seize today for tomorrow”,对高中学生挑战性太大,好在提供了文字材料。





Lesson Organizer



1.Question Form:How can students become eloquent speakers?

Statement Form:Students will develop their speaking skills as required in their future development such as leadership ability;

2.Question Form:How is the English language related to other disciplines?

Statement Form:Students will understand the relationship between the English language and other disciplines such as speech skills;

3.Question Form:How can students acquire expressing abilities through the activities in the club?

Statement Form:Students will understand how to get actively involved in the learning activities;

4.Question Form:How can students develop team spirits as well as independent thinking through learning activities?

Statement Form:Students will appreciate the combination of independent thinking with team work.


Generative Topic? From Prepared to Impromptu Speeches

CRITERIA for a GENERATIVE TOPIC Explain how your Generative Topic meets the criteria below.

Centrality:(Why is this topic of central importance to your discipline?)

It is a topic central to the discipline,for it provides students with an opportunity to learn and practice the target language,develop the language skills,acquire some knowledge in other disciplines,such as speech skills,and get motivated in the cooperative and competitive performances as designed by the teacher.

Engagement:(Why will it interest you and your students-or have the potential to become interesting to your students?)

It is human nature to show off when properly challenged.The students are divided into four groups,one judge team,three performing teams.Topics are engaging and challenging.

Accessibility:(What are 2-3 specific examples of resources available to your students and you?)

The data are available on the Internet and the handouts on how to be a good speaker are given to the students.

Connections:(How does the topic relate to other topics in the discipline,to other disciplines,and beyond the disciplines to life?)

It's a topic related to almost all disciplines.The prepared speech is written by the students,allowing them to share the best things they have.They must try their best to convince their listeners by giving solid examples.

Your Summary Reflection:(Briefly summarize major points from your analysis,and explain why this is a good Generative Topic for your unit.Also describe what may be potential "troublesome knowledge"— challenges for your students in understanding this topic.)

The topic undoubtedly meets the five criteria listed above.In terms of "troublesome knowledge",close cooperation is required but may not live up to my expectations as the students are from different classes and grades and they meet only once a week.






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