
方和 王海萍

(青岛大学附属医院神经内科 山东 青岛 266000)

【摘要】 目的:研究神经调节素-1β(NRG-1β)对大鼠脑出血后C3表达及脑水肿的影响和机制。方法:随机选取SD大鼠分为假手术组、对照组、NRG-1β低剂量组(1μg/kg)、NRG-1β高剂量组(4μg/kg)随机各取10只每组。应用VII型胶原酶于右侧脑纹状体区注射法建立脑出血模型。采用干湿重法和免疫组化检测脑出血72小时各组大鼠血肿区域含水量占比及血肿周围组织C3的表达情况。结果:脑出血大鼠脑组织含水量及C3表达水平在对照组及治疗组明显高于假手术组(P<0.05),而NRG-1β治疗较对照组能够减少受损组织含水量及抑制C3升高(P<0.05),并与治疗剂量呈正比(P<0.05)。结论:NRG-1β可能通过下调脑出血诱导的C3表达和减轻脑水肿程度,改善脑内微环境,提示NRG-1β具有对脑出血后继发脑损伤有积极的保护作用。

【关键词】 脑出血;神经调节素;补体C3;脑水肿

【中图分类号】R743 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2016)06-0051-03

Therapeutic effect and mechanism of NRG-1β on cerebral edema extent and Complement component 3 level in aintracerebral hemorrhage rat model Fang He, Wang Haiping.

Department of Neurology, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao 266000, China

【Abstract】Objective To explore the therapeutic effct and mechanism of NRG-1β on cerebral edema extent and Complement component 3 level in a intracerebral hemorrhage rat model in rats.Method 40 male SD rats were randomly allocated into sham-operation(n=10),Control group(n=10), low-dose NRG-1β group(1μg/kg, n=10) and the high-dose NRG-1β group (4μg/kg, n=10). ICH model was induced by collagenaseVII in the control group and treatment group. Cerebral edema was assessed at 72 hours using dry and wet right hemisphere weighing, and C3 levels around the hematoma were determined by immunohistochemical assay.Results Compared with the sham-operated group, the expression of C3 and the brain water content in the control group and treatment groups were obviously higher(P<0.05), the treatment groups is superior to the control group with a dose-dependent manner (P<0.05). Conclusion NRG-1β can reduce the expression of C3 and the brain water content in rats after intracerebral hemorrhage On Day 3, thus improves the brain microenvironment and protect against secondary brain injury.

【Key words】Cerebral Hemorrhage; Neuregulin-1β; Complement component 3;Cerebral edema

脑出血(Intracerebral Hemorrhage,ICH)作为具有高死亡率及致残率的卒中类型[1],其损伤机制包括原发血肿产生的占位效应及继发的炎性反应、血脑屏障(blood-brain barrier,BBB)破坏、脑水肿形成和细胞坏死或凋亡等[2]。在多项研究证实病理性补体激活作为判断ICH损伤程度及预后的关键影响因素,同样在上述继发损伤过程发挥重要作用[3-4]。神经调节素-1β(neuregulin-1β,NRG-1β)是经多项实验证实具有参与神经细胞发育分化、髓鞘形成[5]及在脑损伤后通过多种机制发挥神经保护作用的高表达于神经系统的神经营养因子[6],但目前尚未有其对补体影响的研究,本实验通过观察NRG-1β对大鼠ICH后损伤局部补体C3表达及脑水肿程度的影响,探讨其在脑出血后的神经保护机制。


1.1 脑出血模型制备、分组及治疗方案


将30只成功的ICH大鼠随机分为对照组(ICH模型组,n=10)、NRG-1β低剂量治疗组(n=10)和NRG-1β高剂量治疗组(n=10)。预先用0.1mol/L PBS将重组人NRG-1β(purity >97%, R&D Systems,Inc)溶解稀释成1μg/ml溶液,低剂量治疗组大鼠于ICH后2h予以腹腔注射NRG1-β(1μg/kg),高剂量治疗组同样方式注射NRG1-β(4μg/kg),对照组及假手术组术后2h予以腹腔注射等体积PBS。

1.2 脑组织含水量(Brain Water Content,BWC)测定


1.3 免疫组化检验

于ICH后第3天每组取5只大鼠,10%水合氯醛(300mg/kg)深度麻醉后依次用生理盐水、4%甲醛溶液各200ml经心脏灌后断头取脑,随后依次经4h双蒸馏水浸泡、梯度乙醇脱水、二甲苯透明、石蜡包埋及切成厚度为6μm薄片。使用兔抗鼠C3多克隆抗体(Abcam)等试剂,按常规步骤行免疫组化染色。在400倍光镜下,每只大鼠取四个连续切片均随机选取四个不重叠视野,采用IPP 6.0图像处理分析,计算每个视野的平均光密度从而得到该例C3表达情况。

1.4 统计学方法



2.1 脑组织含水量









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