曾满萍,郭晓萍,彭丽华,欧利芳,陈庆丽 - 正念叙事护理对鼻咽癌放疗患者癌症相关疲劳的影响

曾满萍,郭晓萍,彭丽华,欧利芳,陈庆丽 - 正念叙事护理对鼻咽癌放疗患者癌症相关疲劳的影响

Title:Effect of mindfulness based narrative nursing on cancer-related fatigue in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma during radiotherapy




论文来源:湘南学院学报(医学版) 2019


Abstract:Objective to explore the effect of mindfulness based narrative nursing on cancer-related fatigue in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma during radiotherapy. Methods 80 patients with nasopharynx cancer were randomly enrolled into the control group and the intervention group according to the admission sequence and digital table method. Each group had 40 patients. The two groups had the same radiotherapy and chemotherapy program. The control group received radiotherapy and chemotherapy education and psychological counseling according to the routine nursing of nasopharynx cancer. The intervention group adopted mindfulness intervention + narrative nursing on the basis of routine nursing. Before and after the intervention, cancer fatigue scale (CFS) and quality of life core scale (QLQ-C30) were used for evaluation. Results after intervention, the total CFS score and every dimension score of the intervention group were significantly lower than that of the control group before and at the same time (P & lt; 0.01); in terms of quality of life, the scores of QLQ-C30 functional area and overall health area in the intervention group were significantly higher than that of the control group before and at the same time (P & lt; 0.01). Conclusion the narrative nursing based on mindfulness can effectively alleviate the fatigue of NPC patients during radiotherapy and improve the quality of life.


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曾满萍,郭晓萍,彭丽华,欧利芳,陈庆丽 - 正念叙事护理对鼻咽癌放疗患者癌症相关疲劳的影响
