(四川省遂宁市中心医院眼科 四川 遂宁 629000)
【中图分类号】R779.66 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2018)32-0054-03
Effect of micro-incision phacoemulsification on corneal astigmatism in different locations,Li Liwen,Gou Wenjun.
From the Department of Ophthalmology, the Suining Central Hospital, Suining 629000, Sichuan Province,China
【Abstract】Objective To observation the effect of phacoemulsification with 1.8 millimeter transparent corneal incision of different positions on corneal astigmatism. Methods 240 eyes of 210 cataract patients without complications were divided into three groups randomly: A group: The transparent corneal incision at 12:00 was performed in 80 eyes of 70 cases. B group: The transparent corneal incision at 11:00 side was performed in 80 eyes of 70 cases. C group: The transparent corneal incision at 9:00 side was performed in 80 eyes of 70 cases. The length of all incisions was 1.8 millimeter. The conventional phacoemulsification was operated by the same ophthalmologist. At 7 days, 1 months and 3 months after surgery, the examination of silt lamp microscope, visual acuity and corneal astigmatism by corneal topography. The results were showed by means plus or subtracting standard, the groups means was compared by ONE-WAY AONVA, the deviation of between groups means was compared by Student-Newman-Keuls. The difference of P<0.05 had statistical significance. Results There was no significant difference of visual acuity among three groups after surgery at 7 days, 1 months and 3 months of the time points(P>0.05). There was no significant difference of corneal astigmatism among three groups after surgery at 7 days(P>0.05). The corneal astigmatism was significantly reduced in C group compared with A group and B group after surgery at 1 months and 3 months(P<0.01). But There was no significant difference between A group and B group(P>0.05). Conclusion The transparent corneal incision at 9:00 side is convenient to operate. There is the least effect on corneal astigmatism and it is abled to improve the visual quality of cataract patients after surgery.
【Key words】Microcut; Cataract; Phacoemulsification;Corneal astigmatism
老年性白内障是我国最常见的致盲性眼病,白内障超声乳化术是目前治疗白内障的主要手术方式。而白内障超声乳化术后所引起的角膜散光是影响白内障患者术后视觉质量的主要原因。有研究表明,大多数白内障患者术前均存在小于1.25 D的角膜散光,大于22%的患者角膜散光大于1.25D[1]。而白内障术后角膜散光与切口大小、切口位置有关[2,3]。为进一步探讨不同位置的1.8mm透明角膜切口对白内障超声乳化术后患者角膜散光的影响,我们选择了2018年1月至2018年2月的老年性白内障住院患者210例240只眼进行观察。现报告如下。
1.1 一般资料
1.2 主要仪器设备
ALLEGRO Oculyzer眼前房诊断系统(德国鹰视);白内障超声乳化仪(博士伦);非接触式眼压计(Topcon CT-80A)。
1.3 方法
1.4 指标观察
1.5 统计学处理
2.1 3组患者术后裸眼视力的比较
表1 3组患者术后视力的比较(x-±s)
Note:★P>0.05 vs A group at preoperative and 7 days of postoperative; ●P<0.01 vs A group at time point of 1 moths and 3moths of postoperative; ☆P<0.01 vs B group at time point of 1 moths and 3moths of postoperative; △P>0.05 vs A group at time point of 1 moths and 3moths of postoperative
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标签:角膜论文; 切口论文; 术后论文; 白内障论文; 患者论文; 超声论文; 统计学论文; 《医药前沿》2018年32期论文;