






I went skating many times during(in)the winter.在冬天我多次去滑冰。


The pupils always do their homework in the evening.学生们总是在晚上做家庭作业。

The pupils practised playing the piano during the evening.在晚上这段时间里,学生们练习弹钢琴。


Are you going to the south during the winter?今年冬季,你打算去南方吗?

In winter,many birds fly to the south.冬天,许多鸟飞往南方。


He had some amazing experiences during his military service.服役期间,他经历了几件令人惊愕的事。(不用in)


I will phone you in two hours.两小时后,我要和你通话。



They stayed in Beijing druing(for)the Summer holiday.他们在北京过暑假。

2.但“during+段时间”侧重于时间的持续,后接特定的时间,用于回答“When…?”而“for+段时间”表示延续了一段时间,后接具体的时间长度,用于回答"How long…?"如:When did it snow?

It snowed during the night.(不用for)在夜间下雪了。

How long did it snow?

It snowed for three hours.(不用during)雪下了三小时。



He worked during the night.他工作了一夜。(可能间断、休息)

He worked through(throughout)the night.他工作了一整夜。(没有休息)


He studied French hard all through(throughout)the year.他刻苦学习法语整整一年。



(一)at a time,at times,at all times

at a time意为“每次”,相当于each time或on each occasion;at times意为“有时”、“不时”,与occasionally及now and then的意思较接近;at all times表示“无论何时”、“随时”的意思,与at any time或always的意义相近。例如:

1.Pass me the bricks two at a time.把砖头递给我,每次两块。

2.Linda is diligent only at times.On the whole,she is a lazy girl.琳达仅是时而用功。总的来说,她是个懒惰的女孩。

3.He is likely to drop in at all times to have a talk with you.他随时都有可能进来找你谈话。

(二)in a sense,in all senses

2.in a sense意为in one way of speaking(在某种意义上说);in all senses相当于in every sense,表示“在任何意义上说”的意思。例如:

1.It is true that arithmetic is,in a sense,a language.确实,在某种意义上说,算术是一种语音。

2.It is quite necessary for a college student to learn a foreign language in all senses.从任何意义上说,一个大学生学一门外国语是非常必要的。

(三)in spirit,in spirits

in spirit与in spirits前者与“在物质上”相对立,意为“在精神上”;后者意为“兴致勃勃”、“兴高采烈”,相当于in high spirits的含义。例如:

1.I shall be with you in spirit.我将在精神上和你在一起。

2.When he told us the news,we were all in spirits.当他告诉我们这则消息,我们都兴高采烈。

(四)in a word,in words

in a word与in words前者等于in short“简言之”的含义;后者与in deeds(在行动上)相对,意为“在口头上”。例如:

1.In a word,practice is the only criterion of truth.一句话,实践是检验真理的唯一标准。

2.He agreed in words but opposed in deeds.他是口头上赞成实际上反对。



1.介词on在词组搭配中表示“依靠”、“依赖”。如:depend on,be dependent on,rely on,lean on,count on,base…on,rest on,live on,lie on one's back,go on all fours,fall on one's knees等。

Good health depends on good food,exercise and getting enough sleep.健康依赖于良好的食物、运动和充足的睡眠。

The boy was left lying on his back,I believe-where he fell.人们让这男孩仰面躺着——我相信,他就在那里摔下来的。

Down I went,sprawled on all fours.我卧倒,伸开四肢趴着。

2.介词to与表示“熟悉”、“习惯”、“明白”、“清楚”、“同意”、“态度”的词搭配。如:be familiar to,be used/accustomed to,be(in)visible/clear/obvious/known to等。

The girl was very attachad to her sister.这个女孩非常依恋她的姐姐。

The article refers to some of the problems.这篇文章谈到一些问题。

We need his agreement to the proposal.我们需要他同意这项建议。

3.from表示“远离”、“分开”,可以引申为“阻止”、“免除”等含义。如:separate…from,be absent from,part from,break away from,keep from,refrain from(抑制、制止),stop/prevent…from,be safe from,(be)free…from,protect/shelter/defend…from等。

You should have declared that.Perfume is not exempt from import duty,你本应把它报税,香水是不免征进口税的。

Can't we stop him from making a fool of himself?难道我们不能制止他出丑吗?

The policemen came and restrained the two men from fighting.警察来到并制止了这两个人的殴斗。


May I relieve you of your coat?我可以给你脱去外衣吗?

They cleared the field of weeds.他们清除了田地里的杂草。

The robbers stripped the house of all valuable articles.强盗们把房子里所有值钱的东西抢劫一空。

5.介词with和具有“供给”意思的词连用。如:supply…with,furnish/burden/equip…with,be gifted with,be blessed with(具有、赋有)等。

He furnished the refugees with food.他供给难民食物。

The ship is equipped with a radar.那艘船现配有雷达设备。

The old man was blessed with good health.那位老人受惠于身体健朗。

6.on/upon和表示“攻击”、“侵占”、“报复”、“影响”的词连用,后接表示这一动作的目标的名词。如:make an attack on,encroach upon(侵占),revenge oneself on(报复),have an effect/impact on等。

The eagle swooped down on its prey.鹰猛扑向它的猎物。

He seized on any chance of making things difficult for his enemies.他抓住一切机会给他的对手设置障碍。

The pace soon began to tell on the runners.不久,赛跑的人开始感到脚步沉重了。


