

When it comes to traveling,sometimestaking a journey alone can be great.Traveling solo allows for a time of introspection,relaxation and self-discovery,when youcan take the time to soak in the finer thingsthe world has to offer.(注:独自旅行让你有一段自省、放松和自我发现的时间,能让你从容地沉湎于这世上更美好的东西。)The independencegained by going alone allows for the oppor-tunity to experience your choice destination exactly the way you want.


Where to stay

So you've finally decided to take advantage of some well-earned vacation time andvisit Prague(注:Prague:布拉格,捷克首都。),the city of your dreams.Because you'll be all by yourself,the planning of your trip is automatically different.One of the first questions worth addressing is how you're going to spend your time in the beautiful Czech Republic(注:CzechRepublic:捷克共和国。) capital.Are yougoing on a shoestring budget,or would you rather go all -out and book a room in a fancy hotel?(注:你打算花很少的钱,还是宁愿耗尽所有,在豪华宾馆中定房间?shoestring:〈口〉资金很少的。)

Because traveling alone means yourmoney is funding the trip,a wise choice would be to stay in youth hostels.Cast away the misconception that these places are unaccommodating and dirty,and accept the fact that hostels provide safe,clean,comfortable,and most importantly,cheaphousing that millions of students and thrifty travelers take advantage of(注:take advantage of:利用。) every year.It isrelatively easy to book a room at a hostel via the Internet,and plenty of information is available about each one.On the other hand,if you can't wait to take advantage of room service and a Jacuzzi(注:Jacuzzi:“极可意”浴缸(一种水力按摩浴缸)。),opt for(注:opt for:选择。)a hotel.

Have a plan

Along with securing your accommoda tions,prepare an itinerary for each day be fore you leave.This plan should include everything from visiting all the famous landmarks to some relaxation time,which is essential since you'll likely be walking for miles in your comfortable shoes (invest in a good pair,it will pay off(注:花钱买双好鞋,会有好处的。pay off:赢利,得到好的结果。)).

As great as organization is,however,you may,at times,deviate from your plan soleave room for some spontaneity on your trip.(注:尽管计划周密很有必要,但你有时也许会不按计划做,所以在旅途中给自己留一些余地,以防一时兴起想做别的事。) Herein lies the beauty of traveling alone:You are your own master,and while preparation is key,there is always room to go nuts(注:go nuts:发疯。).“hello,” “please,” and “1 didn't know she charged money for her time,”in case you're in a bind(注:in a bind:处于困境。).

Make copies of documents

Make a copy of all essential travel documents such as yourpassport and health insurance to leave behind wiht someone you trust,in the event of an emergency.

Bring a credit card

Along with cash,bring a credit card as an emergency methodof payment and make sure to take note of your credit card company's


One of the hardest parts of traveling in general is comingup with a list of what you'll need to bring with you (or leavebehind).Thinking of these all-important items becomes all themore difficult(and necessary)when you have no one else to relyon.

Carry a dictionary

If you're heading for a foreign country,don't leave home without a bilingual dictionary.Although a strong grasp of Czech will prove quite difficult,it is still important to learn phrases like “thank you,”customer service line in case of loss or theft.That way,you can cancel your card immediately and have a new one delivered to you while on yourtrip (if possible).

Pack pleasure items

A book to enjoy on a train ride or on the beach,a journal torecord your experiences,and maps to educate yourself on the layout of the land (you can get these from a tourism bureau),can make a world of a difference.

With these things in mind and a positive mindset,you are now officially ready to jetset on your own.(注:记住这些,再加上积极的精神状态,你现在已正式就绪可以坐上喷气式飞机独自出发了。)

