作为我国首家合资经营、企业化运作的航司,今年是厦航走过的第35个年头。从创立之初到今天,厦航一路走来,风雨兼程。35年来的发展被习近平总书记称为是“中国航空业发展的缩影”,更成就了航空业的标杆和服务品质的典范。 厦航,以福建为原点,至今为止已经为超过两亿的旅客提供了航空飞行服务。
2.3用药护理。向患者讲解口服碘-131前后2小时禁食,服碘-131后24小时后咀嚼酸性食物,刺激唾液腺分泌唾液,避免唾液腺受损,适当多饮水,减少对生殖腺的照射。遵医嘱按时服用口服药泼尼松:预防颈部水肿;每天3次,每次2片;埃索美拉唑肠溶片:保护胃黏膜;每天1次,每次一片。口服碘-131大剂量患者中当日静脉输入注射用泮托拉唑40毫克、地塞米松注射液10毫克,35人输入注射用氨磷汀0.4克,注射用氨磷汀为细胞保护剂,有两名患者输注过程中出现不良反应,恶心、血压下降,收缩压90mm Hg,舒张压50mm Hg,嘱患者平卧休息,15分钟后症状缓解[4]。
A Good Journey Starts from Here
Chairman of Xiamen Airlines
Thank you for choosing Xiamen Air!
As the first joint venture with enterprise operation in China, this year is the 35th year of Xiamen Air. From the beginning of its establishment to today, Xiamen Air has gone a long way. The development of Xiamen Air in the past 35 years was hailed as “the epitome of the development of China's aviation industry” by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and Xiamen Air has become a model of the aviation industry with its quality service.Based in Fujian, Xiamen Air has provided flight services to more than 200 million passengers so far.
A worry-free and enjoyable journey for passengers has always been the goal of Xiamen Air.
The sky once was our extremity, but now our way;and flying once was our dream, and now our daily work. The efforts of several generations have made“taking flight” a regular travel transportation option for Chinese people. Our air routes help thousands of families reunite peacefully, and connect the world and bring people of different colors and cultures together.
To better serve our passengers in the future, we have been striving for progress.
On September 19, 2019, the eighth branch of Xiamen Air, the Shanghai branch, was formally established.Xiamen Air has also become the third airline to set up a branch in Shanghai after Air China and China Southern Airlines. From the establishment of the first branch of Xiamen Airport in 2001 to the establishment of the Shanghai branch in 2019, in 19 years, together with Hebei Airlines and Jiangxi Air, Xiamen Air has been completing its air route network radiated from constituent companies. Xiamen Airlines is developing step by step, serving passengers from all over the world.
“Boundless is the sea for fish to dive at will; unlimited is the sky for birds to fly at ease.” From a new starting point, we will embark on a new journey. The experience accumulated and the growths of Xiamen Air guarantee the safe take-off and landing as well as the quality service of every journey. We hope that our flight will provide you with a pleasant and comfortable journey.
Now, it’s about to take off and start a good journey. Is your seat belt fastened?
标签:分公司论文; 启程论文; 厦门航空公司党委论文;