1.黑龙江中医药大学研究生院 黑龙江哈尔滨 150040;2.哈尔滨嘉润医院 黑龙江哈尔滨 150599
颈椎病(Cervical spondylosis)是临床上常见病,其神经根型颈椎病发病率3.5%[1]。主要表现以压迫神经根或韧带的一组临床综合症。其临床症状是颈部疼痛并放射到肩关节,上肢和手指麻木无力。神经根型颈椎病治疗主要以非手术治疗为主[2]。其治疗原则是缓解神经根压迫症状[3]。
颈椎病的主要病因有过劳、寒邪侵袭、外伤等,其发病率约为1.7 %[4-6]。该病发病年龄组集中在30~60岁之间,最近几年,发病呈年轻趋势[7]。特别是一些不健康的生活方式,如工作长期久坐或睡高枕等[8]。现在,有许多方法可以治疗该病,但治疗效果并不满意。笔者将针刀结合中药治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床疗效分析介绍如下。
1 临床资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
3 讨论
[1]Salemi G,Savettieri G,Meneghini F,Di Benedetto ME,Ragonese P,Morgante L,et al.Prevalence of cervical spondylotic radiculopathy:a door-to-door survey in a sicilian municipality[J].Acta Neurol Scand,1996,93(2-3):184-188.
[2] Hua Y. Clinical observation on treatment of cervical spondylotic radiculopathy with combined electroacupuncture Tuina andtraction[J].JAcupunct TuinaSci,2009,7(3):156-158.
[3] Zhu GM,Sun WQ,Shen GQ.Mechanisms of spinal micro-adjustment manipulations in treating cervical spondylotic radiculopathy[J]. J Acupunct Tuina Sci,2007,5(2):68-70.
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[7]Pan ZQ,Lu JL,Wang SM,Li CH,JiangY,SongYG.Research of the etiologic mechanism of cervical spondylosis and treatment progression[J].J Cervicody Lumbody(Chin),1992,13(1):31-33.
[8] Emerich M,Braeunig M,Clement H W,Ludtke R,HuberR.Mode of action of cupping-local metabolism and pain thresholds in neck pain patients and healthy subjects[J].Complement Ther Med,2014,22(1):148-158.
[9] Liu XT,Ma YX.Research progress on acupoint combinationin recent ten years[J]. J Zhejiang Chin Med Univ(Chin),2015,38(8):643-646.
[10]Chong YP,Chen XX,Xue CK. Influence of Hatha yoga on rehabilitation of cervical spondylosis[J]. J Beijing Sport Univ(Chin),2014,37(2):71-75.
[11]Zhou HH,Guo SY.Research progress of external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine of cervical spondylosis[J]. Mod J Integr Tradit Chin West Med(Chin),2014,23(4):449-451.
[12] Wu S,Li J,Jin HY,Liang FX,Wang H. Comparison of immediate effects of acupuncture at different acupoints on gastro-electromyogramofhealthy people[J]. China J Tradit Chin Med Pharm(Chin),2012,26(2):328-330.
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[15] Sajid M I. Hijama therapy(wet cupping)-its potential use to complement British healthcare in practice,understanding,evidence and regulation[J]. Complementary therapies in clinical practice,2016,23:9-13.
[16] Dons' koi B V,Chernyshov V P,Osypchuk D V,BaksheevS M.Repeated cupping manipulation temporary decreases natural killer lymphocyte frequency,activity and cytotoxicity[J]. J Integr Med,2016,14(3):197-202.
[17] Tagil S M,Celik H T,Ciftci S,Kazanci F H,Arslan M,Erdamar N. Wet-cupping removes oxidants and decreases oxidative stress[J]. Complement Ther Med,2014,22(6):1032-1036.
[18] Arslan M,Gokgoz N,Dane S.The effectoftraditional wet cupping on shoulder pain and neck pain:Apilot study[J]. Complement Ther Med,2016,23:30--33.
标签:颈椎病论文; 神经论文; 针刀论文; 哈尔滨论文; 黑龙江论文; 中药论文; 病人论文; 《中国误诊学杂志》2017年第8期论文;