

Neoliberalism ,Anti -Neoliberalism and Socialism

Emir Sader

(State Universty of Rio de Janiero,Brazil)

Abstract: This text seeks to analyze the hegemonic model of capitalism in the current historical period,the neoliberal model,the forms of resistance and the construction of alternatives in Latin America,and how these forms of post-neoliberalism are articulated with socialism.

Key words: neoliberalism;anti-neoliberalism;alternative;socialism;Latin America

Among the great transformations that the world has experienced in the last decades,one of the most important was the transition from capitalism to its neoliberal era.There were so many transformations,that one can say that there has been a change of historical period.

The first change was the transition from a bipolar world to a unipolar world,under American imperial hegemony.A radical transformation,the product of the disappearance of the USSR and the socialist camp at the end of the cold war.The USA has been able to enjoy economic,political,technological,military and ideological hegemony.This hegemony has been so great that democracy has been reduced to liberal democracy and economy to capitalist market economy.

The world has gone from being a bipolar world,with two systems vying for hegemony,within the framework of areas of more or less determined influence,to a unipolar world.The so-called Pax Americana began to be imposed.We have returned to a unipolar world,such as in the nineteenth century,this time not under British hegemony,but North American.The USA considered that there were no longer limits to its areas of influence.The countries of Eastern Europe and,to some extent,Russia itself,became areas of direct US influence,which immediately expanded NATO towards the borders of the former USSR.


However,the Pax Americana did not mean a period of peace for the world.On the contrary,the policy of resolution has been intensified through conflict warfare,especially in the Middle East,where conflicts have spread and deepened in Afghanistan,Iraq,and Syria.


The second has been the passage from a long expansive cycle of capitalism to a long recessive cycle.From the end of the Second World War to the 1970s capitalism experienced its heyday,in which all sectors grew — the USA,Germany,Japan,Latin America,in what Eric Hobsbawm called the “golden age” of this system.When this model was exhausted,liberalism resurfaced and managed to impose a new liberal market model.If during the previous period the axis of the economy was the large multinational corporations of which the automobile industry was the model ,in the new period,with the general liberalization,the axis became the financial capital.No longer the financial capital that finances the production,the consumption,the investigation,but that which lives of the speculation,and the buying and selling of papers.As stated by Marx,capital has not been made for production,but for accumulation.If it profits more from speculation,it will move there.There has been a massive migration of capital from the productive to the speculative sphere,turning the financial capital and the banking system into the backbone of capitalism on a global scale.


As part of this movement,the third change was the passage from a hegemonic regulatory,or Keynesian or welfare model,in which,at least formally,the state assumed the responsibility of guaranteeing the rights of the people,to the neoliberal model,a model of the wild competition of all against all.

This set of transformations has imposed a huge backlash in the correlation of forces,in favor of the major capitalist powers and of the large international economic corporations.There has been a weakening of the state,of politics,of economic planning,of parties,of unions,and of the collective forms of action and the resolution of the problems of society.

In one of the unequal continents of the world,popular governments must privilege social policies out of necessity.Adjustment of the public accounts was done to provide resources for the social policies.Social policy that produces income distribution is still the increase in wages above inflation and the creation of jobs with labor contract.But since many people are outside the formal labor market,these governments have developed innovative social policies for the distribution of income that,in contrast to worldwide trends,have significantly reduced social inequalities,poverty,and misery and to promote social inclusion,with the enlargement of the domestic market for popular consumption.

In the same way,the transition from capitalism to the neoliberal model,despite its promises,did not represent the resumption of an expansionary cycle of the economy.On the contrary,it entered into a long recessive cycle,in which it is still today,with no sign of recovery.

There has been,in its place,the projection of the enterprise and the market as central phenomena.Capitalism has resumed its historical process of commodification of all social relations,at the expense of the rights of the people.The state,in the words of George W.Bush,was no longer the solution,but the problem.

The state sphere is not opposed to the mercantile sphere.The state can be ruled by different interests.The alternative sphere is the public sphere,the sphere of rights,in which the subject is the citizen,defined as the subject of rights.The State is an area of dispute between public and mercantile interests.One can assess the advance of neoliberalism in a society by the advancement of commodification and the retreat of rights.One can assess the retreat of neoliberalism by the advance of the rights of all.

Neoliberalism proposes the centrality of the opposition between the state and private sector.It is a false opposition.They want,after destroying the state,to promote the sphere of the market,disguised as the private sphere.The sphere of neoliberalism is the mercantile which everything is a commodity.In this sphere,the subject is the consumer,which is defined by its purchasing power.The shopping mall thus becomes the utopia of neoliberalism.

本研究调查对象主要是美国医景网 (Medscape)的注册使用者,2016年的调查样本来自25个专业,超过15 000人;2017年的调查样本来自30个专业,超过14 000人;2018年的调查样本来自29个专业,超过15 000人。因为其调查对象的专业、人数在美国医生中都有较大的覆盖面,所以能在很大程度上代表美国医生的倦怠状况,美国国家心理健康机构和美国国家医学研究院也常参考和采用该网站的调查结果[7]。

In this period,alongside the formation of national states,nationalist and popular leadership projects were developed that would mark the political history of the continent for several decades.It was a period that lasted during the Second World War II and the Korean War,when it gave signs of conclusion,with the end of the governments of Vargas (1954) and Peron (1955),as their most vivid examples.During this period,popular parties,syndicates,as well as nationalist and socialist ideologies were established and strengthened.

It was a very troubled time on the continent,with several military coups attempts,based upon the National Security Doctrine,formulated by the USA,which finally materialized,starting in 1964 in Brazil,continuing in Uruguay and Chile in 1973 and in Argentina in 1976.They were regimes that struck hard at the popular movement through hard repression.Thus,the conditions for the neoliberal governments of the 1980s and 1990s were prepared.

Latin America was directly affected by the great transformations that the world suffered in the last decades of the 20th century.Three negative effects affected it:the first,the debt crisis,which occurred between the late 1970s and the early 1980s.A crisis that ended the long period of economic development that began in the 1930s as a reaction to the crisis of 1929.All countries were affected by it,when the United States increased the interest rates brutally.

The second important effect was the military coups in some of the most important countries of the continent politically:Brazil (1964),Uruguay (1973),Chile (1973) and Argentina (1976).Horror regimes struck hard the fighting capacity of the popular movements,preparing the conditions for the third effect.Those were military dictatorship regimes which imposed economic programs aimed at the interests of large national and international capital,as well as policies of systematic repression of popular movements,and unconditional alignment to the US at the international level.

The third was the neoliberal governments.Latin America was the continent with more neoliberal governments in its most radical forms.A country like Chile,which before was a model of social rights policies,has become one of the unequal countries in the continent,with its higher education becoming paid,privatization of social security,among other huge setbacks.Argentina,which was self-sufficient in energy,privatized state-owned oil company and went on to pay the burden of having to buy gas abroad.

As a result of those regimes,the unequal character of the societies of the continent was further deepened,with systems of social exclusion,income concentration,rising poverty and misery throughout the continent.At the same time that the popular movements saw themselves deeply weakened as a result of the repression.Latin America has reached by the end of the 20th century one of its worst moments in history.

Due to being the region of the world most battered by neoliberalism,Latin America has become the only region in the world with anti-neoliberal governments and autonomous regional integration processes in relation to the USA.In Venezuela,Brazil,Argentina,Uruguay,Bolivia,and Ecuador,governments have emerged with programs that address the central issues of neoliberalism.

At the same time,these governments have recovered the active role of the State,both as an inducer of economic growth,as a guarantee of the social rights of the mass of the population.They have also changed the position of these countries in the world by prioritizing regional exchanges and regional integration processes - through the strengthening of Mercosur and the founding of Unasur,Celac,among other organizations,instead of Free Trade Agreements with the USA.

There are three common characteristics of these governments:the priority of social policies and not the fiscal adjustment.The priority of the processes of regional integration,South-South exchange and not Free Trade Agreements with the USA.The rescue of the active role of the State,rather than the centrality of the market.


In this new historical period,Latin America has become a privileged victim.The continent had lived the most important period of its history since the recovery from the crisis of 1929.From that moment,taking advantage of the retraction of the central economies of capitalism,especially the North American and British,a project of industrialization,urbanization and construction of national states was developed,which profoundly transformed Latin American societies,especially the more developed ones,Mexico,Brazil,and Argentina.


As a whole,these countries have lived for at least a decade the most virtuous political periods in their history,projecting popular leaders in the world such as Hugo Chavez,Lula,Nestor and Cristina Kirchner,promoting policies of national sovereignty in each of their countries.Some of these governments are — or were — anti-neoliberal — Brazil,Argentina,Uruguay.Others — Venezuela,Bolivia,Ecuador — have set for themselves not only the goals of anti-neoliberalism but also those of anti-capitalism and socialism.

1.7 数据处理 (1)检出率(occurrence frequency,OF)=(某个种出现的土样数∕总土样数)×100%〔13〕。


The anti-neoliberalism of these governments has in the public sphere its strategic element.It opposes the strategic goal of capitalism:commodification.To build and to strengthen the public sphere — education,health,banks,among other instances — is to strengthen not only anti-neoliberalism but also anti-capitalism.Socialism is,in essence,the generalization of the public sphere,the generalization of rights for all,the transformation of all into citizens,free and equal.

The existence of those governments puts the struggle for socialism in Latin America to a new level.They point out some lessons:

That the 21st century left in Latin America is,above all,an anti-neoliberal left.That the neoliberal era of capitalism is the historical stage upon which the historical,economic,political,social,and ideological conditions are placed,from which the anti-capitalist and socialist struggle in the 21st century is reset.

That the struggle for socialism has in the public sphere its main site for gathering strategic strength for the construction of a new society.

That the new state has to be rebuild based upon the centrality of the public sphere.

That process of Latin American integration and South-South exchange are the strategic framework through which the construction of socialism in Latin America should take place.

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-1698.2019.02.019

About the author:Emir Sader,professor of State Universty of Rio de Janiero.

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