Title:The effect of combination of kaglitazine and insulin glargine on the first diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus
论文来源:浙江实用医学 2019
Abstract:Objective to investigate the effect of caglejing combined with insulin glargine on the first diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Methods 62 patients with type 2 diabetes were randomly divided into two groups: the first group was treated with carboglizine and the second group was treated with acarbose for 12 weeks. During the treatment, the adverse reactions such as insulin, insulin and hypoglycemia were observed. Results fasting blood glucose (FBG), 2-hour postprandial blood glucose (2-hour PBG), HbA1c were significantly lower in the two groups than before treatment (P & lt; 0.05). BMI of caglejing group was significantly lower than that of the control group (P & lt; 0.05). There was no significant difference in hypoglycemia between the two groups (P & gt; 0.05). Conclusion the combination of caglejing and insulin glargine can effectively control the blood glucose level and body mass of the first diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients, and reduce the insulin dosage, which is safe.
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