C hinese President Xi Jinping,also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China al Committee and Chairman Centr of the Central Military Commission,reviewed multinational fleets during a naval parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy on the afternoon of April 23.

1.3.1 术前宣教及营养评估 ERAS组病人进行常规宣教和ERAS知识宣教两种告知内容,在ERAS组术前准备阶段通过多媒体、展板、小卡片、问卷调查等多种方式进行ERAS知识多模式宣教,并且由医护和麻醉师等合作进行宣教。而传统组只进行常规宣教,两组病人术前均签署手术同意书和术前沟通书等。术前对病人营养状况进行全方位、立体评估,统计病人术前BMI、营养评分、白蛋白、前白蛋白、血红蛋白等营养指标。

It was part of a multinational naval event, which also consisted of seminars and cultural and sports activities,hosted by China in the port city of Qingdao in Shandong Province on April 22-25.


Xi first inspected 32 Chinese naval vessels and 39 warplanes, including China’s first aircraft carrier the Liaoning,nuclear-powered submarines, destroyers and frigates, as well as bombers and carrier-based fighters and helicopters.He also reviewed 18 visiting naval ships from 13 countries.

Comments to zanjifang@bjreview.com

(Photos by Xinhua News Agency)

Copyedited by Rebeca Toledo

读者权利在 《教育法》里也有相应的法律规范,比如,第九条规定中华人民共和国公民有受教育的权利和义务。公民不分民族、种族、性别、职业、财产状况、宗教信仰等,依法享有平等的受教育机会。第四十二条规定受教育者享有下列权利:参加教育教学计划安排的各种活动,使用教育教学设施、设备、图书资料。

1. A nuclear submarine attends the naval parade held in Qingdao on April 23

2. A naval band performs during a multinational naval event in Qingdao on April 22

3. Visitors flock to a multinational naval event on April 24

4. A frigate from Singapore’s navy arrives at the Dagang Port in Qingdao to attend a multinational naval event on April 19

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