

Are There Butter flies in Beijing?

文/John James Wilson 译/史聪一



美国第二大投行摩根士丹利形成大量资产减值。 摩根士丹利2007年第四季度次贷债券投资损失高达94亿美元,其中有78亿美元是基于次贷业务。这直接导致公司成立73年来首次出现季度亏损。“急需资本金补充的摩根士丹利就找到了中国。” 汪建熙说。


Like all new arrivers to Beijing, I quickly came to appreciate that Beijing is a “megacity” in every sense. The Chinese capital is the second largest city in the world by population, trailing only Shanghai.

It may come as a surprise to many that the urban parks and university campuses in megacities, can host remarkable levels of biodiversity and abundant wildlife.In fact, when planning the campus butterfly survey,colleagues would frequently ask: “There are butter flies on campus?” Urban wildlife may not always be obvious, and we city dwellers often fail to notice it if we don't take the time to look carefully.

We recorded thirty-one species of butterflies in Beijing parks, including large and spectacular swallowtails and teeny-tiny grass blues. The small white (known by the scientific name Pierisrapae) was the most common species by a large margin and was the only species found in all ten parks we surveyed. This white butter fly can be found in cities all over the world, and is abundant in my hometown in Northwest England, 8000 kilometres from Beijing. Adult small white butter flies can be seen flying in Beijing from February until October each year. The first butterflies of the year are of smaller size than the later adults, probably due to the effects of overwintering underground as pupae;a pattern noticed by the students recording the butter flies at our campus.


对于北京居民而言,无论是世居于此,还是初来乍到,都会感受到这座世界级大都市所带来的现代化都市便利:美味的食物、宏伟的景观,以及无与伦比的购物体验,但也会使人感受到远离大自然的孤独感。对于世界各地的城市居民而言,因与大自然的疏远而产生的孤立感已被公认为是一种重大的全球性挑战,这种现象则被称为“自然缺失症”(Nature Deficit Disorder)——该术语在理查德·勒夫(Richard Louv)2005年出版的《林中的最后一个孩子》(Last Child in The Woods )一书中被首次提出。


Nature Deficit Disorder

For residents of Beijing, lifelong and recently arrived alike, life in one of the world's largest cities provides all the conveniences of modern life: superb food,magnificent sightseeing, and great shopping, but can also trigger feelings of isolation from the natural world. The detachment from nature felt by city dwellers the world over has been recognised as a major global challenge and has become known as “Nature Deficit Disorder”,a phrase first coined by Richard Louv in his 2005 book Last Child in the Woods .


Exposure, or lack of exposure, to nature on a day-today basis has been shown to affect people's perceptions and appreciation of the wider natural world. People regularly exposed to nature tend to be more sensitive to environmental issues and to have more positive opinions of the value of ecosystems to humans and of the right of wildlife to exist. As the urban population, as well as the urban land area, continues to increase rapidly,the implications of Nature Deficit Disorder are deeply concerning to me as a conservation biologist who has devoted my professional life to the study and protection of wildlife.



In addition to my classroom duties I have been part of a team of like-minded scientists working across East and Southeast Asia surveying butterflies found in urban parks. We also have been interviewing parks users to determine their levels of perception and appreciation of butterflies. In summer I traversed Beijing from north to south and east to west to record the butter flies in ten city parks and interview more than two hundred park users.Two undergraduate students volunteered to assist in this task after being inspired by their experience recording butter flies on campus.




Going out of the concrete jungle

My undergraduate classes spent several weeks recording the butterflies which share our university campus in north Beijing. The objective of the assignment was to raise awareness about environmental issues and also address Nature Deficit Disorder. Throughout the semester the students recorded 300 individuals belonging to 10 butterfly species. Some students struggled to overcome their phobia of insects, and were gently reminded that butter flies are harmless to humans, they cannot bite and don't spread any diseases. Overall the students, many of whom have lived in the concrete jungle their whole lives,deeply cherished the experience; as one student put it: “this experience of butter flies sampling will be an unforgettable memory in my university life.”


Although I cannot speak Chinese, observing the conversations between my students and the park users gave me an insight into life in Beijing beyond that seen by most expatriates con fined to their university campuses or gated communities in Chaoyang. Beijing parks are used by young and old alike from all sectors of the community,and on fine weather days every inch of the parks are occupied, by dancing aunties (guangchangwu), joggers,picnickers, couples taking wedding photos, or children simply enjoying being outdoors.





Are There Butter flies?

Nonetheless, the speed of the urban growth and development of Beijing during the last 20 years, like many cities across China and East Asia more widely, has been unprecedented. Between 2000 and 2009, Beijing's urban land quadrupled. The “built-up” area now stretches across 40% of Beijing municipality and even further a field across the “Jing-Jin-Ji”(京津冀)metropolitan region offering an urban vastness previously only contemplated in science fiction.

从表4可以看出不同入料压力下大直径旋流器的分级效果。入料压力为0.09 MPa时,旋流器溢流中小于0.125 mm粒级含量为32.46%,底流中大于0.25 mm粒级含量为67.87%,小于0.125 mm粒级含量为10.74%;旋流器溢流中细粒级含量高,底流中细粒级含量低,说明分级效果良好。

Twenty-seven thousand years of history, including the rise and fall of the great Ming and Qing dynasties, means Beijing is home to numerous cultural masterpieces, many now recognised as UNESCO world heritage sites.The art treasures and universities have made Beijing the center of art and culture in China and explain why I, and many expatriate teaching colleagues, now call Beijing home.


John James Wilson,英国,动物学博士学位,曾任中国农业大学国际学院生物课教师。图为John James Wilson(前)和学生在一起(中国农业大学国际学院供图)





“Fake” butter fly exhibition

While there are currently diverse and abundant assemblages of butter flies in Beijing, butter flies in urban areas face many challenges and their continued presence in the city is far from guaranteed. The disappearance of butterflies from the British countryside over the past 50 years has been well-documented, but a recent study has demonstrated that butterflies are vanishing from British cities more quickly than from rural areas.

Urbanisation causes the loss and fragmentation of green spaces which makes it harder for butterflies to find food. Species like the small white, which can feed on many different types of plants, can probably cope, but species that aren't as strong fliers and are less able to find new food sources increasingly struggle with city life.Temperature increases due to global warming are more strongly pronounced in cities due to the urban heat island effect and butter flies which thrive during cold winters are likely to be severely affected. The high volumes of traffic in cities leads to increased levels of nitrogen deposition which changes the nutritional quality of plants and has been linked to butter fly declines.

“Chinese visitors left furious by ‘fake' butter fly exhibition”was a headline on the BBC News website. According to the news report, visitors in Guangxi hoping to see an exhibition of butter flies were disappointed after realising they had bought tickets to see plastic butter flies attached to sticks. To me, this story shows that Chinese people value interactions with butterflies and are even willing to pay for them. Maybe they don't realise they can easily interact with many beautiful butter flies in their city parks,often free of charge. Let's raise awareness about the wild,native butterflies sharing our cities, and take steps to ensure they continue to have a home among us.

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