Touring the Rockefeller Center——--A city within a City,本文主要内容关键词为:Rockefeller论文,Touring论文,Center论文,City论文,city论文,此文献不代表本站观点,内容供学术参考,文章仅供参考阅读下载。
Rockefeller Center is an art deco marvel (注: art deco marvel装饰艺术的奇迹)consisting of 19 commercial buildings covering 11acres in midtown Manhattan from 49th to52 nd Streets,Fifth to Seventh Avenues.Named
after the multi-millionaire,John D.Rockefeller(注:John D.Rockefeller约翰·D·洛克菲勒,美国石油大亨,标准石油公司的创始人。),who leased(注:lease租用。洛克菲勒家族以每年360万美元的租金同土地所有者哥伦比亚大学签订了有效期直至2069年的租赁合同。)the space fromColumbia University in 1928.Originally occupied by tenements(注:tenement//n.廉价公寓) and theaters, Rockefellerplanned torevitalize(注:revitaliza/
/v.使复兴) the area with 3 huge office buildings and anew Metropolitan
Opera House. Hiring 3 architecture firmsand a consulting firm,ground was broken on the RockefellerCenter we see today in late 1929.
30 Rockefeller Plaza was the largest and first built. Itis the centerpiece and probably best known building.
As you can see from this view from the Empire
State Building,the 70-story building still tow-ers over its modern competitors.Completed in 1934,30 Rockefeller Plaza became theRCA(注:RCA美国无线电公司)headquarters. General Electric's initials now brighten the rooftop(注:rooftop
n.屋顶) of the home of NBC.30 Rockefeller Plaza is the most public of the buildings and
two of the most
tourist attractions reside here.
Atop the 65th floor,you can dance the night away at theRainbow Room.As glamorous as when it opened in 1934,you canenjoy some of the best views away from the Empire StateBuilding here.
The arcade(注:arcade/a:'keid/n.拱廊) of
RockefellerCenter is
the most popular route(注:route/ru:t/n.路线)oftourists. Enteringon Fifth Avenue between 49th and 50thStreets, the
make way to the sub-groundrestaurant area which,as most are familiar with,becomes anice skating rink in winter.
All of this is watched upon by Paul Manship's 1934 statue,Prometheus.Surrounding the sub-ground area are the flags of all nations.
There are
two restaurants below,each accessible by elevators on either side of the Plaza.American Festival Cafe near 50th Street and Sea Grill near 49th Street. Both offer outdoor dining in summer and exquisite views of ice skatersin winter.
Rockefeller Center also boasts some terrific art!
When you walk around here, look everywhere.You'll find some of the most interesting art works gracing these outdoor edifices(注:edifice/'edifis/n.大厦).
The art deco and art murals and mosaics(注:mural and mosaics//n.壁画和镶嵌图案) have been wonderfully preserved andadd a museum-like atmosphere to your visit.
Of course,Rockefeller Center would be nothing without its wonderful shops gracefully lining its buildings.From
the Museum Shop to Television City,you'll find nearly everything here.
If you're not in the mood for shopping,how about a bite toeat?At 51 Rockefeller Plazaon 51st Street,you'll find the hip(注:hip adj.赶时髦的, 消息灵通的) , entertaining eatery,Fashion Cafe.
Enter a world of trendy high fashion as waitresses serveyou from the catwalk(注:catwalk n.狭小通道)amid videos of designer shows.
The majority of buildings in
Rockefeller Center
house some of the world's major companies,like Time Warner.This building,home to the Associated Press,definitely make walking into work more pleasant.
On a trivial note,there are 488 elevators in Rockefeller Center.A broken elevator should not be an excuse for being late for work!
The tall monoliths(注:monolith//n.独块巨石,这里形容高楼大厦)along
Sixth Avenue wereerected in the style of Rockefeller Center but only after1960.They really look amazing in the late evening sky.
The mammoth(注:mammoth//n.庞然大物,用以形容希尔顿饭店)New York Hilton,with over2,000 rooms is just up the block on 53rd Street.
What are we waiting for? On to Radio City Music Hall! When it opened as a movie palace in 1932,Radio City Music Hall wasgraced by such stars as Clark Gable(注:Clark Gable克拉克·盖博)and Charlie Chaplin(注:Charlie Chaplin查里·卓别林)。
Today,this 6,000 seat theater showcases premier concerts(注:premier concert首场演出)by
the top musicians as well as the Christmas Spectacular featuring the famous Rockettes.
What's Christmas without Rockefeller Center?
The mostpopular December destination features one gigantic tree andmore than enough tradition and memories to fill your suitcase.
洛克菲勒中心位于纽约曼哈顿区的四十九街和五十二街之间,紧挨世界第一大商业街第五大道,占地面积22公顷。这里,19幢高耸入云的摩天大厦鳞次栉比,楼宇的中央是一个设计别致的地下露天广场。夏天,广场是餐馆和咖啡厅,冬天则变成白皑皑的溜冰物,广场边竖立着一座金灿灿的普罗米修斯塑像,十分引人注目。洛克菲勒中心是美国通用电气公司的总部所在地,这里还有美国四大电视网之一的NBC广播公司、 洛克菲勒大学及附属医院、邮局、时代和生活杂志出版社、包括合众社在内的两家通讯社、拥有6200个座位的世界第一大室内音乐厅——无线电城音乐厅,还有包括纽约首屈一指的餐厅——彩虹厅在内的20多家餐馆和众多名牌商品专卖店。地面上的花园里经常展示名艺术家们的雕塑作品。地底下,各座大楼的地下室连成一片,构成一个巨型地下商场,走在里面真像进入迷宫一般。洛克菲勒中心一年四季都举行富有特色的各种文化活动,其中以盛大的圣诞树点灯仪式最为诱人,每年都吸引数以千计来自美国各地和世界各国的游客前往观赏,电视网也都要做实况转播,已成为纽约市的一项重要旅游文化活动。简而言之,洛克菲勒中心是集娱乐、办公、购物、休闲于一身,全纽约最现代化的一个商业区。在洛克菲勒中心工作的员工有24万人之多,而每年来此地观光的游客也达数百万之众,无怪乎有人把洛克菲勒中心称为“城中城”。