

Mr. Lars Lund Rasmussen, Consul General of the Consulate General of Denmark in Chongqing, talks about Denmark-China exchanges“Fairy Tales”-Enabled Denmark-China Friendship

文/图:本刊记者 李卉嫔 张稚妍


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The year 2018 marked the 10th anniversary of Denmark-China comprehensive strategic partnership. Over the decade, the two countries have engaged in extensive cooperation in 58 fields: health,food and agriculture, intellectual property and market supervision, culture, tourism, maritime affairs, politics and law, and urban development, to name but a few. China has become the largest trading partner of Denmark in Asia, as well as its second largest trading partner globally,only next to the EU. The year 2018 witnessed a surge of Chinese investment in Denmark to USD 1.1 billion,based on USD 290 million in 2017. On top of trade and economic cooperation, China and Denmark have also maintained close bonds in culture and people-to-people exchanges. During the China-Denmark Tourism Year 2017, the Danish Tourist Board rolled out a series of indepth tour products with varied themes, such as “Fairy Tales in Denmark”, “Food in Denmark”, and “Design in Denmark”, seeking to meet Chinese tourists " needs in exploring the natural scenery and rich culture Denmark has to offer.




Denmark is a founding member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). During the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said that, Denmark is glad to be part of the Belt and Road Initiative in various aspects, and is willing to work with China in tapping into their cooperation potential in medical care, food, education,culture, tourism, football, and other fields, in a way to further advance Denmark-China business cooperation and cultural exchanges to a new high.


“I am quite con fident in the development potential of southwestern China, and excited about the evergrowing investment opportunities in Yunnan, Guizhou,Sichuan, and Chongqing. We plan to bring more Danish enterprises to invest here by hosting investment promotions and business negotiations,” Mr. Rasmussen told our reporter. Sichuan has now entered cooperation with Denmark in infrastructure construction, education,and other fields. Horsens Kindergarten and Horsens Primary School, co-funded by China and Denmark,opened in October 2018, existing as a shining example of bilateral education cooperation. A host of Danish enterprises, such as Maersk, Carlsberg, LEGO,PANDORA, and Ecco, have invested in Sichuan.Having lived in China for 11 years, Mr. Rasmussen has an intimate knowledge of the country. Since he took office as Consul General of the Consulate General of Denmark in Chongqing two years ago,he has been harnessing his strength to help Danish business community get closer to China, especially the southwestern region, and offer them valuable advices in their investment decision-making.






In 2018, a Danish business delegation came to Sichuan and visited Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport, China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone,and other areas, where they were impressed by the rapid growth and bright prospect of the southwestern province. The delegation members said that Denmark is willing to intensify the communication and cooperation with Sichuan in business, energy, life science, food security, health, culture, and other fields;and hoped the two sides would enable closer interenterprise exchanges and extend their cooperation in international friendship city, infrastructure construction, green energy, food safety, and other sectors, particularly, they would seize the cooperation opportunities brought along by the Chengdu-Copenhagen direct fl ight opened in late 2018.

“I am quite confident in the development potential of southwestern China”

To sustain Denmark "s strong tradition in fairy tales,the 1st Hans Christian Andersen Drawing Event, with the theme “A Dialog between Andersen "s Fairy Tales and Tianfu Culture”, was held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province on December 1, 2018. Andersen "s fairy tales like The Daughter of the Sea, The Little Match Girl ,and The Emperor’s New Clothes , all touch a deep chord in the hearts of generations of Chinese children.During the event, Mr. Lars Lund Rasmussen, Consul General of the Consulate General of the Consulate General of Denmark in Chongqing, shared his views on China-Denmark trade and economic cooperation,and cultural exchanges.


“Hopefully, our active efforts will enable more Denmark-China cooperation projects,” Mr. Rasmussen said, noting that, since he chose to live in China after the 2008 financial crisis, he has witnessed how China has emerged from the economic meltdown and geared onto a track of high quality, fast growth. He praised,“China is embracing the world with a more open,inclusive posture. It is a land with better infrastructure,smoother roads, boosted tourism industry, and everimproved people "s livelihood, the very hallmarks for an advanced, open, and globalized country.”


“Culture-oriented China-Denmark cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative”


When it comes to cooperation and exchanges,Consul General Rasmussen said: “The initiative is all-embracing as it covers cooperation in trade,infrastructure construction, education, culture, and other sectors.” “While the initiative enables us to be open to each other "s culture, cultural exchanges herald further progress of the initiative and closer cultural bonds bring more advantages and opportunities for our bilateral business cooperation,” he added.


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Denmark is known as “the Kingdom of Fairy Tales”. During the Hans Christian Andersen Drawing Event, kids in Chengdu showed their drawing works blending characters in Andersen "s fairy tales with panda,hotpot, and other elements of Tianfu culture, using their wild imagination to tell old fairy tales in a new way.

Back to the 19th century, Andersen wrote a China-themed story The Nightingale, which can be seen as an attempt to boost China-Denmark cultural exchange through fairy tales. “There is always a profound truth behind each of Andersen "s fairy tales,”Mr. Rasmussen said with a smile, “Taking my favorite‘The Ugly Duckling " as an example, the story tells us that one should not judge others by appearance but treat everyone as equals.”

Tourism, another key driver fueling cultural exchanges, has been also featuring prominently in bilateral ties. The Chengdu-Copenhagen direct flight,opened in late 2018, has been facilitating closer friendship and better communication between the two peoples. Mr. Rasmussen said, “I hope to see more Chinese people choose Denmark as one of their tourist destinations, and more Danish people come to Sichuan to experience local customs and culture.”

责编: 彭纳

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