


“孔子曰:三人行, 则必有我师。 是故弟子(注:“弟子”译为pupils,因pupils虽通常指学童,如中、小学生,但与教师并用时,就不仅限于学童,而泛指“弟子”、“门生”,包括“大学生”在内,如:teacher and pupil、the master musician's pupil、 one of the professor's pupils。)不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子。 闻道有先后,术业有专攻,如是而已。”

〔2〕韩愈的原意,是因为自己接受了门徒, 为了抵制当时舆论的非议,所以写这篇文章自解。他的意思是说,自己虽是作了先生,并不一定样样贤于弟子,从他学的人也不一定不如他,人们不必因此而大惊小怪。本来,只要是一个人闻道在先,不管他是什么人,都可以拜为老师。要学习的是知识,用不着问他“生乎我前”或“生乎吾后”;也用不着要求老师精通百般武艺,只要他有一门是比自己好的,就应该认他为师,向他学习。这是讲给求学的人听的。但也可以反过来讲给“传道授业解惑”的老师们听。

〔3〕“弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子”,这是一个真理, 并不是瞎说。老师和学生并没有什么不可逾越的界限。在这门知识上老师高于学生,在另一门知识上,学生也可能高于老师;今天老师高于学生,明天学生可能高过老师。这也是辩证法,对立面的统一。老师和学生可以互相转换,学生要向老师学习,老师也有需要向学生学习之处。

〔4〕礼记(注:“《礼记》”译为Liji(The Book of Rites),儒家经典之一,亦称《小戴礼记》,为秦、汉以前各种礼仪论著的选集,相传由西汉戴圣编辑成书,是研究中国古代社会情况、儒家学说和文物制度的参考书。)的《学记》(注:“《学记》”译为Xueji ( The Subject of Education),为篇名,杂记秦、汉以前贵族的教育制度、教学内容和方法,是中国古代教育史上比较有价值的教育论著。)有一段著名的话,意思也和这相近:“虽有佳肴,弗食,不知其旨也。虽有至道,弗学,不知其善也。是故学然后知不足,教然后知困。知不足,然后能自反也。知困,然后能自强也。故曰:教学相长也。‘说命(注:“说(yuè)命”,又称《兑命》,为《尚书》篇,译为Yue Ming。)’曰:‘学半(注:“学半”也作“学(xiào)学(xué)半”,其中“(xiao)”意同“教”,全句作“教与学各占一半”解,即教人时才知道有困难,要学习,这样就等于学习的一半了。)’。其此之谓乎!”礼记的话着重在自反自强,不如韩愈说得更彻底。但是它所说的“教然后知困”,“教学相长”,所引的“学半”(就是说教学各居其半,相反而相成),就是在今天说来,也还是颠扑不破的。

〔5〕做先生的必然同时做学生,或者首先做学生, 像马克思所说的“教育者必先受教育”,这个道理说来很浅显,但是人们在实际生活中却很不容易承认。特别是当老师当久了的人(注:“当老师当久了的人”译为teachers of long standing,其中of long standing 的意思是“工龄长的”或“老资格的”。),或者像韩愈所说的“术业有专攻”的人,就很不容易接受这个辩证法。

〔6 〕老师们不容易接受这个道理(注:“老师们不容易接受这个道理”译为teachers fail to be readily receptive to..., 其中readily作quickly或easily解;receptive to/of 意同 willing to accept。),倒也事出有因。“弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子”,虽是封建思想的代表者韩愈所提出来的一个观点,但是在封建时代却并不通行。正好相反,“天地君亲师”,在封建时代,老师是同“天地君亲”在一起,居高而临下,弟子哪里能同老师上下平等而又矛盾统一呢?老师毕竟是老师,师道尊严,神圣不可侵犯,弟子毕竟是弟子,怎可以超过老师?这个观点相沿成习。

〔7〕新的师生关系,倒真像韩愈所说的,是“不耻相师”。 就是互为老师,互为学生,彼此平等,不分尊卑,真正是“道之所存,师之所存”,谁有学问谁就是老师。

〔8〕从学生方面来说,应该有“道之所存, 师之所存”的尊重真理的精神;从老师方面来说,也应该像孔夫子那样,有一点“三人行,则必有我师”的雅量。

〔9〕韩愈授引孔子的先例(注:“援引孔子的先例”译为 going by Confucius'teaching,其中going by是成语,作“依照”、“遵循”解,如:We have a precedent to go by(我们有先例可援)。又“先例”指“孔子的教导”,译为Confucius'teaching。),作出判断说,“圣人无常师”。这句话的意思,是说真正聪明有学问的人,没有一定的老师;见人有学问,不管是谁,就认他为师。我想还得给他添一句:“师亦无常道”,就是当老师的并不经常等于真理。一个当老师的人,既要勇于坚持自己的真理,又要勇于承认自己的非真理。要保持师位的(注:“要保持师位的”意即“忠于(或热爱)教职的老师们”,故译为All devoted teachers。),不妨试一试这条方案,同学生们一道来为科学真理奋斗。


Elderly people aged over fifty must have read Han Yu's On the Teacher.Quite a few remarks in this essay are worthy ofcontemplation by present-day teachers and pupils.Take thefollowing for example:

"Confucius said:'Out of three men,there must be one who can teach me.'So Pupils are not necessarily inferior to theirteachers,nor teachers better than their pupils.Some learn the truth earlier than others,and some have special skills- that is all."

[2]Han Yu wrote this essay to defend himself against theattack of his time on his having accepted some disciples.Inhis opinion, having disciples is not something to

besurprised at because,as a teacher ,he was not necessarilybetter than this disciples in every way, nor his disciplesalways inferior to him.As a matter of fact, one who haslearned the truth earlier than you, no matter who he is,should be acknowledged as a teacher.You need not ask whetherhe was born before or after you because what matters is theknowledge that he can impart to you.Nor should you presumehim to be omniscent.So long as he excels you in one respect,you should learn from him and call him yourteacher. This advice of mine is addressed to pupils,and teachers as well-teachers whose duty is "to pass on the truth, impartknowledge and dispel ignorance".

[3]"Pupils are not necessarily inferior to their teachers,nor teachers better than their pupils"-that is a truth, nota fallacy.There is no impassable demarcation line betweenteacher and pupil.While a teacher may be superior to hispupil in one branch of knowledge,the latter may be superiorto the former in another.While the teacher may be superiorto his pupil today,the latter may be superior to the formertomorrow.That demonstrates the law of dialectics and theunity of opposites. A kind of interplay exists

betweenteacher and pupil.The pupil should learn from his

teacher,but sometimes there may also be something the teacher has tolearn from his pupil.

[4] A similar idea is expressed by the following well-known passage quoted from Xueji(The Subject of Education), achapter of the ancient book Liji ( The Book of Rites) :"However nice the food may be,if one does not eat it, he doesnot know its taste; however perfect the doctrine may be, ifone does not learn it,he does not know its value.Therefore,when he learns,one knows his own deficiencies;

whenheteaches,one knows where the difficulty lies.After he knowshis deficiencies,one is able to examine himself;

after heknows where the difficulty lies, one is able to improvehimself.Hence,'teaching and learning help each other',as itis said in Yue Ming,'Teaching is the half of learning .'"Theabove quotation from Liji, which lays emphasis on self-examination and self-improvement,is less thoroughgoing thanwhat Han Yu says about education.Nevertheless, its remarkssuch as "When he teaches,one knows where the difficulty lies","Teaching benefits teachers as well as pupils"and "Teachingis the half of learning"( a quotation meaning teaching andlearning are opposite and complementary to each other)

allremain irrefutable to this day.

[5] To be a teacher,one must at the same time be astudent,or be a student first, just as Carl Marx says,"Educators must themselves be educated first."Though this isplain truth, yet people in their practical life seldomrecognize it.It is especially hard for teachers of longstanding or those with"special skills",as Han Yu says, tolook at this matter dialectically.

[6]It is not without reason or cause that teachers failto be readily receptive to the above- mentioned concept.Theviewpoint"Pupils are not necessarrily inferior to

theirteachers,nor teachers better than their pupils", though putforward by Han Yu,himself a feudal-minded scholar typical ofhis time,was by no means popular in the feudal age. On thecontrary,as teachers were ranked high up along with"Heaven,Earth,Sovereign and Parents" as objects of worship in thefeudal age,pupils could never be on an equal footing withtheir teachers to form a unity of opposites. After all, ateacher was a teacher.His teaching profession was dignified,sacred and inviolable.A pupil was a pupil.He was neverexpected to surpass his teacher.The practice has come downfrom the past and become customary.

[7] The new relationship between teacher and pupil shouldbe that of,in the words of Han Yu,"not ( being)

ashamed tolearn from each other."That is to say, teacher and pupilshould teach each other and learn from each other. Theyshould treat each other as equals regardless of seniority,so that,as Han Yu says,"whoever knows the truth can be ateacher."

[8] Pupils should show the spirit of respecting the truth,learning from whoever knows.Teachers should be so open-minded as to be ready to learn from anyone who knows, justas Confucius says,"Out of three men,there must be one whocan teach me."

[9] Han Yu,going by Confucius' teaching,asserts that "asage has no definite teacher",meaning that a really wise andlearned person has no fixed teacher and that he learns fromwhoever knows.I think that I may as well add,"No teacher isall-knowing", meaning that no teacher is infallible. Ateacher should have the courage not only to hold firmly tothe truth but also to admit his mistake.All devoted teachersmight as well put this into practice so that they can strive,together with their pupils,for scientific knowledge and thetruth.

[10] On the other hand, however, pupils should alsounderstand this:when they discover a teacher's weak point ina certain respect,they should not jump to the conclusionthat he is no longer qualified as a teacher,because the weakpoint in one respect does not mean the weak point in allrespects and,likewise,the strong point in a certain pointdoes not mean the strong point in all respects. Students oftoday,shouldering a great historical task, should deeplyunderstand how limited their knowledge is and how importantit is for them to learn modestly from all those who haveknowledge and strong points, especially teachers who "havespecial skills"! That is all I can say about on the Teacher.

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