
Do Smartphones Make People Smarter?

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The Double Take column looks at a single topic from an African and Chinese perspective. This month we discuss whether smartphones make people smarter.

A Disillusion of Our Natural Intelligence

Abel Hara

A 24-year-old Zambian studying in China

As a young man living in China in the 21st century, I have the privilege of experiencing the opportunities and challenges presented by the current smartphone explosion in the technology industry. It’s shocking to even consider that a decade ago, many of the phones and smart devices that are presently in the hands of many teenagers were once virtually nonexistent!

The advent of these so called “smartphones” has brought about debate regarding the pros and cons of their contribution to our human intelligence. It’s scary to observe how a smartphone can virtually affect every aspect of our lives, and at times stirs up an addictive attachment that can render its user indifferent to their environment and unable to concentrate on what is going on beyond the confines of the phone screen. In my opinion, the constant use of smartphones has a negative effect on cognitive function; it makes people have a relatively short attention span since they are so acclimatized to the rapidly changing dynamics of their smartphones.

The smartphone is virtually a combination of several technological applications: a calculator, an alarm, a personal digital assistant, a high quality camera, a music player system, a mini computer, an audio retrieval device and perhaps more.


A 25-year-old business assistant in Beijing

A smartphone is essentially a world of almost limitless possibility placed in the palm of your hand. It is a tool or a trap depending on how you view and utilize it.



Han Linfeng

A Smarter Life, Not a Smarter Person


I guess whether smartphones serve as technological aid in harnessing our intelligence and potential is entirely up to us.

The notion of whether or not a smartphone makes one smarter is disillusioned. Functions such as auto-correct and dictionary inculcated in these devices even allow one to “seemingly” spell correctly on a smartphone where they would error with pen and paper in a different scenario.

In my observation, humans are gradually relying on smartphones instead of their natural intelligence for assistance in their daily activities, hence becoming less naturally smart.

As an enthusiast for modern technologies, I have been using smartphones for more than seven years. Ask me if I have become smarter, I would say yes, but I would attribute it to years of school learning and social practice. I don’t think it has anything to do with smartphones.


I can’t deny that we are living in a smarter way with the smartphone and various mobile apps it has. I can type a word to get thousands of related news and stories or track my daily activities on it. We are indeed smarter with a smartphone, but we are not smarter because of it.

I can be sure of this just by recalling how I’ve handled some situations after leaving my smartphone behind a couple of times. One time I got lost and had to borrow a phone to call my best friend for help. But in the process of doing so, I realized I couldn’t remember her phone number. “Clumsy!” I thought to myself. This wouldn’t happen to a smart person, would it?

Some may say a smartphone makes us more knowledgeable and hence smarter, thanks to the convenient access to knowledge it offers. It is true that we can get basically all the information we want from it, even the “ultimate secrets” to achieve success. But I don’t think we are getting more than we are losing through it. Smartphones are only one of the many sources of knowledge we have today, but a combination of too many sources of distraction. To benefit from a smartphone, you need to be smart enough in the first place to identify helpful information and stay focused. If you can’t do this, you’d better get smarter by putting aside your phone and picking up a book.

Though one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century, this gadget has resulted in many negative consequences, such as phone addiction, social isolation and health problems linked with eyesight. I keep reminding myself not to get addicted to or reliant on a smartphone as it is a product of human techno- logy that I should be in control of. That is the smarter way of getting the best out of a smartphone.

