Abstract:according to the characteristics of new type of embedded track,the author set up a new calculation mode to analyzethe contribution of vehicle load and temperature force to the resistance to the lateral andlongitudinalmovement of an embedded non-ballast track's limit rebar,which would provide the basis for design and engineering application.The results show that,with vehicle loading,the track structure and the maximum tensile stress value of the self-compacting concrete were respectively 1.71 MPa and 1.89 MPa,the maximum shear stress and tensile stress of the rebar were 41.5 MPa and 41.5 MPa,which meet the requirement of design.Additionally,temperature force would give maximum shear stress and tensile stress 298.5 MPa and 298.5 MPa to the rebar,which also meet the design strength.As a result,the limit rebar can meet the design requirements.
Key words:embedded track,limit rebar,mechanical property,limit
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标签:轨道论文; 应力论文; 分别为论文; 嵌入式论文; 结构论文; 型钢论文; 荷载论文; 《基层建设》2018年第7期论文;