

Adhering to the Path of Peaceful Development

Chen Jimin*

Abstract: The path of peaceful development, the centerpiece of China’s 21st century international strategy and a development in the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, offers a new exploration of laws governing human progress and a new lesson for modernization in developing countries. To take on its important role in international multilateral mechanisms, China needs to deal with major power relations and with neighboring states and developing countries. To continue following the path of peaceful development requires a wary eye on the domestic and international situation.

Keywords: path of peaceful development,China,international strategy

T he terminology“path of peaceful development”appears in reports from 17th, 18th and 19th CPC National Congresses, the constitution of the CPC, and China’s national constitution, outlining that China aims to develop in a peaceful manner. While China has repeatedly emphasized the urgent need for an international strategy dealing with the complex,changing external environment, this has never included hegemony, a point that President Xi Jinping again emphasized in his speech on December 18,2018.

For a number of years, China’s trajectory of rapid growth and its size as the largest developing country have understandably attracted global attention. Former President Hu Jintao and former Premier Wen Jiabao on multiple occasions since 2003 confirmed that this is a“peaceful rise”and“peaceful development.”The China State Council’s 2005 white paper,China’s Peaceful Development Road, explains in a detailed way the country’s peaceful pursuit of development and outlines major policies toward that goal.1 China State Council Information Office, China’s Peaceful Development Road,December 2005, Xinhua, accessed November 1, 2018, During his work report to the 17th National Congress,Hu Jintao stressed China would“unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development.”2 Hu Jintao,“Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive for New Victories in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects—Report to the 17th National Congress”,October 15,2007. In 2011, the State Council released a white paper that analyzes this Path of China’s Peaceful Development, what China aims to achieve by pursuing it, and China’s foreign policies supporting it. China’s path of peaceful development is a choice necessitated by history and by what China’s development means to the rest of the world.3 China State Council Information Office, China’s Peaceful Development, September 2011,accessed November1,2018, Hu Jintao’s report at the 18th Party Congress reconfirmed that, “China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and firmly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace.”4 Hu Jintao,“Firmly March On the Path Of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics And Strive To Complete The Building Of A Moderately Prosperous Society In All Respects—Report to the 18th National Congress,”November 8,2012. Xi Jinping’s report to the 19th Congress likewise stressed the intention of“following a path of peaceful development and working to build a community with a shared future for mankind.”5 Xi Jinping,“Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era—delivered at 19th National CPC Congress,”October 18,2017.

Long-Term Choice

The path of peaceful development is a long-term strategic choice. It is the centerpiece of China’s international strategy in the 21st century. It enriches socialism with Chinese characteristics. It enhances implementation of foreign strategy.China’s path of peaceful development closely relates to the country’s context, system, history, culture and estimation of the world situation.


Since the late 1970s, significant achievements accrued from the reform and opening up policy.“The basic dimension of the Chinese context—that our country is still and will long remain in the primary stage of socialism—has not changed.China’s international status as the world’s largest developing country has not changed,”1 Xi Jinping,“Secure a Decisive Victory.” said Xi in 2017.When the World Bank released countries’2017 GDP rank in early July 2018, on the list China remained the world’s second-largest economy in terms of GDP at US$12 trillion,compared with more than US$19 trillion for the United States.2 “World Bank: Top 10 economies in 2017,”China Daily, accessed November 2,2018, In China 2017 GDP per capita was the equivalent of US$8,827, which is 14.8% that of the US GDP per capita of US$59,532 and well below most European countries, Canada and Russia.3 “GDPpercapita,”WorldBank,accessedNovember2,2018, China ranked 71st on the list. Meanwhile,acute problems caused by unbalanced, inappropriate and unsustainable development await solutions even while, as Xi pointed out in 2017,“The principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved”as a direct function of“the people’s ever-growing needs for a better life.”4 Xi Jinping,“Secure a Decisive Victory.” The mission to promote sustainable development and improve people’s lives necessitates peace and stability, and China should serve as a model. China could become strong in the future. Yet peace will remain critical for its development,and China has no reason to deviate from that.

The history of rise and fall has been theorized to lead to war without exception, but China offers a different path.“Almost as if according to some natural law, in every century there seems to emerge a country with the power, the will, and the intellectual and moral impetus to shape the entire international system in accordance with its own values,”2 Henry Kissinger,Diplomacy(New York:Simon&Schuster,1994),17. asserts former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Long cycle theorist George Modelski offers the view that war,economic supremacy,and the politics of world leadership are cyclical, average 100 years, and pass through four phases: global wars, dominant state rise, deligitimization of world leader status, and deconcentration of dominance.1 George Modelski,Long Cycle in World Politics(Seattle:University of Washington Press,1987),31. The rise of a power happens in a strategic rivalry between major powers, according to contemporary theories.“Great powers are always searching for opportunities to gain power over their rivals, with hegemony as their final goal,”argued John Mearsheimer.2 John J. Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (New York: Norton&Co.,2003),29. But in the end the rising power fails because of its belligerent nature,strategic misjudgments,and hegemony’s containment.

Nevertheless, mutual development, the result of peaceful positive reactions between countries, does not necessitate relinquishing China’s legitimate national interests.

The report to the 19th Congress elaborating on diplomacy, strategy and goals restates China’s firm commitment to strengthening friendship and cooperation with other countries based upon the five principles of peaceful coexistence. The report outlines plans for forging international relations based on mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win.1 XiJinping,“SecureaDecisiveVictoryinBuildingaModeratelyProsperousSociety.” Countrylevel engagement enhances dialogue, reduces conflict, and untangles contradictions, and China is committed to non-aligned, non-confrontational cooperation not targeting any third party. Mutual respect and win-win are fundamental to smooth Sino-US relations. A strengthened Sino-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is essential. The Sino-European strategic partnership is vital. China continues enhancing macroeconomic policies with fellow BRICS members. For its neighboring countries and their populations, China strives to deliver the benefits of its rapid development, pursues friendship, offers partnership and seeks to build a harmonious, secure, prosperous neighborhood. Chinese policy aims at amity, sincerity, mutual-benefit and inclusiveness in China’s neighborhood. As the third largest country, China also has the largest number of neighbors sharing its 22,000 km land borders.The geopolitics is very complex.China supports and participates in APEC,ASEAN and SCO.China is trying to intensify the soft power tool and bring Chinese policy,voice and wishes to the region and the world.

Taking on Responsibility


While the tragedy of great power cycles may seem never-ending when looking back on history, the answer is that the new era calls for a new method, both in theory and outcome. Peaceful development involves the evolution of Chinese socialism into a new exploration of human society’s developmental law, along with aspirations for modernization in developing countries. This lies beyond the path trod traditionally by emerging powers.Peaceful development is an essential outgrowth of Chinese socialist theory and a Chinese version of Marxism. It preserves definitive features of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This path differs from traditional views of establishing spheres of influence and fighting for hegemony during a power rise. A stronger China will not follow the beaten path to seek hegemony and pose a so-called“threat”to other countries. In an interdependent world, each international member has stakes in common development, prosperity, and its population’s welfare and, thus, can participate in a community with shared future for mankind.

To realize open, common, peaceful and cooperative development, it is vital for China to take primary responsibility for its development and its share in global peace. China will act as a builder of world peace,contributor to global development, and upholder of international order.The mistakes made when great powers seek to rise through military force should not be repeated because their catastrophic consequences for humanity are all too well known in China. China suffered gravely during war and unrest and will not prosper from others’sacrifice. Hegemony violates Chinese cultural tradition and the people’s determination. China opposes the belief that a country is bound to seek hegemony when it grows in strength.Hegemony or militarism is not in the genes of the Chinese.1 “Carry Forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to Build a Better World through Win-Win Cooperation,”July 1, 2014, accessed November 5, 2018,

Xi Jinping stressed China would keep open its door and, in fact,become more open. Promoting common development is a core goal of China’s peaceful development and fundamental assurance of sustainable global growth. Xi stressed mutuality during the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in saying,“Development is meaningful only when it is inclusive and sustainable.”3 “Xi Jinping Attends General Debate of 70th Session of the UN General Assembly and Delivers Important Speech, Underlying to Inherit and Advocate Purposes and Principles of the UN Charter, Establish New Type of International Relations with Win-Win Cooperation as Core and Build Community of Shared Mankind Destiny,”September 29, 2015, accessed November 5, 2018, China has continued to make contributions worldwide. During 1950-2016 China, despite its modest level of development and living standards, provided RMB400 billion of foreign assistance, undertook 5,000 foreign assistance projects (nearly 3,000 are complete), and conducted over 11,000 training workshops in China for some 260,000 personnel from other developing countries. China is the first country lifting half its impoverished population out of poverty, securing a better life for millions of people. The country achieved many Millennium Development Goal targets ahead of schedule. Since 2013 when the Belt and Road Initiative was announced, China’s merchandise trade with Belt and Road countries rose to US$5 trillion and direct foreign investment to US$60 billion, and the initiative helped employ more than 200,000 in countries along the route. China offered consistent, comprehensive support to UN peacekeeping missions for saving lives and for world peace. Since 1990, China has sent more than 35,000 troops, experts and police on 24 missions.1 Zhang Zhihao,“China Keeps Up UN Peacekeeper Role,”China Daily, May 17,2018,accessed November 5,2018, 7f1a3103f6866ee8d48.html. China’s development has brought prosperity and peace for China and the world.

To comply with the international tendency,a foreign policy of seeking a peaceful path is a sound choice. When President Xi Jinping spoke in 2013 in Moscow, he stated that peace, development and cooperative winwin are the trend of our times.1 “Xi Jinping Calls for the Building of New Type of International Relations with Win-Win Cooperation at the Core in a Speech at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations,”China Ministry of Foreign Affairs,March 23,2013,accessed November 5, 2018, Last April, he reiterated his view of this overwhelming trend toward peace and cooperation, openness and connectivity, reform and innovation at the opening of the 2018 Boao Forum for Asia (BFA).2 “Highlights of Xi’s Keynote Speech at Boao Forum,”China Daily, April 10,2018,accessed November 5,2018, 15a6a3105cdcf6517259.html. Sun Yat-sen, pioneer of China’s democratic revolution,put that,“The trend of the world is surging forward.Those who follow the trend will prosper, and those who go against it will perish.”In the 21st century, peace, development and cooperation have become the irresistible trend and a public wish.

Historical Significance

President Xi Jinping’s speech in Germany as early as 2014 expounded on the path of peaceful development and the independent foreign policy of peace.5 “Xi Jinping Delivers Important Speech in Germany, Stressing China Will Unswervingly Adhere to the Path of Peaceful Development,”March 29, 2014, accessed November 2,2018, To follow a peaceful path is determined by Chinese socialism. In October 1989, Deng Xiaoping argued that efforts must be made to boost productivity under socialism with Chinese characteristics because peace is vital for smooth domestic development.The country adheres to peace, development, and to win-win cooperation in its foreign relations. Pursuit of peace is an inseparable part of Chinese historic and cultural tradition. Chinese people always desire peace and harmony. Cooperation and peace are the essence of Chinese traditional culture and value. Love of peace, the five principles of peaceful coexistence, and following a peaceful development path have Chinese origins in the importance of harmony. Being on good terms though not necessarily agreeing is another value in Chinese diplomacy. China values the union of the universe and human beings.Harmony with nature and ethical requirements are other guarantees for China’s adherence to a peaceful path.

As a large-population developing country, China must tap inherent strength and wisdom, which as Deng Xiaoping pointed out, includes China’s self-reliance and willingness to work hard for economic growth.2 Deng Xiaoping, Deng Xiaoping Wenxuan [Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping],Vol.2(Beijing:People’s Publishing House,1994),406. Given China’s internal circumstances and priorities, emphasis on domestic growth and innovative reform make the most sense within the context of economic globalization, and externally economic self-reliance leads to participation in the international division of labor and cooperation.China’s import-export increased from US$20.6 billion in 1978 to US$4 trillion in 2017,as its annual growth reached 14.5%.


The peaceful development path has helped China’s modernization and it offers lessons emerging developing countries can learn. Each should place emphasis on domestic situations and seek a path adapted to their circumstances and aligned with world trends.

Diplomatic Layout


Outside its immediate neighborhood, in upholding the priority of justice, China promotes cooperation with developing countries, as exemplified by enhanced South-South relations and cooperative forums.These include the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF), Forum of China and Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (China-CELAC Forum).

As multilateral summits and international mechanisms are important for diplomacy, China supports the UN’s role in peace maintenance and balanced development. Exchange with other organizations helps China to play a positive role in international affairs. China solidified efforts at the SCO summit, East Asia summit, ASEAN 10+3, China-ASEAN free trade area, APEC, Asia-Europe Meeting summit, BRICS summit, G20 summit,economic cooperation with Africa, Arab states, and Latin American countries. Exchanges between National People’s Congress, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, military, local officials, and people-to-people in other countries should be strengthened.

Strategic Reflection

The basic line of the Communist Party of China in the primary stage of socialism is to lead the Chinese people together in a self-reliant,pioneering effort, centering on economic development, upholding Four Cardinal Principles, and committing to reform and opening up to build a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic,culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful. The past four decades have witnessed unprecedented changes in China’s relations with the world.China has more impact on international affairs and attracts more global attention.

Concrete actions align with possibilities, competence and the context of China, and only rarely is its foreign policy affected by other major powers’ policies. The accurate assessment of national strength,development stage and main task is particularly crucial for the peaceful development path. Limited strategic resources and diplomatic capability restrain China from protecting overseas interests,building regional security mechanisms,and participating in global governance.

诗歌是极具语言魅力的体裁,它往往借助于简练的语言词汇表达出深远的意义,正如20世纪英国诗人斯蒂芬·斯宾塞尔(Stephen Spender)所说:“诗能教给人语言的全部功能,便利读者掌握各种复杂的语言现象。诗中自有我们文明的全部伟大思想”[6]。诗歌中的语言词汇或简单明了,或晦涩生僻,都是为诗歌整体的和谐效果服务的。另外,诗歌会用适宜的语言描绘出生动的意象,“诗歌意象的功能在于它能刺激人的感官,从而唤起某种感觉并暗示某种感情色彩,使读者能沿着意象所引起的方向迅速进入诗的意境,陶醉于诗情画意之中”[7]。

Interconnection between China and the world provides favorable conditions for China’s diplomatic affairs. Successful diplomacy will identify and analyze domestic and international situations. As Xi Jinping has noted,China is in the best period of development in modern times,and the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. The wellbeing of people in all countries has never been so closely intertwined as it is today. Because a balance between internal and external integration is important for China’s further growth, the most crucial mission for China’s diplomacy is to build a stable international environment, friendly neighborhood, an equal and mutually beneficial cooperation and international public opinion. The first two decades in the 21st century present a golden strategic opportunity and China should seize it and strive for longer, steadier growth. The geopolitical component is foundational to diplomacy, with China’s policy toward its neighborhood the top priority because neighboring countries are of strategic significance. On its peaceful development path, China cannot grasp opportunities without a harmonious neighborhood.Special efforts to include global perspectives,Xi maintained in June 2018, mean that China should promote strategic planning and advance its diplomatic agenda globally. Exploration of broader international space, faster common development and a more balanced global partnership could better secure China’s growth and contributions,and international peace and prosperity.

*Chen Jimin is an associate researcher at the Institute for International and Strategic Studies, Party School of the Central Committee of CPC (Chinese Academy of Governance), researches US national security strategy, Sino-US relations, and international migration. The article was funded by the National Social Science Fund key project“Comparative Study of the Security Discourse System between China and the United States”under Shi Xu(Program 17AZD039).

(edited by Zhang Yimeng)

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