

高中新课改下英语语法教学新模式之探索——以外语教育出版社《展望未来》“Used to do”语法教学为例,本文主要内容关键词为:为例论文,新模式论文,语法论文,教育出版社论文,展望未来论文,此文献不代表本站观点,内容供学术参考,文章仅供参考阅读下载。



下面将以《展望未来》第三册第一单元“CHANGES”的教学课例,说明如何在高中英语语法教学中合理有效地运用探究性学习模式。该部分主要涉及的语法项目是“used to do”的用法,因为学生为刚由初中升入高中的新生,在新学期的起始,我们将语法点“used to do”首先与学生的生活实际相结合,将本章节的任务主线定为“关注生活中的变化”,引导学生灵活运用“used to do”来描述生活中的变化。



T:Going to Senior High is a turning point in your life.It's also a big change from being a child to an adult.We have shared your mixed feelings about this big change.But have you experienced some other big changes in your life? Tell your partners about one in your life.

S1:I came to Chengdu Experimental Foreign Langnages School from Leshan when I was 12.I had to live away from my parents.It was a big change to me.

T:(面向全班同学)Torres used to live in Leshan but now he lives in Chengdu.(面向Torres)I believe the change has made a lot of differences to you.

S2:When I was a child,my mother asked me to choose what I wanted to learn,playing the piano or practicing跆拳道(T:It's Taekwondo in English).I chose Taekwondo.It changed my personality.Now I'm very strong and always active.

T:Do you still practise Taekwondo now?


T:(面向全班同学)Martin used to practice Taekwondo but now he doesn't play the sport.(面向Martin)But Martin,Taekwondo is good exercise.Don't give it up.

S3:I'm afraid of spiders when I'm small.(S:I was.同时其他学生也在提醒要用过去时)But I'm not afraid of spiders now,and I don't know why!

T:(面向全班同学)Diana used to be afraid of spiders but now she isn't.(面向Diana)Diana,you know what,it's just because you have grown up now.

S4:I wrote with my left hand when I was in primary school,but my mother said it was not right.I hadto change my habit.

T:(面向全班同学)Ruby used to write with her left hand but now she writes with her right hand.(面向Ruby)Ruby,as an adult you will be able to make judgment yourself.



在话题进行过程中,“used to do”并没有被正式介绍给学生,但是值得注意的是教师在每个同学的发言后的言语,直接指向了“used to do”的语法功能,即用于对比过去和现在,一个过去经常反复的动作,到现在已不再继续。教师在对每个同学的经历进行重复的时候,“used to do”被反复使用于“...used to...but now...”的结构中,这是学生对这一语法结构的初始体验。教师同时借助重读、升降调等语音手段加深“used to do”在学生头脑中的印象,使学生在潜意识中意识到过去到现在的变化是可以用另一种方式来描述的,可谓潜移默化,润物无声。


在引入过程中,语法点“used to do”还只是只闻其声不见其形,那么在接下来的任务中,这层面纱又将如何徐徐揭起?



T:Now class,let's have a change.Let's enjoy a catoon of two bat couples and then tell what changes have happened to them.


T:OK.Can you tell me what changes have happened to the bats?

S:They have changed their places to live.

T:Where did they live in the past? And where do they live now?

S:They lived in a cave in the past.But now they live in the tower.

T:Excellent.But could you repeat what the bats say to describe the change?


T:Now who'd like to try repeating what the bats say to describe the change?

S:They used to live in a cave but now they live in a tower.

T:Yon've got it!

(板书句型:They used to...but now...)

T:Why did they change their place to live?

S:They think(学影片中蝙蝠的声音,引起大家笑声一片)the cave was wet and dark.

【思考】在教学中,我引用了BBC教程中的一个卡通短片《蝙蝠搬家》,合理整合了课外教学资料。这段短片内容简单有趣,目标语言明确,而且与学生们在导入环节中讨论的话题非常一致,“...used to...but now...”的结构在合理的生活情境中多次被运用,让学生在欢声笑语中初步感知到“used to do”的用法,教师即时用“you're got it!”肯定学生的语言实践及感悟成果。

在整个教学过程中,同学们在蝙蝠的带领下,而不是老师的指引下,走出了黑暗,看到了“used to do”的大致“身形”,但此时的情形还并不真切。对此,学生一定抱着要看个明白看个真切的急切心情想再跨进一步。此时老师什么都不说起到了设置悬念的效果。学生探究真理和探索知识的天性会让他们更想往下看。

准备工作就绪,我们将回归课本,请学生通过阅读课本中介绍英国Docklands(码头区)过去的文章,让学生彻底摸清“used to do”的真正用法。



T:Take a close look at picture C and discuss in groups what Docklands was like at the beginning of the last century from the following four aspects——work,pleasure,home and the river.Please choose the topic you want to focus on.(在开始阅读前,学生将根据图片C从以下四个方面设想在上世纪初Docklands的情况:work,pleasure,home and the river.每个小组选取其中一个主题进行讨论)

Group One

S1:People used to work on the wharf.They used to carry the things to the boat or carry the things off the boat.

T:You mean people could work as a stevedore.(将“stevedore”写在黑板上词汇区)

S2:People could run a business to deliver things for people by boat.

T:Exactly.People could run a shipping company.

S3:People could open some restaurants or bars for stevedores and sailors to relax.

T:Good idea.That must have been a good business in old Docklands.

Group Two

S1:People sang and danced in their free time.

S2:And children used to play games together on the wharf.

S3:Stevedores and sailors usually played with money in the bar.

T:You mean they gambled in the bar,right? They did it to kill time but sometimes killed themselves.

Group Three

S1:People lived in poor areas because stevedores and sailors were not well-paid jobs.

S2:The wives and children usually lived alone because the husbands had to work at sea.

T:What a pity! Families need husbands and fathers.

S3:They used to eat a lot of sea food.


Group Four

S1:The river used to be busy,full of ships.

S2:The river was dirty,because people threw too much Waste into the river.

T:Could it be even dirtier than it is now?

S2:Yes.because there were too many ships in Docklands.

S3:The river was important for people in Docklands.They all used to work on it.

T:Have you guessed right about the past of Docklands? We've got to read and see.(学生开始阅读,教师指导学生快速浏览四小段关于Docklands的记忆,并将每一小段与四个话题配对)

T:Read the texts again and decide whether these statements are true or false.Find information in the texts to support your decision.(再读这四小段文字,并参照图C确定以下的说法是否正确,并在文中找到相应的话来支持或反对这一说法。

Docklands was a rich area.

People were very friendly with their neighbors.

The river played an important role in people's lives)


T:Are you ready?


T:What do you think of the first statement?

S:It's false.Docklands was a poor area.

T:How do you know that?

S1:In Text C it says,there was no water or anything.We used to go out to the wash-house in the back garden to till up the watering can.That used to be our domestic water.

T:Good reasoning.(为其所在小组加一分,下同)Look at picture A,but do they have water supply at home now?


(此时,教师指向黑板上“they used to...but now...”的句型,引导学生用完整的句子回答问题)

S:They used to go ont to get domestic water but now they have water supply inside.

T:Excellent! What else have you found?

S2:In Text B it says we never used to have toys.Children didn't have toys.The families were poor.

T:What about now?(教师再次举起图A,并指向黑板上的句型.引导学生练习用“used to do”来描述有关变化)

S:Children never used to have toys but now they have a lot of toys.

T:Brilliant! What else have you found to support your idea?

S:In Text D it says Dad often used to come home from the docks without any work.Mum used to cry,and poor old Dad didn't say a word.Money was always a problem.

T:Perfect! Why couldn't Dad find work?

S:A lot of stevedores paid the foreman to get a day's work.Dad didn't use to pay,so he didn't get work every day.

(教师重复该句,并将“used to do”的否定形式板书在句型下方)

T:If so,did people use to enjoy life in Docklands?(重读疑问形式)

S:Yes,they did.(学生根据文中总结出的肯定形式、否定形式和老师提出的疑问形式,自己摸索出“used to do”的变化规律,并已能正确作答)

T:How about the second statement? Were people very friendly with their neighbors?

S:It's true.

T:Great! What supports your answer then?

S:Text B says my clearest memory is of Saturday evenings when we always went to the park with other families to see the pleasure boats returning from their trips to the seaside.

T:Could you please use your own words to retell it?

S:People used to go to see the pleasure boats with other families.(学生已开始自觉使用“used to do”)

T:Good job! What about the third statement?

S:It's true.

T:Prove it,then.

S:Text A,the river was magical,especially when you were only eight years old.You could travel to any place in the world just by looking at the different ships that passed.It means that the children were excited about watching ships.

T:What else?

S:People depended on the river to get their work.

T:According to the text,what did people use to do there?

S:They used to load and unload the ships.(学生在教师用“used to do”提问的情况下,已能主动用“used to do”来回答)

【思考】在学生开始阅读任务前加入一小段讨论的主要目的是要为阅读任务作铺垫,并创立与目标语言相关的语言情境,再次重申“used to do”的语用功能应着眼于展现过去与现在的不同。同时,这一课例也为我们表明,在这种浸入式的语法习得过程中,创建与语法项目密切相关的适当情境,显得尤为重要。学生只有在恰当的情境中,才能进行正确的观察、联想、分析和归纳。

在阅读前的讨论中,我们也不难看出,“used to do”已经在部分学生身上发生了“化学反应”,悄悄地浸入了他们的头脑,他们已经在不自觉地使用“used to do”了。在此过程中,对于那些已体悟到“used to do”用法的学生,教师不妨给其答案做出较高的评价或较强的回应,以刺激他们更多的思维活动。

完成课文阅读之后,从师生的问答中我们惊喜地发现,在接触了大量的含有“used to do”的语言材料之后,已无须教师讲解,学生好似五师自通,他们通过听、读的方式,自行归纳总结出了这一语法的使用规则。


教学中这一以问答推进的环节是发现性学习的关键一步,老师引导学生引用课文中大量带有“used to do”的句子回答问题,以加深学生对“used to do”的了解,让他们最终揭开“used to do”的面纱并破解了“used to do”在不同语境中的多种运用的密码。



同学们结对谈论“Childhood beliefs”。用“I used to believe”或“Mama used to say”等开头,分享童年时的无忌童心,感受同学们随着年龄的增长,心灵的慢慢成熟及变化,在活动开始前需向同学们说明在谈论中必须使用到“used to...but now...”的结构。

S1:I used to believe that there were only two countries in the world——China and Foreign Country.And we were friends to each other.But now we know it's not true.There are a lot of countries in the world,and,some of them fight with each other.

T:Let's wish we would live in a peaceful world.

S2:I used to believe that a handsome man will ride a white horse to me and marry me.But now I know the man who ride a white horse can only be Tangseng but not others.So I'm not looking forward to my prince any more.(在该同学的回答中有一些语法错误,但教师并没有马上指出而打断她的发言,而是在她回答完后让同学们替她纠正,这样有助于保护学生的参与热情和自信心)

T:So cute of you! I believe your Prince Charming is already on the way! Don't feel down.

S3:Marea used to say that if I worked hard,I would be successful.But now I see so many people.They become successful but they don't work hard.They have special skills.I don't believe hard work can help me become successful now.

T:It's not 100% possible that hard work will place you on the top but without hard work you won't reach the top for sure.

【思考】新课程标准认为:“只有学习者通过语法规则的学习,认识语言规律,并在真实的情境中运用语言知识规则进行交际,才算是真正掌握了语法规则。”因此在阅读后,我们为学生安排了一个在真实的情境中运用“used to do”的任务,让学生学会使用新语言,获得成就感。在操练过程中,“used to do”已在学生的心中找到了它该有的位置,而且它让学生思考自己的人生,反思自己的价值观,为生命的发展重新确定轨迹,这正是教育的真义所在。


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