(华南师范大学 文学院,广东 广州 510006)
[摘 要] 方块壮字不但向印刷的规范汉字借源,也向手写的书法字借源。根据形体和笔画的变化情况,手写的书法字可分为四类:构件变形而笔画减少的,构件变形而笔画增加的,构件未变形而添加笔画的,构件变形而不添减笔画的。方块壮字因向汉字书法借源而承继了后者的形体特征,所以追溯汉字书法字源可更好地探究某些方块壮字的理据。
[关键词] 方块壮字;书法字;借源;理据
[1]Davil Holm.Some Variant Characters in a Traditional Zhuang Manuscript:A New Angle on the Chinese Script[EB/LO].[2015-07-26].http://www.researchgate.net/publication/277325742.
On The Borrowing Source of Zhuang Characters from Chinese Calligraphy
WEI Liang-jie
(School of Literature, South China Normal University, Guangzhou Guangdong 510006)
Abstract: Zhuang Characters borrow not only from printed standard Chinese characters, but also from handwritten Chinese Calligraphy.According to the change of shape and strokes, the ways by which Zhuang Charaters borrow from Chinese Calligraphy can be divided into four categories: component deformed and stroke reduced, component deformed and stroke increased, component undeformed and added strokes, component deformed without adding or subtracting strokes.It is helpful for the study of the motivation of some Zhuang Characters because Zhuang Characters inherit some of features of Chinese Calligraphy.
Key words: Zhuang Characters;Chinese Calligraphy;borrowing source;motivation
[中图分类号] H218
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1673—8861(2019)03—0087—05
[收稿日期] 2019-04-10
[作者简介] 韦亮节(1987-),男,壮族,广西来宾人,华南师范大学文学院硕士研究生。主要研究方向:中国现当代文学、壮语言文字学。
标签:方块壮字论文; 书法字论文; 借源论文; 理据论文; 华南师范大学文学院论文;