问:求电气工程及其自动化英文论文一篇 内容不限 题目要翻译好 谢谢
- 答:Welding Automation Research in the engineering school is largely focused on problems involving sensing, modeling, and control of welding processes, i.e., welding automation. Faculty and students from electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and material science are involved in the welding automation research. The overall objective of this research is to provide both greater productivity and enhanced quality for welding in the manufacturing environment.
- 答:我有一篇运芦禅我本科毕设的小论文,英旁尘文中文都有,而且是我人工翻译的,8000字左右。你要的话哗念PM我。我是电气工程及其自动化专业的。《Analysis of thyristor-controlled phase shifter applied in damping power system oscillations》
- 答:什么意思?要英文的?题目要汉语翻译?
问:电气工程及其自动化英文论文一篇 内容不限 题目要翻译好
- 答:用于分布式在线UPS中的并联逆变器的一种无线控制器
已经发送。 - 答:Control of Parallel Inverters in Distributed AC Power Systems with Consideration of Line Impedance Effect
论文发到你的邮箱了 - 答:不会写论文还这么嚣张?不就是250分吗得到了又怎么地?能吃呀?
- 答:电气工程专业相关的,全英文的,是s