贾栋林 - 两河口水电站水轮机座环焊接工艺简介

贾栋林 - 两河口水电站水轮机座环焊接工艺简介

Title:Brief introduction of the welding technology of the turbine stay ring in Lianghekou Hydropower Station




论文来源:水电站机电技术 2019


Abstract:According to the structural characteristics of the stay ring of 500MW turbine in Lianghekou Hydropower Station of Yalong River, combined with the installation and construction experience of the stay ring of Xiaowan, Nuozhadu and huangdeng hydropower stations, as well as the on-site welding deformation real-time monitoring and rectification technology, the quality control of the stay ring assembly and welding is strictly carried out, the key control points of the stay ring assembly and welding construction are analyzed and summarized, and the split stay ring assembly and welding are effectively controlled Quality, reduce the welding deformation, the control size is better than the standard requirements, which provides technical support for the subsequent field assembly and welding of stay ring, and provides reference for the field assembly and welding of stay ring of the same type of hydropower station.


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贾栋林 - 两河口水电站水轮机座环焊接工艺简介
