Distributed tasks-platforms scheduling method to holonic-C2 organization
WANG Xun1,*,YAO Peiyang1,ZHANG Jieyong1,WAN Lujun2,and JIA Fangchao3
1.Information and Navigation College,Air Force Engineering University,Xi’an 710077,China;
2.Air Traffic Control and Navigation College,Air Force Engineering University,Xi’an 710051,China;
3.Sergeant School,Air Force Communication,Dalian 116600,China
Abstract: To solve the problem of distributed tasks-platforms scheduling in holonic command and control(C2)organization,the basic elements of the organization are analyzed firstly and the formal description of organizational elements and structure is provided.Based on the improvement of task execution quality,a single task resource scheduling model is established and the solving method based on the m-best algorithm is proposed.For the problem of tactical decision-holon cannot handle tasks with low priority effectively,a distributed resource scheduling collaboration mechanism based on platform pricing and a platform exchange mechanism based on resource capacities are designed.Finally,a series of experiments are designed to prove the effectiveness of these methods.The results show that the proposed distributed scheduling methods can realize the effective balance of platform resources.
Keywords: command and control(C2),decision-holon,distributed task allocation,task execution quality,platform price,order optimization.
In recent years,decision-making problems in military field are highly concerned.A military organization with a more flexible decision-making mode is more likely to win the victory of the modern warfare[1].The traditional command and control(C2)organizational structure keeps authority and information at the center because the centralized scheduling can achieve global planning.However,the rigid structure cannot adapt to the networked and fastpaced battlefield environment[2,3].
“Holonic”derives from the word“holon”,which was developed by Koestler[4]in the context of social organizations and living organisms.“Holon”means a combination of“wholes”and“part”.It is a unit with autonomy and cooperation[5].On the one hand,holon can handle circumstances and incidents based on its own information and knowledge.On the other hand,holon can receive instructions from or be controlled by a higher lever holon.These characteristics of holon ensure the effectiveness of complex military operations.The flattened structure and marginalized power created by holons can adapt to the high confrontational combat environment[6].This paper mainly studies the distributed tasks-platforms scheduling method under the holonic-C2 organizational framework.A comprehensive process involves those elements–who,what,why,how,where,when,with what,implying“who”makes the plan(decision makers),“what”needs to be planned(missions,tasks,actions to be executed by using resources),“why”makes the plan(objective function or desired goal),“how”to achieve the expected outcome(the assignment of platforms to tasks),“where”and“when”the plan is executed(task location and time),and“with what”facilities to make the plan(information about tasks,platforms,etc)[7].The problem we solve is“why”and“how”.We mainly research on the tactical level planning problem.In the holonic framework,there are multiple tactical decision holons(TDHs)and one operational decision holon(ODH).TDHs are key decision makers and ODH is a coordinator.The distributed coordination mechanism is studied to match platform capabilities with task requirements.
Recently,the idea of distributed tasks planning is widely used in unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs),the multi-robot system,the manufacturing system,etc.The distributed planning method is a hotspot in the field of distributed artificial intelligence[8–12].Chen et al.established the task allocation model for the problem of multiple UAVs decentralized cooperative air combat.The asynchronous consensus-based auction algorithm was improved to solve the planning problem in[13].Zhang et al.proposed a distributed blackboard decision-making framework for collaborative planning that dynamically allocates tasksplatforms scheduling to accomplish mission objectives.The methodology combines with the nest genetic algorithm to maximize the tasks execution accuracy and minimize the weighted total workload of the decision-maker[14].The above methods can deal with the distributed tasks allocation problem.However,on the one hand,they design the methods based on intelligent optimization algorithms.These algorithms cannot output a stable solution and result in poor practicality.On the other hand,they ignore the parallel characteristic of distributed planning.The process of distributed decision-making has not been analyzed well.
We design a kind of distributed tasks-platforms scheduling method based on the holonic-C2 organizational structure in this paper.TDHs make their own resource scheduling plan and ODH works as a coordinator when the task cannot be finished by one TDH.The single task platform scheduling model,taking the quality of task execution as the objective function,is established.We propose the solution optimization algorithm based on m-best to solve the model.In the distributed coordination part,for the problem of platform shortage for low priority tasks,we propose the platform pricing model,the price-based order optimization algorithm and the platform exchange method based on resource capability.Finally,the validity of the proposed method is proved by experiments.
Step 1 Calculate the prices of the platforms in task Ti’s plan.Set k=d,c=1.
2.C2 structure of holonic-C2 organization
The C2 structure of the holonic-C2 organization is constructed on the basis of holon units[15].Holon is a hierarchical structural unit with autonomy and collaboration.Each holon unit consists of multiple sub-holon units.Multiple holon units can form a higher level holon.Each holon has the characteristics of autonomy and collaboration.Autonomy means that holon itself has the ability to complete the given tasks autonomously.Collaboration is the ability of holon to accept the upper command and collaborate with other holons to complete tasks[16].Therefore,we regard the autonomous and cooperative entity in the holonic-C2 organization as the holon unit.Firstly,we define the concept of elements in the holonic-C2 organization.
Definition 1 Resource:Resource is a kind of measureable capability provided by platforms used in the processing of tasks.Resource cannot be divided into smaller units.Each task is specified by resource requirements in each functional resource category and each platform provides resource capabilities in each resource category.The resource capacity vector is denoted by r=[r1,r2,...,rl,...,rL],where L is the number of resource capabilities.
Definition 2 Task:Task is the action that operational entity takes to achieve some certain operational purposes.The set of tasks is denoted by T={T1,...,Ti,...,Tn},where n is the number of tasks.Every task requires a set of relevant resources to be processed.In this paper,a task i(i=1,2,...,n)is defined by its properties including ts,i,tp,I,Ri and ρ.ts,i is the start time of the task i.tp,i is the processing time of the task i.Ri is the resource requirement vector denoted by[Ri1,...,Ril,...,RiL],where Ril is the number of units of resource type l(l=1,2,...,L)required for successful processing of the task i.ρ is the task priority.
Definition 3 Platform-holon (PH) or platform:Platform-holon is the physical entity with specified resource capabilities to execute the tasks.It is a direct participant in combat.The platform holon set is denoted by PH={PH1,...,PHj,...,PHm}.m is the number of the platform holon.Each platform holon j(j=1,...,m)is defined by its properties including rj,and nj.rj is the resource capability vector denoted by[rj1,...,rjl,...,rjL],where rjl is the number of units of resource type l possessed by the platform holon j.
Definition 4 Decision-holon(DH):Decision-holon is a basic unit with independent decision making,interactive collaboration and C2 capabilities in the holonic-C2 organization.According to different levels,DH can be divided into ODH and TDH.
These relations among tasks,resources and platformholons in the holonic-C2 organization are shown in Fig.1.
In the macroscopic sight,according to the different levels of C2,holonic-C2 organization elements can be divided into the operational holon and the tactical holon.Operational holon consists of one ODH and several tactical holons.A tactical-holon has one TDH and several platform-holons.In this paper,we only study the organization with one operational holon and several tactical holons.
Step 3 If QT new >QTthreshold,y new is the plan to the task Ti.Otherwise,go to Step 2.
Fig.1 Relations among tasks,resources and platform-holons in holonic-C2 organization
Fig.2 Holonic-C2 organization structure
3.Holonic-C2 organization distributed tasks-platforms scheduling model
3.1 Measurement model of tasks-platforms scheduling
The measure model of tasks-platforms scheduling is used to judge whether the plan is good or not.In this paper,the task execution quality model is designed as the measure[18,19].The higher the quality is,the better the plan is.The concepts about the task execution quality are defined as follows.
Definition 5 Tasks-platforms assignment: The platform-to-task assignment determines the types and number of platforms to execute each individual task.It is denoted by Y =[yi],where the ith task assignment is represented by a column vector given by
where yij indicates the number of the platform,type j is allocated to task i,and Z is the set of integers.
Definition 6 Resource satisfaction degree: The resource satisfaction degree is the ratio of the number of the lth resource provided by platforms to the number of resources needed by the task i and the maximum value is 1.The lth resource satisfaction degree for the task i is denoted as follows:
Definition 7 Task execution quality:The task execution quality is related with how well the platforms’capabilities match the task requirements.
To ensure the task can be executed,any kind of resource needed by the task cannot be lacking.Therefore,the geometric average of all resource satisfaction degrees is used to measure the task execution quality.Without any kind of resource,it will be 0.The definition of the task i execution quality as follows:
whereis the resource needed to process the task i.
is the number of element in
3.2 Distributed tasks-platforms scheduling model and solving method
3.2.1 Distributed tasks-platforms scheduling model
Platform planning is proven to be a non-deterministic polynomial(NP)-hard problem[20].It is difficult to efficiently solve especially distributed planning.Therefore,we divide the distributed tasks-platforms scheduling problem into two stages.One is each TDH planning for its own tasks and platforms.The other is distributed cooperation over multiple TDHs when the task cannot be finished by one TDH.In this part,we mainly study the tasks-platforms planning problem for the TDH.Each TDH makes the plan for tasks one by one by using its own available platforms at that moment.All tasks are handled from high to low according to the tasks priority.The single task scheduling model is built first.
(i)Objective function
The task execution quality model is given in(3).If the maximized task execution quality(QT)is used as the objective function,the tasks-platforms planning will be a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem.It is hard to be solved because of complex calculations.It is inefficient compared with linear programming.Moreover,it is easy to appear the lack of resources because the TDH only matches the local tasks with local platforms.The nonlinear programming cannot provide a stable solution.This is not conducive to the cooperation stage.Compared to nonlinear programming,linear programming can overcome the above shortcomings.Although the solution may lack some resources,it can be remedied in the cooperation stage.
In this paper,we take the sum of resource satisfaction as the objective function and the task execution quality as the standard to judge whether the solution is good or not.The objective function for the task Ti is built as follows:
where is the resource type set needed by Ti.(ii)Constraints
The available platforms vector of the kth TDH when handling the task Ti is denoted by where
is the number of platform PHj belonging to TDHk.The task set done by TDHk is denoted by TΦ(k).The following two constraints should be satisfied when dealing with the task Ti.
Constraint 1 The total number of platforms allocated to the task Ti is no greater than a certain value.
Constraint 2 The number of platforms allocated to the task Ti is no greater than the number of available platforms.
Above all,the single task resource scheduling model is designed as follows:
3.2.2 Solving method
The mathematical model built in(7)is a typical mixed integer linear programming model.We can solve the problem by using the branch and bound algorithm[21].By solving the single task model we can find the optimal solution of the task by using available platforms.However,the method of dealing with tasks one by one leads to resource allocation imbalance.The task with high priority occupies the strong platforms.It is not conducive to the resource satisfaction of low priority tasks.To alleviate this problem,we use the m-best algorithm[22]to optimize the solution.
The idea of the m-best algorithm is reserving more resources for the following tasks by reducing the quality of the current task appropriately.Finally,we can get a better global solution than before.The steps are as follows:
Step 1 Solve the single task scheduling model for Ti.Get the optimal solution as the 1-best solution .The objective function value is
Put the solution into the candidate set.Set p=2,q=1.
Step 2 Select nonzero elements’location v from(p-1)-best solution.The number of elements is V.The constraint condition is added to(7).Solve the new model and get p-best to(p+V)-best solutions.The objective function value set is
Put these solutions into the candidate set.Set p=p+V.
Step 3 If p ≥m,retain m best solutions and go to Step 4.Otherwise,go to Step 2.
Step 5 If q >m,go to Step 6.Otherwise,go to Step 4.
Step 6 Select the maximum value Sumd from SUM.The d-best solution is the plan for the task Ti. 含量测定。取不同产地的咖啡生豆和焙炒豆,按“1.2.2”方法制成供试品溶液,按照“1.2.3”色谱条件测定咖啡中绿原酸、葫芦巴碱、D-(-)-奎宁酸、咖啡酸的含量。
4.Holonic-C2 organization distributed cooperative mechanism
4.1 Distributed resource parallel scheduling process
The key of the distributed scheduling is parallel planning of multi-TDHs.All TDHs make their own plans synchronously as shown in Fig.3.Each TDH deals with its own tasks one by one.The processing time for each task is divided into two parts.One is the plan generation time.During this time,the C2 planning system generates the platforms scheduling scheme for the task.The other is the planning time of platforms’action.The former is insignificant compared with the latter.Every time a task is handled,TDHk updates the shared platform and price information to the coordinator.(The ODH works as a coordinator in this paper.)When the execution quality of the task is less than the specified minimum threshold(QTthreshold),TDHk will submit the task and platforms to the coordinator.The coordinator generates the platform collaboration plan by using the order optimization algorithm and the platform exchange algorithm.Finally,the coordinator sends the plan to TDHk and updates the available platform information to all TDHs.
Fig.3 Distributed parallel tasks process
Actually,the platform action planning time is obtained from the actual operation.We have to make approximations and assume that the planning time is proportional to the number of platforms assigned to Ti,as shown below
where ω is a constant,ω=1.
4.2 Platform pricing method
In the distributed coordination phase,the coordinator finishes the task collaboration based on the information of sharable platforms provided by all TDHs.In fact,these platforms can be classified into two categories.One is assigned platforms;the other is unassigned platforms.The price of these platforms is an important basis for the coordinator to coordinate tasks.Therefore,how to price the two kinds of platforms reasonably is the key to achieve the distributed task coordination.
4.2.1 Price model of assigned platform
These assigned platforms include sharable platforms and unshared platforms.We price the platform mainly according to its impact on the task execution quality.If the quality is lower than the threshold by the original plan without PHj′,the platform PHj′cannot be shared and its price is infinite.If not,the platform PHj′can be shared and we price it based on the utilization rate of resource capacities as shown in(9).The price of PHj′is the ratio of its contribution to the task Ti to the sum of its resource capacities.
where min(a,b)is taking the minimum from a and b.yi is the plan for task Ti without PHj′.
4.2.2 Price model of unassigned platform
When price the unassigned platforms,we need to calculate its demand degree for following tasks.As shown in(10),the price is the ratio of PHj’s maximum resource utilization amount for unprocessed tasks to the sum of its resource capacities.
Step 4 Select q-best solution from the candidate set. Solve the models of the task Ti+1 to Tn and get their 1-best solution and objective function value setCalculate the sum of the values Put Sumq into set SUM.q=q+1.
where T unf is the set of unprocessed tasks.
4.3 Order optimization algorithm based on price
The order optimization is an optimization mechanism based on the greedy strategy.It includes two stages.One is the accumulation stage.In this stage,we construct a feasible solution by adding platforms constantly.The other is the reduction stage during which we delete redundant platforms.The simplest platform scheduling scheme is obtained in the end.
4.3.1 Platforms accumulation method
The basic flow of the platforms accumulation method is as follows.
Step 1 All platforms in the shareable platforms set are sorted by price from low to high.The number of platforms is num share PH;
Step 2 If num share PH >0,go to Step 3.Otherwise,stop the algorithm,output“Lack of resource and the task cannot be completed”.
Step 3 Select the lowest price platform and add it to the task plan.Calculate the task execution quality QT.
The above introduces the organization elements.The relations between elements are also important for the organization.Holonic-C2 organization relations include the C2 relation between ODH and the tactical holon,the cooperation relation among tactical holons,the execution relation between the tactical holon and the task,the C2 relation between TDH and the platform,the allocation relation between the platform and the task,tasks sequential relation and so on[17].
Step 4 If QT >QTthreshold,go to Step 5.Otherwise,go to Step 3.
Step 5 Output the plan to the task Ti.
4.3.2 Platforms reduction method
The basic flow of the platforms reduction method is as follows.
Step 3 Judge whether the execution qualities of the task Tiandoriginal task are both greater than the threshold QTthreshold.If yes,go to Step 5.Otherwise,restore the exchanged platforms and go to Step 4.
Step 2 Delete the combination PH Cm from the original plan.Generate the new plan y new and calculate its task execution quality QT new,m=m+1.
The structure of the holonic-C2 organization is shown in Fig.2.Different from the traditional C2 organization,the mission planner of the holonic-C2 organization is not just ODH.TDHs also have the ability to make their own plan.In the holonic-C2 organization,the decision mode is not only centralized decision making in which ODH is the decision maker,but also distributed decision making in which TDH is the decision maker.In this paper,we study the distributed negotiation mechanism among TDHs to build the optimal allocation relationship between tasks and platforms.
Step 4 Output the plan to the task Ti.
4.4 Platform exchange algorithm
To solve the problem of“Lack of resource and the task cannot be completed”appearing in the order optimization algorithm,we design the platform exchange algorithm basing on platform’s resource capacity.According to the resource capacity lacked in the task’s plan,select the lowestpriced platform from the plan and exchange it to a platform with the resource capacity.
从以上列举的译文中可以看出,对于“道”的第一种释义,三者的译法各不相同,分别选用了“the Way”、“truth”、“doctrine”作为对应词。
We assume that TDHd’s task Ti for lack of resource capacity rl needs to be cooperated.The platforms with rl controlled by TDHdisThe number of platforms is num PHr.
The basic flow of the algorithm is as follows.
2.1 脂蛋白定义与分类 脂蛋白由蛋白质结合脂类形成,它们通过淋巴和循环系统输送脂质,是诱发认知障碍甚至痴呆的危险因素[20]。2016年修订版《中国成人血脂异常防治指南》将脂蛋白分为乳糜微粒、HDL、LDL、中密度脂蛋白、极低密度脂蛋白5大类,此外还有一种脂蛋白称为脂蛋白a[21]。脂蛋白内的蛋白质组分称为载脂蛋白(apolipoprotein,apo),如apoA、apoB等。
Step 2 Select the lowest-priced platform and exchange it with
《绸缪》是一首新婚诗歌。 新婚的晚上,看到新人的美丽,如在梦境之中,不知如何是好。 值得注意的是,这是正规的婚姻,不是其他国风里大量反映的野合,所以乐而不放荡。
Step 1 The full combinations of all platforms assigned to the task Ti are put in the set PH C.The number of platforms is M and the total number of combinations is 2M-1.Calculate the price of each combination.Ranking these combinations according to their prices from high to low and build the new set PH C={PH C1,...,PH C2M-1},m=1.
Step 4 If c ≤num PHr,go to Step 2.Otherwise,set and go to Step 2.
Step 5 Output the task collaboration plan.
4.5 Distributed tasks-platforms scheduling process
The flow chart of the distributed tasks-platforms scheduling is shown in Fig.4.
Fig.4 Flow chart of distributed tasks-platforms scheduling
5.Simulation results
5.1 Mission scenario
In this section,the maritime operations center(MOC)experiment information[19]is used for our experimental simulation example.The mission needs to be done in 30 h and three TDHs need to build an effective plan for allocating platforms to tasks distributed over the combat area.The mission is divided into 11 tasks,namely n=11.These tasks include“AEW Area A,TAMD GREEN,TAMD BLUE in A,SURF SURV Area A,MIW in Strait A,CVG Penetrate into A,DEF vs.CDCM Attack,Attack Air Bases,Attack C2 Nodes,Attack IADS,Attack MSL Bases”which are labeled“T1”to“T11”.There are 12 kinds of available platforms,namely m=12.They are“CVN,CG,DDG,SSN,P3,MH53,AWACS,JSTAR,U2,RJ,UAV,AEF”which are labeled“PH1”to“PH12”.The resource capabilities include“C2,STRK,AW,BMD,CMD,SUW,USW,MIW,ISR(A),ISR(S),ISR(G)and BDA”which are labeled“r1”to“r12”.The number of resource capabilities,L,is 12.The task information is given in Table 1.Resource capabilities of platforms are given in Table 2.We can find that most of those tasks are parallel because they need to be done at the same time.Only the task T6 follows tasks T5,T7,T8 and T10.
Table 1 Resource requirements for tasks
Table 2 Resource capabilities of platforms
We assume that the time platforms taken to move to task location are considered when planners make the time programming.Based on the assumption,the platforms assigned to the above four tasks also can do the task T6.There are three TDHs in this organization.The attribution information of tasks and platforms is shown in Fig.5.
Fig.5 TDH’s resources and responsibilities
5.2 Results and analysis
In this paper,we design seven experiments to verify the effectiveness of the method.The first experiment,as shown in Table 3,is three TDHs making the decision by themselves.Each TDH make the tasks-platforms plan only according to its own resources.From Table 4 to Table 6,TDHs make tasks-platforms plans by using the distributed coordination.We set different values of QTthreshold,which are 0.55,0.6,0.65,0.7,0.75 and 0.8,in the following six experiments.
Table 3 Tasks-platforms plan before coordination
The result in Table 3 is the tasks-platforms plan without coordination.Only TDH2 has enough resources and all tasks’resource requirements can be satisfied.The resources of TDH1 and TDH3 are not enough.These two TDHs can only handle tasks with high priority.Qualities of low priority tasks(T3 and T10)are 0 because of the lack of some necessary resources.There are two reasons for this situation.One is that platforms with strong resources are used by high priority tasks and there is no resource for following tasks.The other is that TDH does not have enough platforms at the beginning.These resources are not balanced among TDHs.
In Table 4,QTthreshold is 0.55 and 0.6.Compared to the plan before coordination,tasks T3 and T10 are completed after different TDHs’cooperation.All tasks are handled well and their qualities are over 60%.
Table 4 Tasks-platforms plan after coordination(QTthreshold=0.55 and 0.6)
In Table 5,QTthreshold is 0.65 and 0.7.The task T2 is handled better after cooperation.Its quality is improved from 64.94%to 81.82%.Although all tasks execution qualities are over 70%,the quality of the task T11 is reduced from 100%to 71.21%.This is because PH11 is sharable in assigned platforms to task T11.The task T11 is not planned again since its quality still satisfy threshold when moving PH11 away.Table 6 indicates the results after coordination when QTthreshold is 0.75 and 0.8.In order to reach the threshold,more tasks and platforms are involved in cooperation than before.All qualities are over 80%.In our experiments,we also try greater threshold such as 0.85 and 0.9.The tasks-platforms plan is not generated successfully because the assigned platforms are all unshared.The high priority task occupies platforms with strong resources to ensure its quality is always over the threshold.There is not enough resources for low priority tasks.
Table 5 Tasks-platforms plan after coordination(QTthreshold=0.65 and 0.7)
Table 6 Tasks-platforms plan after coordination(QTthreshold=0.75 and 0.8)
The comparison of average task execution qualities is shown in Fig.6.
Fig.6 Comparison of average task execution qualities
Although the threshold increases constantly,the average of tasks execution qualities does not always increase.The best threshold is 75%–80%.The average task execution qualities after coordination are much better than before.It indicates that the proposed method is very suitable to dealing with the distributed tasks-platforms planning problem.
Fig.7 indicates the comparison between task execution qualities before and after coordination.The qualities of tasks T2,T3 and T10 are improved obviously.Although the qualities of the tasks T8,T10,and T11 decline,their shareable platforms make sure all tasks satisfy the requirements.These platforms are used more efficiently.In conclusion,the experiment proves the correctness of the distributed tasks-platforms scheduling method.
Fig.7 Comparison of task execution qualities before and after coordination
In this paper,we study the distributed tasks-platforms scheduling problem of the holonic-C2 organization.There are mainly three aspects as follows.Firstly,we give a formal description about the C2 structure of the holonic-C2 organization.Secondly,the single task resources scheduling model is built and the solving method based on the mbest algorithm is proposed.Thirdly,under the framework of the distributed parallel resources scheduling,we design the distributed cooperative mechanism based on platform price and resource capacity for the holonic-C2 organization.Finally,the validity of the proposed method is proved by experiments.
The shortcoming of this paper is that we only consider the satisfaction of resources between tasks and platforms and ignore more detailed information about platforms’location and moving speed.We assume that all the other conditions can be satisfied at the beginning of the task.The next work in the future is building a more perfect model and studying the distributed resource adjustment method for the holonic-C2 organization when some emergencies occur.
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DOI: 10.21629/JSEE.2019.01.11
Manuscript received November 01,2017.
*Corresponding author .
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61573017; 61703425), the Aeronautical Science Fund(20175796014), and Shaanxi Province Natural Science Foundation(2016JQ6062;2017JM6062).
WANG Xun was born in 1990.He is currently a Ph.D.candidate of Air Force Engineering University.He received his B.S.degree in communication engineering from Shandong University in 2013,and his M.S.degree in command information system from Air Force Engineering University in 2013.His research interests include command information system and mission planning.E-mail:wxkgdxy@163.com
YAO Peiyang was born in 1960.Currently he is a professor in Information and Navigation College,Air Force Engineering University.He received his B.S.degree in 1982 and his M.S.degree in 1991 from Xidian University.His research interests include command and control theory and command automation system.
E-mail:ypy 664@163.com
ZHANG Jieyong was born in 1983.Currently he is a lecturer in Information and Navigation College,Air Force Engineering University.He received his B.S.degree in 2006,his M.S.degree in 2008 and his Ph.D.degree in 2012 from Air Force Engineering University.His research interests include mission planning technique and military organizational analysis.
WAN Lujun was born in 1986.Currently he is a lecturer in Air Traffic Control and Navigation College,Air Force Engineering University.He received his B.S.degree in 2007,his M.S.degree in 2010 and his Ph.D.degree in 2014 from Air Force Engineering University.His research interest includes combat agent modeling and simulation.
JIA Fangchao was born in 1989.Currently he is a lecturer in Dalian Sergeant School of Air Force Communication.He received his B.S.degree in 2011 from Taiyuan University of Technology.He received his M.S.degree in 2013 from Air Force Engineering University.His research interest includes command information system.
标签:COMMAND论文; and论文; control(C2)论文; decision-holon论文; distributed论文; TASK论文; ALLOCATION论文; EXECUTION论文; QUALITY论文; platform论文; PRICE论文; order论文; optimization论文; Information and Navigation College论文; Air Force Engineering University论文; Air Traffic Control and Navigation College论文; Sergeant School论文; Air Force Communication论文;