文/米珍妮 中俄文版《孔子学院》编辑
2010 年5 月初,总部推出《孔子学院》多语种系列期刊,其中包括中俄文版《孔子学院》,这一消息引起圣彼得堡孔子学院的高度关注。总部希望包括我们在内的几家孔子学院对该杂志的发展和总体运营计划发表看法并介绍自身优势。首先,圣彼得堡是俄罗斯最大的城市之一,作为世界文化的瑰宝,一直以来吸引着包括中国人在内的各国游客;其次,圣彼得堡大学在全世界排名领先,其东方系是俄罗斯历史最悠久、最优秀的研究东方国家的机构之一。因此,圣彼得堡孔子学院在参与竞标的多个孔子学院中脱颖而出。当时的孔子学院院长阿列克谢·罗季诺夫(Alexey Rodionov)征求我的意见,有没有意愿做这个项目,成为俄语杂志的责任编辑。我对此很感兴趣,尽管之前没有类似的工作经验,但还是欣然接受,因为俗话说得好:手比头高,实践出真知。5 月底,我同罗季诺夫在上海与总部项目官员以及西班牙、阿拉伯、法国、日本、泰国、韩国等新刊编辑代表见面,之后便展开了杂志的创建工作。
我们需要在一个月内出版第1 期杂志。正如我刚刚所提到的,这对于我们来说是一个巨大的挑战,因为除了美编之外,其他人都没有编辑经验。第一项任务是紧急招聘员工,要求不仅能胜任创办高水平杂志的工作,而且还要认真负责、热情投入。这一工作进展顺利,我聘用的每个员工都干劲十足。我们还找到了一位出色的美编,杂志顺利发行很大程度上归功于她。美编叶莲娜·弗拉基米拉娃 (Elena Vladimirova)从第1 期开始就主持杂志的设计、排版工作,用自身的才华将文本和照片创造性地加工为一篇篇美文。
第1 期由于时间紧张,还来不及组建专业的作者团队,我们主要采纳了中英文刊的文章,但是这一期也有我们自己的文章,如对著名中国诗歌翻译家谢列布连科夫(E. Serebriakov)教授的采访。他著作颇丰,还培养了几代圣彼得堡汉学家,一生结识了很多中国著名作家和文学家,如巴金、曹靖华、茅盾、张天翼等。从这一期起,“书海泛舟”版块就已经出现,这一栏目为推广中国文学而服务,介绍与中国相关的文学新书,之后成为常设专栏,广受读者欢迎。
后来弗拉索娃(N. Vlasova)、索娜嘉 (N. Somkina)、林一诺 (E. Kolpachkova)等圣彼得堡国立大学的老师也相继加入,形成了专业的翻译团队,而且还出现了专栏作者,这一切都让我们的工作如虎添翼。还有一些作者与我们杂志在各阶段达成合作,如天津师范大学的李逸津教授撰写过关于中国民俗生活的趣文;圣彼得堡国立大学索嘉威 (A. Storozhuk)教授向我们介绍中国诗歌以及中国美食知识;新西伯利亚国立大学教授、孔子课堂负责人科米萨洛夫(S. Komissarov)开辟了“中华民族” “世界遗产” 专栏,多年来已成为该专栏无可替代的主持人;亚米尼亚的格里戈良 (A. Grigorian)老师介绍过少儿汉语教学;常居中国的阿卡罗诺娃(M. Agaronova)、阿尔马梅多夫(A. Almametov)以及阿比耶娃(A. Abieva)、穆拉维耶娃(V. Muraviova)、彼得罗夫(K. Petrov)等写过中国游记、游客攻略,还配有精美专业的照片;彼得罗夫还创立了“中国历史”专栏,作为一名历史学家,跟读者分享其在这一领域的见解;来自俄罗斯科学院远东研究所的科罗博娃(A. Korobova)在杂志上发表过关于中国传统和中国文学的文章;张宝明(北京语言大学教授、北京汉字研究会副会长)教授讲述过与汉字有关的故事;茶艺专家习纽金(A. Siniukhin)在他的文章中向读者介绍了各种茶;西伯利亚国际关系与区域研究学院的奇斯佳科娃(A. Chistiakova)的文章遍及各个领域,有关于中国文化的,也有中国旅行游记;来自圣彼得堡国立大学的索娜嘉谈到了中国十二生肖文化,还有刘中文(《苏州教育学院学报》编辑)给读者介绍了中国的昆曲。
从第2 期起,中俄文版《孔子学院》推出了“文学角落”专栏,成为我们杂志的“名片”。第一篇作品是王安忆的《给孩子的故事》,由夏皮罗(R. Shapiro)翻译。同时,中国作家协会与我们的成功合作,帮助我们出版了许多著名作家的作品译著,其中包括铁凝、韩少功、苏童、冯骥才、王蒙、刘震云、刘恒、何建明等作家的作品译本。此外,我们在2012 年的第1 期中出版了莫言的《酒国》节选,同年10 月,莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖。在某种程度上说,我们预见了这一幸事。同年,杂志发表了翻译莫言作品的翻译家叶果夫(I. Egorov)对莫言的专访。
In early May 2010, the Confucius Institute Headquarters launched multilingual versions of the Confucius Institute with different languages, including the Chinese-Russian version, which attracted great attention from the Confucius Institute at Saint-Petersburg State University. The Headquarters asked several Confucius Institutes, including us, to deliver our views on the development of and the overall operation plan for the magazine and to introduce our own strengths. First of all, Saint Petersburg is one of the largest cities in Russia. As a treasure of global culture, it has been attracting tourists from all over the world, including the Chinese people. Secondly, as one of the top university in the world, Saint-Petersburg State University owns Faculty of Oriental Studies, which is one of the most time-honored and best research institutes for oriental countries in Russia. Therefore, the Confucius Institute at Saint-Petersburg State Universities stood out among many Confucius Institutes participating in the competitive bidding. Alexey Rodionov, the Director of the Confucius Institute at that time, asked me if I would like to undertake the project and become the chief editor of the Russian edition. I had deep interest for that, although I had no same work experience before, I still accepted the offer. As the saying goes, Experience is the best teacher. At the end of May, Rodionov and I met in Shanghai with project officers from the Headquarters and representatives of editors of new versions of the Confucius Institute such as Spain, Arab, France, Japan, Thailand and Korea, and then we started planning the periodical.
1.3 排除标准 ①患儿同时患有影响疾病恢复的其他因素,如先天性心脏病、营养不良、免疫力功能低下等等;②肛周皮肤有破溃者;③对热毒宁过敏者。
In addition to the columns commonly found in editions of other languages, we boast other special columns, such as “The Chinese Nation”, “Mysterious Chinese Characters” and “Folktales” that depict the traditions and characteristics of China’s ethnic minorities, “Chinese Tea” introducing the characteristics of various kinds of tea and the well-received “Chinese Film”. After a sample survey among readers, we have added other new columns including “Chinese History”, “Modern China”, “Chinese Cuisine” and “Idiom Stories”.
我们还在期刊上开设了汉语课堂,旨在为想学习中文的人提供帮助。我们先是刊登了汉语桥比赛中的一些题目,然后整理发表了一系列HSK 词汇。
2017 年底,中俄文版《孔子学院》的海外协办工作从圣彼得堡国立大学孔子学院转移到新西伯利亚国立技术大学孔子学院。借此契机,新合作人和作者的加入,大大拓宽了文章和照片渠道。我们的任务是持续扩大稿件来源, 提高俄语地区各学校师生投稿积极性, 不断提高中俄文版《孔子学院》的质量。
We had to publish the first issue within one month. As I just mentioned, it was a great challenge for us, because no one else had any editorial experience except the art editor. Our first task was to recruit staff immediately. The employees must not only be qualified for publishing magazines with high-quality, but also be conscientious, responsible and committed. The process went very well, and each employee I hired was highly motivated. We also found an excellent art editor named Elena Vladimirova who attributed the successful publication to herself to a great extent. She has been in charge of the design and typography of the magazine since the first issue, and has creatively processed the texts and photographs into a number of beautiful articles with her own talents.
Technical problems often arose in our work. During the process of solving problems, we have improved our efficiency and at the same time accumulated our experience.
In the first issue, we mainly selected articles from English magazines due to the lack of time for building a professional team of authors. But in this issue, we also had our own articles, such as an interview with Professor E. Serebriakov, the famous translator of Chinese poetry. He is also a prolific author who cultivated generations of Chinese scholars in St. Petersburg and was acquainted throughout his life with many famous Chinese writers and litterateurs, such as Ba Jin, Cao Jinghua, Mao Dun and Zhang Tianyi. Starting from this issue, the column “Sea of Books” has made its debut, which served to promote Chinese literature by introducing new literary books related to China. Later it becomes a permanent column and is well received by readers.
From 2011 to 2012, the Chinese-Russian edition launched “Poets’ Workshop”. S. Toroptsev, a famous translator and poet, opened a master class for poetry translation from Chinese to Russian, in which a specific poem would first be presented to the readers, and a detailed analysis of various Russian renditions would be published in the next issue. At that time, we also held translation competitions on the basic of the magazine.
The Chinese-Russian version has rolled out the column named “Literature Corner” since the second issue, which became the signature of our magazine. The first work was Wang Anyi’s Stories for Children translated by R.Shapiro. Over the past few years, through the cooperation with the Chinese Writers’ Association, many translated version of the works of the famous writers have been published successfully, among which include Tie Ning, Han Shaogong, Su Tong, Feng Jicai, Wang Meng, Liu Zhenyun, Liu Heng, He Jianming and other famous writers. Besides, an excerpt from Mo Yan’s The Republic of Wine was published in the first issue of 2012, the same year Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature in October. So it could be said that we had foreseen this event. In addition, in 2012, our magazine published an article about I. Egorov’s interview with Mo Yan, the Russian translator of Mo Yan’s works.
Then, teachers from Saint Petersburg State University, such as N.Vlasova, N. Somkina and E. Kolpachkova, joined us and a professional translation team was thus formed, and some columnists also joined in. All this has enabled us to work with greater strengths. Some other authors have collaborated with our magazine at various stages, such as Professor Li Yijin of Tianjin Normal University who has written interesting articles about the folk life in China; Professor A. Storozhuk of Saint Petersburg State University who has introduced to us Chinese poetry and Chinese cuisine. S. Komissarov, Professor of Novosibirsk State University and Director of the Confucius Classroom, has created columns on “the Chinese Nation” and “World Heritage” and has become the irreplaceable host of this column over the years. A. Grigorian, a teacher in Armenia, has introduced the Chinese language teaching for children. M. Agaronova, A. Almametov, A. Abieva, V. Muraviova and K. Petrov who often lived in China, have written travel notes about China and tourist guides, with exquisite and high-quality photos. K. Petrov, a historian, has founded the column “Chinese History” to share with readers his views concerning this field. A. Korobova, from Institute of Far Eastern Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences, has published articles about Chinese traditions and Chinese literature in our magazine. Zhang Baoming, a Professor of Beijing Language and Culture University and Vice President of Beijing International Research Institute of Chinese Characters, has told stories related to Chinese characters. A. Siniukhin, an expert in tea art, who introduced various kinds of tea in his articles to readers. A. Chistiakova, from Siberian Institute of International Relations and Regional Studies, has written articles about almost everything ranging from Chinese culture to travel notes. N. Somkina, from Saint Petersburg State University, has talked about Chinese Zodiac culture; and Liu Zhongwen, Editor of Journal of Suzhou College of Education, has introduced to readers Kunqu Opera.
2015 年,我们在圣彼得堡国立大学孔子学院网站上添加了杂志电子版,可以查看往期期刊内容,还可以订阅并快速查收新期刊。
2011—2012 年,中俄刊推出了“诗人工坊”。著名的翻译家、诗人托罗普采夫(S. Toroptsev)开办了汉译俄诗歌翻译大师班,先向读者指定某篇诗歌,然后在下一期中详细分析各种译文。当时以期刊为平台,我们还举办了翻译竞赛。
In 2015, we added digital issues of the magazine to the official website of the Confucius Institute at Saint-Petersburg State University to ensure that readers can view the content of previous issues, subscribe and receive the latest issues as soon as possible.
We have also opened Chinese language classes in our magazine to help people who want to learn Chinese. We first published some questions from “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition, and then sorted out and published a series of HSK vocabularies.
80例患者围术期资料详见表2。三组在创伤严重度评分(ISS)、伤口污染程度、Gustilo-Anderson分型、按骨科创伤协会(Orthopaedic Traumatological Association,OTA)分型、伤口创面覆盖方式方面的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。手术时间的长短依次为LCP组>UTN组>UEF组,三组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。同样,术中失血量的多少依次为LCP组>UTN组>UEF组,三组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。但是,三组间住院时间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
At the end of 2017, the editorial work of the Confucius Institute Chinese-Russian version was transferred from the Confucius Institute at Saint-Petersburg State University to the Confucius Institute at Novosibirsk State University of Technology. In term of this opportunity, we had come into contact with new collaborators and a new group of writers, which have broadened the sources of articles and photos. Our task is to continuously expand the source of contributions and boost the enthusiasm of teachers and students in Russian-speaking regions for contributing to the magazine as well as constantly improve the quality of the Confucius Institute Chinese-Russian version.
Bring You Closer into Magnificent World of Chinese Literature
By/Evgenia Mikina, Editor of the Confucius Institute Chinese-Russian bilingual version
标签:圣彼得堡论文; 国立大学论文; 中国文学论文; 中俄文版《孔子学院》论文;