

  1. 答:About Tele-dictionary
    Nowadays many people use tele
    -dictionaries to look up words.I know it is very convenient . We can put it in the bag or in our pocket and we can carry it anywhere.
    In addition, many tele-dictionaries have many other effects.For exaple, we can take time schedule in it,store some important messages in it ,such as friends' adresses, E-mail, telephone numbers.
    On the other hand, maybe we will depend on the tele-dictionary.That is to say, when we meet a new word in reading,we will refer to it without thinking about it ourselves.So it can make us lazy.
  2. 答:Dictionaris are of GREat use and help in learnig English.They are just like teachers when we need help.When we meet new words,just turn to them for help.They will never refuse to offer great to us. the words out like real people,they are easy to carry and use.
    We have to use dictionaries properly and we needn't look up every word in the
    dictionaries.Sometimes we havt to guess the meaning out according to the context.
  3. 答:it is good to form the habit of looking up a dictionary when we have difficulty in learning english. first,a dictionary can tell you the meaning of the word you don't know. second, it can tell the pronunciation of a word when you can read it. third, if you can translate something from chinese, you can also look up a chinese english dictionary. so look up a dictionary whenever you have difficulty.
  1. 答:学院主要指门类科目较少、专业性强的高等教育机构。学院可以作为独立的学校,同时很多大学也拥有自己下属的二级学院(与系相同)或普通高等学校与国家机构以外的社会组织或者个人合作设置的独立学院。
  1. 答:“不可能”三个字,是我字典中所没有的。法国近代资产阶级军事家,政治家 拿破仑
    字典里最重要的三个词,就是意志、工作、等待。我将要在这三块基石上建立我成功的金字塔。 字典名言法国科学家 巴斯德
    青年之字典,无“困难”之字;青年之口头,无“障碍”之语;惟知跃进,惟知雄飞,惟知本身自由之精神,奇僻之思想,锐敏之直觉,活泼之生命,以创造环境,征服历史。 李大钊
    成功的人,都有浩然的气概,他们都有是大胆的,勇敢的。他们字典上,是没有“惧怕”两个字的,他们自信他们的能力是能够干一切事业的,他们自认他们是个很有价值的人。美国人际关系学大师 戴尔·卡耐基
    我知道我自己根本就不可能不爱她,可我在那些恶言恶语里明显感觉到,我的爱在一点一点变少。无限的趋近于零,最要命的是,它永远不会真正变成零。永远有一个小小的亮点在那里,你可以不管它,当它不存在,可是天杨这个小妖精,她总是在这种时候突然显现出她所向无敌的温暖和光芒,强大而妖娆,然后就是星星之火可以燎原,然后一切就又重新开始。 你知道那时候我是多渴望传说中的爱情吗?我以为它可以把我从这无边无际的寂寞中解救出来,我以为有了爱情之后我可以更爱这个世界一点,我以为这是让这本冷漠的字典对我微笑的唯一的办法。 关于字典的名言原名李笛安,中国青春文学女作家 笛安 《告别天堂》
