Title:Health technology evaluation and application based on log analysis of large equipment
论文来源:外科研究与新技术 2019
Abstract:Objective through intelligent analysis of equipment log files, more accurate equipment operation information can be obtained from the logs, which can provide effective evidence for purchasing decision-making with hb-hta method. Methods collecting the log files of CT equipment, using pandas statistical software to analyze the data of boot time, effective time, number of checks and number of scans, and then using Pearson analysis method to analyze the correlation of the number of scans, boot efficiency, total boot time and other indicators. Results there was only a moderate correlation between the number of scans and the total boot time, but a weak correlation between the utilization rate and the total boot time. Conclusion due to its long service life and high maintenance rate, the equipment has a low utilization rate and can not reach the load. Therefore, when using hb-hta for procurement demonstration, the results can be used as the basis for hospital level research.
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本文来源: https://www.lw33.cn/article/05609a4aac2eaca955e6432e.html