A Job Interview,A Valuable Lesson,本文主要内容关键词为:Interview论文,Job论文,Lesson论文,Valuable论文,此文献不代表本站观点,内容供学术参考,文章仅供参考阅读下载。
Last summer,as soon as school was over,I thought maybe I could spend the summer in a way different from previous ones.But how?Perhaps I could take a part-time job and make some money.I was offered an interview sonn after I filed my application to Kentucky Fried Chicken.
The interview was three days ahead.To prepare for it,I went through Interuiew Skills,a book which prepares readers for job interviews.My mom and dad tried to help by giving me simulated interviews one after another.They made me answer all the questions they believed the manager would ask.I was all ready the day before the interview.
I answered all the manager's questions well.After all,my mom and dad had expected all of them and I just needed to repeat the answers I had prepared.Besides,I had carried myself well throughout the interview.My facial expression,my voice,my...all were excellent.I felt the job was already mine.That night I calculated how much money I would make,and I planned the ways I would like to spend it.
Two days after the interview,I was watching television light-heartedly when the phone rang.It was my classmate Yukun,nicknamed Pirate because he just loved sailing.He invited me to his birthday party the next evening."Happy birthday!"I said to Yukun as I entered his house.
Then several others arrived."Happy birthday and congratulations on finding a job!"
I was glad that someone else had the same idea as I on how to spend the summer."Yukun,what kind of job have you found?"
"Well,just taking orders and stuff like that.At the Kentucky Fried Chicken."Said Yukun.
"Kentucky Fried Chicken?"I was a little surprised.
"Yeah.I was so lucky to get it.You know,there was only one vacancy."He was all smiles.
"When I mentioned I liked sailing,the manager showed great enthusiasm and asked me some questions relating to sailing.Then I knew the job was mine,"he went on.
My heart sank.No wonder I hadn't gotten a word from them so far.
I could no longer stay at the party and left saying that I had a terrible headache.
On my way home,I kept asking myself why the job went to him,not me.Anyway,the manager definitely smiled at me until the end of the interiew.And I had excelled Yukun.
文章很有趣,找工作面试确实是一个很现实的问题,作者说明了一个现实问题,高分不一定是最重要的,但最后对interpersonal intelligence看法有点勉强。
本文来源: https://www.lw33.cn/article/330e199cf577e4ac10f6b7cb.html