
李琳 - cantenas出版集团数字化经营路径研究

Title:Research on the digital operation path of cantenas Publishing Group




论文来源:视听 2019


Abstract:With the advent of the all media era, the global magazine publishing market began to appear industry turbulence, magazine circulation declined, and even many excellent brand magazines appeared signs of suspension. In this context, digital transformation has become the survival choice. Cantenas group, a world-famous multinational magazine publisher, has always been the pioneer in the field of magazine publishing. With its capital, technology and strength, it has been exploring digital operation for many years, and its digital strategy has strong foresight and demonstration. Starting from three aspects of its content production, communication and promotion channels, and profit-making business model, this paper presents the digital operation path of Kangtai Nashi publishing group as a whole, trying to provide some experience for China's magazine publishing industry.


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