Title:Design and analysis of energy dissipation structure with lateral double strangled protection for simple supported beam bridge
论文来源:公路交通科技(应用技术版) 2019
Abstract:Damage state of transverse bridge seismic damage; design idea of double choke protection block; energy dissipation structure design of double choke protection based on transverse bridge protection. This study refers to the damage state of transverse earthquake damage of simply supported beam bridge, with the help of conceptual analysis of design principle, carries out special analysis and Exploration on the design subject of transverse double strangled energy dissipation structure of simply supported beam bridge, so as to provide research and technical reference for the application of similar projects and help to realize high-quality and safe double strangled energy dissipation beam bridge project.
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本文来源: https://www.lw33.cn/article/4f0d2dd60f5fdce584d8e3c4.html