友谊之交 看见美丽
A Journey of Friendship
Sakai Mikio, a senior administrator of Fukui Television Station, Japan,speaks at the Forum held in Hangzhou about the trilateral cooperation since the 1980s between Hangzhou TV, Fukui TV and Chuncheon MBC.
The curtain came down on the fi rst Zhejiang Media Cooperation and Communication Forum with International Friendship Cities held in October 2019.International guests attending the forum and touring some parts of Zhejiang got a glimpse of the charms of Zhejiang.
International sister cities are an important part of state-to-state communication. The success of such communication derives from the engagement of peoples of the world and sincere and honest cultural exchanges.
For three days in October, nearly 120 media representatives from 67 countries in Asia, Europe, Americas and Africa, traveled in two separate groups and visited many places in the province where they witnessed flourishing economic growth, experienced traditional Chinese culture, and enjoyed agreeable green ecology.The tours were more than a field study experience.They were journeys of culture and friendship.
The forum participants listen attentively.
本文来源: https://www.lw33.cn/article/52ec6995a953fb5f6b6710b1.html