Title:Discussion on cross border e-commerce development strategy of characteristic agricultural products in Yunnan Province under the background of "one belt and one road"
论文来源:辽宁经济职业技术学院.辽宁经济管理干部学院学报 2019
Abstract:Compared with the traditional international trade, the advantages of cross-border e-commerce are more significant. However, with the increasing trade conflicts between China and the United States, China's agricultural cross-border e-commerce is facing severe challenges. Yunnan cross border e-commerce is a typical case. In order to achieve the healthy development of cross border electricity suppliers of agricultural products, we discussed the feasibility development strategy of cross border electricity suppliers of plateau products with the strategic background of ", " and strategic background, and put forward corresponding countermeasures from the aspects of government policy support, logistics and other infrastructure construction, transformation of farmers' ideology and professional talents, and brand building of agricultural products. Sexual development plays a certain role in promoting.
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本文来源: https://www.lw33.cn/article/7a65bfc5afb0c2e87907985e.html