Title:The reflection and reconstruction of the professional quality of the master's tutor
论文来源:当代音乐 2019
Abstract:At present, the teaching effect of Postgraduates in the direction of vocal music teaching and research in normal universities in China is not optimistic, which shows that the social recognition is not high and the quality is low. The reason is that different people have different opinions, but one of the main reasons that can not be ignored is the professional quality of the Tutor (before, after and at present) and the problem of "learning without thinking" and "teaching without thinking" in teaching. Therefore, from the perspective of criticism, through self-examination and reflection, it is the call of the modern graduate education and teaching reform of normal university to actively build a new tutor culture suitable for the talent model of musicology graduate students.
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本文来源: https://www.lw33.cn/article/b17400f6dbbe2840f9eb771b.html