
龙华,张洲,郭阳阳,邹东文,邵明珠,曹静 - “岗位证书课程竞赛”深度融合的高职汽车修理专业人才培养模式研究

Title:Research on the training mode of automobile repair professional in Higher Vocational Colleges with the deep integration of "post certificate course competition"




论文来源:内燃机与配件 2019


Abstract:With the rapid development of automobile technology, electronic control technology has been widely used, and automobile has become more intelligent. A large number of high-tech electronic technologies have not only improved the performance of automobile, but also put forward new challenges to the traditional automobile maintenance industry, and higher requirements for higher vocational personnel training. Based on the analysis of the existing problems and causes in the connection between the training of automobile repair talents in Colleges and universities and the needs of industries and enterprises, this paper puts forward the construction of the training mode of automobile repair talents, which is the deep integration of the & quot; post certification course competition & quot;, so as to promote the effective connection between the training of automobile repair talents in Higher Vocational Colleges and the needs of talents in industries.


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