Title:Analysis on the development situation and Countermeasures of Macadamia Nut Industry in Menghai County
论文来源:林业调查规划 2019
Abstract:This paper introduces the basic situation of Macadamia planting in China, the development status of Macadamia industry in Menghai County, analyzes the existing problems, and probes into the following aspects: unique climate characteristics, the largest tea garden area in the province, low-quality and low-yield tea garden intercropping, establishing Macadamia breeding base, introducing scientific and technological forces, promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, increasing planting training, and developing breeding industry in the orchard This paper discusses the relevant countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of Macadamia Nut Industry in Menghai county.
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本文来源: https://www.lw33.cn/article/e9662bb3c187df8c2f830ccd.html